Sudayev's PPS-43: Submachine Gun Simplicity Perfected

Sudayev's PPS-43: Submachine Gun Simplicity Perfected

Forgotten Weapons

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Rainer Kinzinger
Rainer Kinzinger - 30.08.2023 08:58

Wow, I love the fact that the barrel has a rough finish on the outside. Just magnificent! I hands down love the soviet/russian military engineering approach.

Jonn Mero
Jonn Mero - 26.08.2023 13:39

Excellent presentation with a delightful lack of denigrating something from Soviet Union.

Franky46Boy - 16.08.2023 21:27

After the siege of Leningrad was broken, the civilian and military leadership of that city ended up in Soviet jails...

Vincent Berkan
Vincent Berkan - 29.07.2023 04:29

I saw a video where one of these was chambered for .45 ACP.

Finn L
Finn L - 10.07.2023 09:47

I feel like this is a gun that easily could be modified to meet modern desires without adding much if any complications. Make the stock adjustable, make the sights nicer with option to add optics, threaded barrel to take a suppresser, MAYBE a side rail for a light or IR... not much else needed really. Maybe change the caliber too to something like 9 or 5.7, but i can see police or militaries still wanting it.

Yo_mama64 - 01.07.2023 04:46


A T - 24.06.2023 05:58

That is one gangsta looking weapon.

Leon Bone
Leon Bone - 17.06.2023 08:25

ФМ is FM, i don't what it means tbh.

Oren Stein
Oren Stein - 03.06.2023 14:40

Can you compare the PPS, the grease gun and the Sten? What is the cheapest way to get a gun to a soldier? And which one was the most effective?

Bored Bricks
Bored Bricks - 01.06.2023 06:52

It kinda looks like a Soviet MP40.

葉志宏 - 28.05.2023 14:42

Good a nice one

David Stanic
David Stanic - 28.05.2023 04:31

Is there a semi version for us mortals?

K Hanis
K Hanis - 22.05.2023 06:43

Do we give this one to Ivan, Ivan, or Ivan?

Bristol Fashion
Bristol Fashion - 21.05.2023 15:09

Thanks for the usual clear, informative and interesting vid. 🙂 This appears to be a good example of a design that is cheap and quick to make but on the other hand, remains useable and effective.

Ray theRain
Ray theRain - 21.05.2023 05:28

The AK before there is an AK-47.

David Corbin
David Corbin - 30.04.2023 23:14

A survivor of the great patriotic war

Rigger_Rope_access_Welder - 25.04.2023 02:25


GT 7
GT 7 - 12.04.2023 11:04

A masterpiece of simplistic yet functional design. The designer was a genius

P Hann
P Hann - 03.04.2023 12:48

Very good video, the gun looks surprisingly elegant and I assume durable. Not rubbish in other words.

alexander ionov
alexander ionov - 29.03.2023 21:47

Разве можно этот шедевр сравнить с американской тавотницей-шприцом или со Стэном?

BruvReallyMate - 26.03.2023 05:58

dam this thing built like an airplane seatbelt

Семён Семёныч
Семён Семёныч - 25.03.2023 08:07

It's a little-know fact that starting with August-September of 1944, all Soviet heavy tanks (IS-2 and later on IS-3) were factory-equipped with three PPS-43. The Soviets copied the American way of equipping the lend-leased Shermans M4A with four M-3 "grease guns."

Gudrich - 24.03.2023 17:18

Когда держишь этот пистолет пулемёт в руках понимаешь то что сделал его настоящий гений !
Этот пистолет пулемёт и сегодня заткнёт за пояс современные пистолеты пулемёты которые сделаны из пластмассы и пивных банок.
When you hold this submachine gun in your hands , you understand what a real genius did !
Even today, this submachine gun will plug modern submachine guns that are made of plastic and beer cans into the belt.

Dubbelehalvezool - 15.03.2023 05:12

This gun would cost about 200 euros/dollars or less to produce nowadays. If you want to make a million of them, you could probably bring that down to 150 euros/dollar a piece. Impressive by any standard. (Oh and I'm talking making it in a NATO country, not China or Pakistan, where it would be even less).

Jonas Zimmermann
Jonas Zimmermann - 11.03.2023 21:40

Г - russian G. Year is год (god, read as spelled, letters one by one)

Nickname Nick
Nickname Nick - 07.03.2023 22:48

Best simple gun ever made and the cartridge is awesome too

Paul Kosoff
Paul Kosoff - 06.03.2023 01:45

Great (and short!) video. However, it would be easier to just pronounce P-P-eSh, instead of P-P-S-H ;)

Георгич Коржев
Георгич Коржев - 01.03.2023 13:36

ППШ выпустили около 6 миллионов,а ППС-43 (вместе с ППС-42),около 500 000 шт.
Хоть у ППШ и был магазин секторный ("рожковый"),но,выход патрона был Однорядный,при двухрядном магазине (примерно,как у МР-38,40), а у ППСа и выход патрона был двухрядный... вспоминаем магазин АК,АКМ,АК74 !
И,секторные магазины ППШ сложно заряжать (да и барабанный,та ещё "радость"... и в окопе-то ),особенно последние патроны ...30-35-ые.,.что нет сложности у двухрядного магазина ППС.

Георгич Коржев
Георгич Коржев - 01.03.2023 13:22

У ППС-42 ,кожух и крышка ствольной коробки,состояли из двух частей,соеденены точечной сваркой,а у ППС-43 из одной общей части,что проще в производстве. В самом начале производства и применения в боевых действиях,в Ленинграде,были неисправности (как всегда у нового оружия,тем более...в то тяжёлое время), невыбрасы гильз,при долгой стрельбе...тогда для эксперимента,сделали патронник несколько больше диаметром,чем принято по чертежам... и ППС-2 стал отлично работать в любых режимах ! Была послана рекомендация,для производства ПП именно с таким патронником ,такие изменения в техническом плане,мог подписать только Сталин,что и было сделано ! Патронник у ППС-43 сделали на 0,1мм.больше,чем проектировали для производства ! Вообще-то, патронники делаются с + по диаметру,а патроны с - по диаметру,естественно, в технических допусках на оружие и патроны !
Это читал в книге по производству ПП во время ВОВ. Как говорится - "за что купил,за то и продаю". Такие дела .
С ув. .

Dmitry Kozhin
Dmitry Kozhin - 28.02.2023 20:27

My grandmother was making PPSH in Tbilisi

Zino Davidoff
Zino Davidoff - 01.02.2023 23:42

Plus a mass army is "better" with a 1000rpm and a 70 Rounds drum mag. ;)

Вадим Фетисов
Вадим Фетисов - 14.01.2023 23:54

в вооружении фельдьегерей СпецСвязи использовался до конца 80х, наряду с револьвером Нагана. потом перешли на ПМ и АКМС

Poseidon Energy
Poseidon Energy - 01.01.2023 20:29

time to go to home depot 😈

val vlad
val vlad - 24.12.2022 15:36

7.62x25 makes the difference. Mauser would be proud. No other sub gun is in real vicinity. Precise at 200m, responsive at any distance. Life saver, at least.

Odane Wilson
Odane Wilson - 19.12.2022 01:29

I need 3 boxes of those to buy ok

Rodney Barker
Rodney Barker - 11.12.2022 22:23

Sure puts the US Grease gun to shame. Stamped steel garbage I’ve heard from marine tankers in Viet Nam that they “accidentally “. dropped” them in front of there tank treads.

Vu Dong Hai
Vu Dong Hai - 08.12.2022 20:01

PPS-43 was absolutely perfect in the siege of Leningrad when the less metal used for making the weapon made it perfect when Leningrad was cut off from supplies. Unfortunately, Sudayev died too soon, probably due to the toll on his health during his time in Leningrad. He died in 1946 at the age of 34.

Even Kalashnikov in his memoir said that the whole Soviet arms industry took a huge loss. Not every person could rise to the peak in such a short time when professional designers could take years or decades to make it. Kalashnikov described Sudayev as a man who was very critical and objective when judging and examining his guns and others'. If you watch the film AK-47 (2020), which is a Russian film, you can see many scenes when Sudayev was really weak but he still tried his best to give Kalashnikov advice on his AK.

[anonymous] - 03.12.2022 20:25

I saw one of these at a gun show a few years ago for 650 dollars, but i was too young to purchase firearms at the time. Now im old enough and recently bought a Maadi ARM as my first gun purchase

[anonymous] - 03.12.2022 20:13

I see Soviet gun, i click

Hungry Burger
Hungry Burger - 02.12.2022 05:35


Rico Go
Rico Go - 13.11.2022 02:16

Ian, I fired both the PPS-43 and the Sten MkII in the US. Out of the two, what would be your preference? ( I have mine and I can explain and detail but I won't tell, yet ... ).

Hjerte Verke
Hjerte Verke - 13.11.2022 01:55

If you're late to the party and watching this in 2022, switch on the subtitles and you will see that there's more info in them than Ian is actually saying. I've never before seen "CC PLUS". Bravo.

Scott Humphries
Scott Humphries - 12.11.2022 21:36

I love the look of the PPS43, I have a 1944 Russian produced example also with C Code. Design wise, a work of art given the circumstances it was made. Return spring rod also bolt guide and the ejector.. trigger/sear spring also the takedown latch spring. Folding stock def resembles that of MP 40, but has a tighter lock and is more rigid over constant use. Top button to release stock lock amazing. By far my favourite SMG ever. You can keep your Uzi, MP5 etc etc., I’d go to war with a PPS43 in 7.62 Tokerev if I was going to war with a SMG.
I have PPSh41 too, 1944 dated. I prefer the PPS43. I believe the PPSh had a longer service life based purely on fact that it was part of the image of the Soviet soldier to be seen brandishing one, image stamped into medals etc, interestingly though, Russia did make a Coin with the PPS43 on!
Germans used PPS43 if they could get hold of them, plenty of pictures online in hands of Germans, not as many as PPSh41 though.
I believe if the Com-Block wasn’t so closed off the 7.62x25 would have became a universally accepted round. In my opinion much better than 9mm. Not bad for a round initially produced for the Mauser C96. (Never fire Russian 7.62x25 Tokerev in a C96 though. The Tokerev round is much hotter) I believe 7.62 Mauser could be fired in PPSh41 but due to lower power the rate of fire wasn’t as high? Anyone confirm this?
I live in UK, so my examples are deactivated. Still Cocks, dry fires and stock folds etc, mags not cut etc. even completely strippable. So, that’s one thing we have over the USA. Gun laws are so strange country to country.

Micah Bonewell
Micah Bonewell - 05.11.2022 20:01

Would this or other eastern front sub machine guns have been considered reliable in the pacific theatre?

Tommy Two Tacos
Tommy Two Tacos - 01.11.2022 11:23

I like this show because it's like that History Channel show "Wild West Tech" with more technical explanations and less auto-erotic asphyxiation.

John Spencer
John Spencer - 30.10.2022 22:10

I finally saw one of these yesterday and it is so much cruder in the flesh at the National Museum in Yearvan. It almost looks like something put together in a shed by a child. Truly simple truly deadly.

userXDNet - 24.10.2022 21:35

" C " mark mean Schet Mash factory ("counting machines factory") making mechanical calculators.

Soviet Tank Commander
Soviet Tank Commander - 07.09.2022 15:09

Sadly this excellent gun is often overshadowed by the PPSh

Mason Perkins
Mason Perkins - 07.09.2022 06:08

You can go shoot one of these in Kissimmee, Florida at Machine Guns America. It was a blast! The one I shot stove-piped a lot, but it was still my favorite. Much lighter than a Thompson, yet 100% better recoil control. It could just drill the center of the target with little effort.
