The True Origins of Modern Zionism | The Jewish Story | Unpacked

The True Origins of Modern Zionism | The Jewish Story | Unpacked


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Hend Mahmoud
Hend Mahmoud - 19.11.2023 13:32

This video is full of nonsense

Kamela Nawrozie
Kamela Nawrozie - 12.11.2023 01:46

Can we get the Indigenous People of America, Australia and New Zealand back their land?

Nina Z
Nina Z - 11.11.2023 11:34

Perfect manipulative tactic of the psychopathic colonialist western mind set to justify stealing land.

StLoG Praise God 2
StLoG Praise God 2 - 10.11.2023 22:53

It is interesting when you notice NAtionalistic ZIonist.

Samantha Garbett Charles
Samantha Garbett Charles - 09.11.2023 05:21

Youbshould still be scattered

Samantha Garbett Charles
Samantha Garbett Charles - 09.11.2023 05:19

Zionism didnt start till 1800,s 😂

Kevin M. Ali
Kevin M. Ali - 09.11.2023 00:31

The Prophet Ibrahim's wife and the mother of Prophet Ishmael, Hajjar/Hagar, is considered the mother of all Arabs.

Hajjar/Hagar is of Egyptian origin; they called themselves "Kemet," which means land of the black." Allah made her the Prophet Ibrahim's wife and the mother of Prophet Ishmael. Hajjar/Hagar is considered the mother of all Arabs; she is held in high esteem and dignity among the greatest of those of dignity. Ibrahim took Hajjar and Ismail, still a baby, to a valley in the western part of the Arabian Peninsula known as Bakkah. The Bani Isma'il is Prophet Muhammad's family, and he is a direct descendant of Hajjar/Hagar Ibrahim's (Abraham) wife.

Ismael's mother was a Kemetic woman, a black African woman from Qeydaar, Kedar, Kemet, or Egypt, the genetic child of Ethiopia. Ishmael lived long in Mecca.

Kevin M. Ali
Kevin M. Ali - 09.11.2023 00:18

Zionism began the moment the Hebrew people broke their covenant with God, stealing the birthright of Ishmael and annulling the marriage of Ibrahim to Hajjar; they changed the covenant and gave Ismaels the right to Issac. The second time the Hebrews broke their covenant with God occurred while Moses was on Mount Sinai speaking with the Lord; the children of Israel made a golden calf and worshipped it.

Kevin M. Ali
Kevin M. Ali - 09.11.2023 00:17

Inshallah, May Allah grant us unity and victory to the ummah of Muhammad, Ameen.

When the ethnic European Christian Zionists and the Jewish Zionists organized the Balfour Declaration, the question was asked:

If we take this land from the Palestinians, how will we, the Zionist Jews in the State of Israel, survive in a sea of Arabs, Christians, and Muslims?

The answer Theodor Hertzl gave was that we would foment war and strife between and among the African, Arab, and Asian populations, pit daughter against mother, son against father, faction against faction, stimulate confusion and ignorance among the population and keep them distracted among themselves. The creation of the colonized world at Befure is the design and purpose of the United Nations, a cartel designed to control the trade agreements and treaties between the colonizers and to injure the colonized permanently.

The attitude reflected in the question and the response can be found in the think tank papers compiled at the United Nations depicting the plans of Zionists and the founding organizers of the United Nations; many documents characterize the discussions the Europeans were having on how to do population control and figuring out ways and means to be undertaken.

Is that not what they have done ever since the injustice of the Balfour Declaration was imposed upon the Palestinian people?

KINTU LAWRENCE - 08.11.2023 08:26

Why those who went to Arabia and Africa got assimilated and lived peacefully with locals but those in western did not????????????????

Mark Habibeh
Mark Habibeh - 07.11.2023 19:42

Video content is very biased and curbs the truth about the origin of Zionism

ennio mojica
ennio mojica - 06.11.2023 11:03

Zionism doesn’t start with Abraham. He wasn’t Jewish. You also forgot to mention that central to their identity was the temple. So no temple means no complete identity. Zionism was begun by protestant heretical biblical interpretation. Israel is a theocratic nation with a king acting also as priest (davidic dynasty) the modern state of Israel is devoid of that connection it is purely secular therefore not related to the ancient kingdom as known from the Bible.

Paper . Power.  Politics
Paper . Power. Politics - 06.11.2023 02:49

Zionism was not born thousands of years ago! Stop it! Zionism is a political ideology, Judaism is thousands of years old. In fact many jews oppose Zionism.

Joel F
Joel F - 05.11.2023 08:42

Romans did not exile Jews. They allowed them to stay.

Manuela Fiori
Manuela Fiori - 02.11.2023 22:10

I think you never read Karl Marx hehe you literally described a capitalist haha

dwayne - 02.11.2023 09:53

Best way to teach the bible out of context is to take 1 verse thqt suits your agenda and skew it to say what you wish.
Abraham was not only told he would be a great people but that would given land as far as he could see.
The people was not just talking about a chosen nation but that from him the jews would connect thems selves back to him as the father of the jews.
The land was just a place they would call home and it was called Israel long before the brits gave it back to them.
Meny of times Israel was the nation did not have believing people living there hence the bible calls them jews and gentiles (non God believing people, also the un circumsized) Israel was still there when Egypt and babalon took the jews prisoners into slavery and would eventually return to the nation of Israel.
Twisting facts is not truth its just a poor way to make you comfortable with your life away from God, i hope that you overcome your fears and acknowledge the true God and his son Jesus.

Tom Groebe
Tom Groebe - 02.11.2023 08:20

This is thee most hyper Zionist video about Zionism. Lmfao

Slehlasezem - 31.10.2023 13:33

Im trying to understand this. Why was the act of rome displacing jews from izrael not viewed by the zionists as gods will? Was that not gods will?

Sean McSwiggan
Sean McSwiggan - 28.10.2023 19:51


Eyad Hamam
Eyad Hamam - 28.10.2023 15:40

I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you." – Exodus 23:31–33
Not very friendly

Najoa B.
Najoa B. - 25.10.2023 07:05

Yall forgot to mention the entire Ottoman Empire which had Jews living peacefully amongst Muslims and Christians. Just crazy how the injustice of the Western world spawned Zionism and yet now it's the Eastern world that is paying the price now.

Mohamed Gamal
Mohamed Gamal - 25.10.2023 05:15

so where is the christian ancestral homeland ? is there a country named " chrisland "? where is the muslim ancestral homeland ? is there a country named " muslimstan "?

عبد القادر المومني
عبد القادر المومني - 22.10.2023 14:58

Such Bullshit from the first minute.

Aaron Stinson
Aaron Stinson - 21.10.2023 02:55

If Zionist Jews are so hip to the idea that people & land are connected, why do so many jewish orgs actively promote the idea mass immigration into Europe and the US?

Ifyouonlyk - 17.10.2023 20:29

Lots of lies and misconceptions in this video.

Ramesh Kannan
Ramesh Kannan - 16.10.2023 07:19

Zionism has nothing to do with Moses and religion. Stop making it seem like an ultimate goal of Judaism

David Marantz
David Marantz - 15.10.2023 21:58

This is very incomplete. There was an entire movement of Zionism opposed to Herzl’s nationalist version. Herzl was at times in and out as a leader. This history is too deep and complex for a 6 minute summary

laylow597 - 11.10.2023 11:09

LMBO ABRAHAM was a zionist. The better question is when was the covenant between the jew and God broken. Answer in 70ad. When the temple was destroyed. Since then the Jews were not to establish a nation. Even if you believe they were why would murdering and stealing someone else's land be ok?

Stray Files
Stray Files - 03.10.2023 08:06

Why were so many pogroms and hate? This topic deserves a video of it’s own. So please...

Hassan Abuhassan
Hassan Abuhassan - 31.08.2023 21:42

Judaism started with the Torah and Moses, never with Abraham. .
Abraham was never a jew and the Land where he immigrated. From, Iraq , was never called the Land of Israel. It was called the Land Of Canaan (the Arab tribes who had been living there for thousands of years before Abraham)
You are rewriting history, spreading myths and distorting historic facts.
And if God as you allege gave Abraham other peoples Land then it should be for all his descendants and that includes the three main religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).
You are presenting a lot of fabrications , even the real orthodox none zionist jews would say that because they clearly say that Judaism is believeing in the Torah and it started with Moses when he received the revelations in Sinai. These real orthodox jews consider zionists as number one enemy of Judaism and God.
This zionist propaganda cannot justify the crimes and atrocities committed against the Palestinians any more. Even for a lot of descent and good jews who clearly claim that zionists and Israel do not represent them in any way because Judaism is a great religion that calls for good .

Hassan Abuhassan
Hassan Abuhassan - 31.08.2023 21:25

A lot of myths

twistedyogert - 11.08.2023 01:59

Why should Jews be forced to be something they aren't. Why should they not be able to govern themselves? Why shouldn't they have some area of Earth's surface to call their own?
These are the questions I have for anti-Zionists.
While it is true that Israel has a lot of blood on their hands, that's no reason to deny their national ambitions.
I'm not a Zionist, I'm not a Jew but I can at least understand why some Jews are Zionist.
Without Israel Jews may have survived the Holocaust but they probably would've ended up like the Kurds, they never would be allowed to be themselves. They would always have to be someone's pet.

Justin McCray
Justin McCray - 08.07.2023 21:26

Israel as a state today is not their entire homeland. They would have to invade Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan.

Justin McCray
Justin McCray - 08.07.2023 21:25

Youre lying about Hess. Hess is a communist with nationalist tendencies.

Rahimi Musa Muhd Zakaria
Rahimi Musa Muhd Zakaria - 17.06.2023 02:16

Zionist is not true Jews

E F - 12.05.2023 19:49

The first Zionist leader was Prophet Moses AS, who has lead the Israelis back from Egypt to Zion.

Huss how
Huss how - 24.04.2023 02:01

Isreal Zionest are no Jews they're terrorists like ISIS .

Huss how
Huss how - 24.04.2023 01:59

This is fake bs

E F - 14.04.2023 17:27

Everything said here is false.

Moses Israel
Moses Israel - 09.04.2023 23:34

JEWISH-ZIONIST TERRORISM AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ISRAEL-NCJ Number 57642-Author(s)-J L PEEKE-Date Published 1977 Understand, Israeli solders and Mossad undercover/disguised as Hamas or Hazbulla are shooting missiles into Israel so they have an excuse to fire back! And they do the same on the Palestinian side. The 1936 the Arab riots where done by undercover Jewish soldiers and they blamed the Arabs. Yes actual Arabs were involved but is was Seeded by Mossad and undercover Jewish soldiers so the riots can happen.

Ifty Rehman
Ifty Rehman - 01.04.2023 05:29

According to the Jewsish scriptures they are forbidden to form a state of their own until the Messiah returns!

T. Mer.
T. Mer. - 31.03.2023 06:25

So, basically, religion is the problem. Again.

Israa Jihad Albinfalah
Israa Jihad Albinfalah - 18.03.2023 02:02


Mia Birdsong
Mia Birdsong - 10.03.2023 06:49

Thank you for trying to tell the true story of Zionism. It's become a dirty word thanks to the media and SJWs. No one would bat an eye if the Kurds or Yazidis fought for and created their own country. They just hate us because we're Jewish. They can stay mad. 💙🇮🇱💙

Click Bait
Click Bait - 09.03.2023 20:41

This is such a biased/skewed video 😂

Click Bait
Click Bait - 09.03.2023 20:37


Dr. Cohen-Steinberg
Dr. Cohen-Steinberg - 22.02.2023 20:58

So now that we know it's history, can you do a video on its influence. That part is more...important in terms the effect on the people of the world.

Storm Rider
Storm Rider - 22.02.2023 03:49

"When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a jewish state in Palestine, the jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a jewish state in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign state, this cannot be controlled by any of the other states. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers." - Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf", Chapter 11

R .K
R .K - 11.02.2023 23:16

Interesting how a modern map of europe and the middle east is associated with the happenings of 18th century when the map was very different. Smells like another propaganda clip…
