After Death: The Science Behind The Movie (An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Long)

After Death: The Science Behind The Movie (An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Long)

Discovery Science

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@staceymarie6895 - 29.01.2024 23:18

These people were only dead for moments not dead DEAD. God allowed them a glimpse of the afterlife. They were meant to come back and see life differently and to tell others of their experience. That's about it.

@sorayagolzar3390 - 20.01.2024 02:44

“The very existence of man’s intelligence proves his immortality." – 'Abdu'l-Bahá

@nowhereman9463 - 17.01.2024 17:42

Please define Christian. Are all people equal, or just a few Thanx.

@paulmerritt2484 - 07.12.2023 17:46

There is life after this one. I had my first near death experience at age 5. I drowned in the building pool that was not yet open for the season. I was watching the scene from outside my body and saw them working on me and putting me in the back of the ambulance looking down at the scene as it got smaller and smaller as I went up higher and higher. All went dark and I then head my mother screaming and pleading with God. I woke up in teh morgue in a body bag, naked and toe tagged. My mother was there to identify my body. I have the news paper clipping still and I remember it like yesterday. I had a similar experience praying for my marriage and for my heart to be able to forgive someone. I was so full of upset and struggled all my life with anxiety. I was humbled to the floor and my life flashed before my eyes and I got to see it all as it really was. I saw the truth in everything and my heart was humbled an I felt so sorry for all my wrongs. Jesus appeared to me and told me to follow him. I could not look up. My breath was taken away. I was 50 years old and had been going to church for many years but never humbled myself so much before the Lord and poured my heart out asking him to help me. I knew I was ok when I was in Church singing to God. God is real and loves us dearly and sent his son to suffer and die for us that we could be forgiven our wrongs and go to heaven when we die. We send ourselves to hell on earth when we disobey our conscience to do thew things we know are not kind and are selfish and when we allow darkness and resentments to build in our hearts. We can be set free. My anxiety was cured almost 3 years ago never to return. I live every day with joy unspeakable full of Gods glory. I never knew life coudl be so good. I never knew my marriage could be restored and we would live like honeymooners again even at our age as god made us younger for each other. Good tastes better. The air smells sweater. To those who have trouble with the Bible thinking it is not scientific all I can say is you don't know what is in there or what it means as there are no contradictions to real science in the Bible. Theories do not add up but real observable science does.

@kenwebster5053 - 01.12.2023 14:22

I recall that whiile under annesthia, there was a helecopter transfere in progress. I was aware I was on the table & thought oh hang it, I'm just going to do this, so I prayed aloud for a safe trip for the aircrew, medical staff & patient. I could feel the presence & attention of everyone in the room being drawn into the prayer. The staff's manner after the surgery was, well interesting. I didn't remember the surgeon talking to me after the proceedure, but I remembered the prayer.

@user-ut2bw2zp4h - 23.11.2023 17:05


@DavidVonR - 17.11.2023 01:16

I worked with a guy named Vincent who had a NDE when his heart stopped. He had some kind of heart condition and had to get a pacemaker installed. He said that he saw an angel, and the angel was so beautiful to him that he started crying as he tried to describe it to me.

@steventaylor8785 - 16.11.2023 00:23

In a way we are all living a near death experience. Aren't we just a heartbeat or two, a breath, or lightning strike away from death every day?

@kevlee416 - 15.11.2023 18:57

This is disappointing coming from the Discovery Institute. NDE is outside the physical realm and can't be observed, measured and tested in an objective way. It's entirely subjective. It's not science. It's mysticism. I hope they don't continue featuring these theological subjects as I'm afraid it may detract from the excellent work they have done over many years in presenting scientific evidence for an intelligent Creator.
Moreover, for those who believe the Bible is a reliable guide to such things, the idea of an human immortal soul that lives on outside the body is not even scriptural. The Bible says that life after death depends upon a resurrection and is a gift from God, not something we have already. The Bible says at death we return to dust. It was Satan who said that we don't really die.

@galaxymetta5974 - 15.11.2023 10:03

Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter.

So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.

@joemarshall4226 - 15.11.2023 04:48

I interviewed another famous NDE expert, on radio who actually had TWO NDEs in his own life! I asked him if some people do not have pleasant experiences in their NDEs. He said that the research said that 20% of the individuals reported a "hellish" experience, and they didn't like to talk about it. Experiences included being dragged down by mean demonic beings, great fear, etc. His first experience occurred when he was 26 in the Navy when he was under cold water for quite some time, but was revived. His experience was troubling, a realization that he wasn't living right and had to change his ways. HE said that about 50% of NDE survivors get involved, or continue to be involved with organized religions, and the other half pursue "spirituality" on their own.

@richvail7551 - 14.11.2023 19:43

With humans propensity for romanticism in just about every stage of life, ie. freedom of moving out on your own, having your career choice happen, getting married, having kids and life after death. I’m very sceptical about the accuracy of these out of body experiences.
In the list above there’s always the few that do enjoy those sages of life and even fewer that enjoyed all of them.
The key information here is thousands of people over the years have come forward with these stories. Contrast that with 67 million deaths just in 2022. How many deaths happened during the timeline of the thousands of these studies?
I think there’s way more to this out of body recollection and that hopefully this will give pause to those who think ending it all as a healthy option.
Perhaps there’s work that needs to be done here before any kind of friendly ending is possible; however, with the percentages of people remembering coupled with our history overly simplifying stages of life will lend credence to the idea that we shouldn’t look towards death as our saviour from struggling. 🤷‍♂️

@markb3786 - 14.11.2023 17:36

For anyone claiming that NDE aren't real, please understand they are just as real as any other hallucination.

@waltergreen252 - 14.11.2023 01:15

One doctor heard these nde stories from his patients. He put a word on a placard on top of the cabinet in his surgery. Not one of his nde patients could tell him what the word was. This clearly shows the brain may not be active, but it can still dream.

@johnlewis6792 - 13.11.2023 21:07

Nothing was mentioned here about including those who were near death but did not have any such experiences as mentioned in this interview (i.e., seeing dead loved ones). Why aren't these included in this 'scientific' research?

Jeffrey Long concludes that there is a wonderful life after death for ALL of us, but this is rash. If you do not to include the experiences of those whose brain stopped working but do not report conscious activity during that cessation, then you are not being impartial. This is not good science.

Furthermore, there are no negative NDE's mentioned in this interview. Why do all have positive NDE's?

The Bible makes clear that there is no conscious activity after death. If the enemy of our souls can get us to believe our loved ones are still conscious, we are more vulnerable to deception. If he can get us to believe that this bliss after death will be the fate for ALL, then we are one step away from believing that character development on this side of eternity is not relevant.

@ManuelaChristina1 - 13.11.2023 16:22

I have experience this in my coma after accident and braindamage and bleeding i had a nde and was home where our soul energy coma from❤

@edwardsciacca8012 - 13.11.2023 03:36

U do not need to be near Death to have an OBE out of BODY . if U can Control your Heart Rate .

@ninhil2 - 12.11.2023 22:03

dying is like falling asleep. we are not immortal. get over it.

@Graybeard_ - 12.11.2023 06:15

We are here to experience. We shouldn't take others or ourselves too seriously. We should try our best and let go of the rest.

@tropicaussie4572 - 12.11.2023 05:49


@watchinvidzwatchinvidz7691 - 12.11.2023 01:10

I died before & my brother & sister too did as well & were revived & we all said it was like going to sleep it all just goes black.I got sick as a child with spinal menegitis & they were bith chronic asthmatics.

@merakli2022 - 11.11.2023 23:16

NDE is NOT death. So you know nothing what happens after you die. When your heart stops your brain still continues to function even though you lose consciousness, which means you are not immediately dead. When your brains dies then you are dead and there is no way to bring that person to life back again.

@XxPhoenixHarpyexX2 - 11.11.2023 22:33

It sounded like pseudoscience within 10 first seconds i heard of this video. That "doctor" was a crony christian propagandist. Does he work in Discovery Institut too??

@rkatufus - 11.11.2023 22:07

Near death means you're still alive, your brain is still functioning, you are not dead therefore NDE is not proof of life after death.

@groupflix - 11.11.2023 19:58

With all due respect. Death is the irreversible cessation of metabolic functions. An NDE is just that: "Near Death". Not Dead. All this researcher is doing is studying what happens to your body including "consciousness" which comes from the very complex activities of the brain. None of these people died.

@ciw97 - 11.11.2023 18:46

Great interview.

@syedmasood4702 - 11.11.2023 16:43

intriguing all the way down the rabbit hole every time I read about and listen to the stuff related to NDEs. Consciousness is intriguingly baffling 😊

@Marco-gl2uu - 11.11.2023 15:12

It's great to see this interview here. This is another branch of science shedding light on the other truths that ID is working to bring to the forefront.

@daivonclark5151 - 11.11.2023 03:28

"Life" does not continue after death. Death is by definition the end of life, which is the merging of matter and spirit.
It is Consiousness or Experience that continues.
(The Radio may break down but the Signal still exists)

@MLouah-gp9ef - 11.11.2023 00:25

Where’s the proof though ?

@deannapotes5276 - 10.11.2023 21:44

My father flat lined twice. First time in the ambulance, second time in a room in the ER. The second one was when he came out of his body and was floating above it. He saw the cardiologist Dr. McNamara putting a line up through his groin into his heart. He saved my dad..later on, when the doctor he in to talk to my dad, my dad looked at him and said," you're the son of a bitch that shoved that line up into me"! The doctor was shocked and said he was. Then my dad thanked him. ❤..sadly though, six years after his quadruple bypass surgery, my father passed away. He was having numerous small heart attacks and was not telling anyone, just kept popping his nitros. He was young, only 56. I miss my dad everyday. He was my best friend. It's been 20 yrs. now.

@mwa5704 - 10.11.2023 18:10

Due to the low oxygen level brain makes dmt in order to protect the brain neurons. DMT is psychedelic :D Have a nice trip

@AbXy-rg2th - 10.11.2023 16:27

Hinduism is the only religion that has always stated reincarnation is real and now other religions are slowly beginning to accept this fact. Note, Sanatana Dharma aka Hinduism and ancient Vedic knowledge is science based spirituality; seekers of truth not blind followers of faith/belief of any one book. Excellent listening.

@debk6161 - 10.11.2023 02:25

Dr. Long documented my NDE and OBE in 2010. I will always be grateful for his compassion, gentleness and open mind. Before that I had never recounted my experiences to anyone because I felt no one would understand. Dr. Long understood.

@rositahuff4858 - 10.11.2023 01:22

….my mom … who was a no no nonsense person…told us that she died at childbirth with a still born brother…she told us that she argued with a „source „ and was granted to raise us….she told us that she was not scared to die!
…she past away very happy!

@new_comment - 10.11.2023 00:13

WOW, what an advertising voice!

@melaniestarkey7868 - 09.11.2023 23:45

I wish I had the money to pay and watch the movie but everything I had was stolen in 2019 by the homeless that I was helping because I know mental and emotional illness is liable to be a factor I have forgiven them and only pray they get the help they need and the recovery.

@kustardlovesyou - 09.11.2023 22:35

What about all the hell nde. That makes me terrified of the afterlife 😢

@tanjoban - 09.11.2023 21:47


@Boris29311 - 09.11.2023 19:50

Scientist only agree when they come up with a mathematical field which can be proven by experiments.If this is not the case they all have different opinions

In a Universe where we can't detect 95 % of the matter & energy it's logical there is still a lot we don't know.
I know spirituallity is a real thing but I don't think science will ever be able to proof it.

We have different purposes.Worldview and beliefs have a hugh influence on our lives.We have a worldview which makes us cooperate the most with our purpose, therefore different worldviews are a must and can never be proven.

@raymondparsley7442 - 09.11.2023 17:59

Just passing thru and over... Looking forward to the movie, "'After death". Thank you Dr. Jeffery Long.

@derekmccrudden6528 - 09.11.2023 17:11

What about the people half died and they didn't have an experience

@robertg786 - 09.11.2023 12:09

Your consciousness separates from your body? But what if your body IS consciousness? There's nothing to separate from. There's only the body consciousness expanding! Recognizing all the REST of consciousness. My OH my, what a novel idea. In my opinion, that jibes with the idea that all the universe, the entire cosmos, physical and none physical is consciousness. That we are PART of that universe, not separate, including what we call the body. Just play with that for awhile and see where it takes you.

@monaoconnell5650 - 08.11.2023 20:21

I am hoping that life continues in a positive way after death. Could you discuss negative near death experiences and why they happen?

@lasthours4346 - 08.11.2023 20:16

Jesus Christ is the truth and only way to obtain eternal life in Heaven. Seems the movie won't give any credit to God. Because I'm sure many have had Hell experiences because of not knowing Christ. The move only shows their is life after we die. But leaves out the most important aspect to death. Eternal life in Heaven and not Hell.

@chyfields - 08.11.2023 18:08

Death is misunderstood. When we “save a life”, are we changing the natural trajectory of their journey into their personal afterlife?

@RickGtr271 - 08.11.2023 17:31

Ernest Hemingway stated that he experienced leaving his body when he was in WW1 after an explosion. This is before the term NDE was used I would assume. This was told in the Ken Burns Hemingway documentary. I would think there is something to the NDE experience when people who are clinically dead can recall factual events of emergency teams working on them.

@19562008ful - 08.11.2023 08:36

There is nothing scientific about that. It's not scientifically proven. When you're dead, you don't come back. If you come back it means you were not really dead. To me, it sounds like a money making machine 🎰. Focus on having an interesting life, when you pass you'll find out.

@hughtempleton8640 - 08.11.2023 04:23

Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic video on NDE story's ❤

@forresthawkins6621 - 08.11.2023 03:36

Facinating. Research like this lends great hope for life after death no Matter what religion it occurs in
