thanks for your very good demo but its hard for me to understand what i should write first and what should write at the end
can you upload the working code that you test ....
Hi..Your tutorials are awesome.Please do a tutorial on how to use RTC in STM32. Thanks in advance
ОтветитьIf I want to have a Fixed frequency and the variable duty cycle (the problem is not the duty cycle) the problem is to set a frequency above 15khz which forms utilisations to establish in the code and have a similar output since they always appear only 1khz with the scope
Ответитьwow... what a tutorial !!!
ОтветитьThis is the best and most intuitive tutorial ever...
ОтветитьHi Eddie, thanks for the great tutorial.
How do I configure it if want to change the duty cycle each time I press the blue button (portA 0)
Hello, Thanks for the Video! I am trying to make my own board, but the problem is that when I program the micro using the stlink, it dies (smoking!). The thing is that I've designed Boot0 and Boot1 to GND directly with no resistor, and the OSC32_IN to GND and the OSC32_OUT to sink the current from a pair resistor-led connected to the 3.3v. Idk why it is burning my stm32f103c8 when I program it. Could you help me?
ОтветитьDUDE! your presentation is superb and helps demystify and shorten the learning curve by A LOT! THANK YOU!!
ОтветитьGesus thanks for making this!!!
Ответитьhi, how to use logic analyzer with keil?
ОтветитьHey great video, I'm looking for the datasheet and I can't found can someone gives me a link pls
ОтветитьNice video. Do you plan to do a tutorial on PWM input too?
Ответитьhey eddie nice video if you could just make a video wich you adjust a dc motor by this program what would be great ... :p
ОтветитьExcelente video. Thanks.
ОтветитьThis video is incredibly useful!!!! I’ll see all the other in the playlist, thank you so much!!
ОтветитьSir, this is a great informative video thank you so much for uploading this. However i got a question, if you want to create a „sinusoidal“ output at least for the motor pretended would you have to set a seperate register which changes the CCR4 register figure every period or how would you do this?
ОтветитьSo it's 4 PWM outputs max? Or is it 16?
As I understand it, there are 4 PWM timers so we can have 4 different (or same) time bases. Each timer can output to 4 different OC pins with different duty cycle so we can actually have 16 PWM outputs.
Or am I getting something wrong here?
Awesome! Very nice tutorial. Thanks man. Actually your waveform is pretty accurate because your actual prescaler is 72+1=73 and ARR value is 1000+1=1001, So (72Mhz/(73*1001))= 985.3 hz . May I know what kind of logic analyzer is that?
ОтветитьHi. A small detail that I learned from a colleaugue. If you want to divide your clock by 72 you sould load PSC with 72-1 = 71 because counting from 0 to 71 is 72 intervals. You will see that your period will change from 985.4 Hz to 999.8 Hz. That's what you wanted. This is true for all counters (also ARR), if you want N then load value N-1.
ОтветитьWhy timer1 of stm32f103c disables moe bits every time? And how can we remap pa0- wakeup pin? timer2 channel 1 is mixed with pa0 wake-up pin. Why stm32f103c timer1 dont give good output over 0.7v when we use over 50khz 0.5 duty cycle.
ОтветитьHi, How do you determine the pre scaler value?
ОтветитьGreat lesson on PWM, the best one i've found so far ! I have just started to learn this concepts and this was really helpfull and informative. By the way, i think you should have tried 72-1 on the PSC register, that might be the thing you were looking for in the end.
ОтветитьI have enjoyed watching these timer tutorials, and I plan to watch the others about the STM32, as I have a project that needs an MCU and I have limited knowledge and experience with them, so thanks for putting these together! Now, if you could do one on how to use these timer PWM to individually control several small bipolar steppers, say, using some L293D Quad H-bridges to drive the motors, that would be SUPER useful, especially if that could be expanded on to control more motors than the STM32 has timer channels... I feel like that might have something to do with Bitwise operations and Shift registers? After I have that part worked out, I can work on the rest of it.
Ответитьthank u!
ОтветитьGreat video -
can you us how to create a project in keil?
Hi, Could you please help me with Phase shift in PWM.
İ cant get an output via PB9 help please
Ответитьi need phase shift for this if you know please help
ОтветитьCan this do PWM phase shift?
ОтветитьHey Eddie, thanks for the great videos do you know if there is a way with SWV to show an output waveform of a timer? In my case I am generating a PWM signal and I wanted to use something like SWV trace timeline to view the generated waveform, is this at all possible?
ОтветитьThis video helped immensely, thank you very much.
ОтветитьThanks Eddie!
ОтветитьStill a great video for the bare metal folks. Carry on, Eddie.
ОтветитьYou selected alternate function for timer4 on PB9 , if there are more than one alternate function on a pin how we will select particular alternate function?
ОтветитьHey man! i've found why the frequency was wrong. The preesclaer is set to "PSC + 1". So you were dividing 72MHz by 73000 resulting in 986Hz.
Besides thatt, it's just a great video
Hi Eddie !
I did not understand. How do we find the midpoint of the pwm signal ? Can you help me ?
PSC should be 72-1 for 1 kHz frequency... Thanks for your video..
ОтветитьThe best explanation ever. English is not my language. Even I understood your explanation
Ответитьyour videos are awesome
Can you please provide a tutorial on DMA COMPARE MATCH IN PWM
Thanks a lot👍 Really helpful tutorial. We didn't have enough time to study it in the semester but you saved me. Implementing this in my project. Works perfectly. Amazing work👍
Ответитьthanks a lot <3
ОтветитьWhat is the differnce between PWM and TIMERS IN PWM MODE ??
ОтветитьThanks man, to me it was very helpful. The counter frequency is fpwm=fosc/((ARR+1)*(PSC+1)), that is why you had a difference on your logic analyzer.
I have a question I want to build a synchronous Buck Converter and need to use the PWM on TIM1 ch1..3 with it's complementary outputs and the programmable dead time for that. You talked about the fact that using TIM1 for PWM was not a good idea. The blue pill has these function only on TIM1 ch1..3 so what is the reason that you said that using TIM1 for PWM is not a good idea.
Anyone that can help me is appreciated.
Hi, please can i have the link for this stm32fxx datasheet you are using here?
Ответитьhi eddie . I had one question. Is the desired frequency , the counter clock frequency? or the pwm frequency? which one is it?
ОтветитьHi eddy, I'm using the same way how you did but with timer1 channel3 in stm32f103c8t6 (PA10), It is not working will you help me?
ОтветитьThank you