Redscale and Cross Processed Redscale film

Redscale and Cross Processed Redscale film

attic darkroom

3 года назад

11,172 Просмотров

I never really liked redscale film, but I never really gave it a shot, so I decided to try it out myself.

I redscaled some Ektar 100, and my attempt went terribly when I didn't expose properly. But nonetheless I got a few ok results and that had me pondering, "what else could I do with this?" and my knee jerk response was "cross process it".

So I shot another roll of redscale Ektar 100 and then I cross processed it in E6.

And that's when I encountered an annoying problem. When you redscale film you lose about a stop or two of light, so you need to overexpose by a stop or two. I overexposed by one stop which effectively made Ektar 100 into a 50 speed film, which is annoying but doable. But when you cross process it you need to further overexpose by another two stops, which means I had to shoot at ISO 12.

If I used Portra 800 it would've been a reasonable ISO 50-100, but because I was pinching pennies I ended up with Ektar and had to pay the price.

In the end I got results. It was very orange/red, very contrasty, and very moody. The normal redscale still retained some color information that I was able to pull, but the cross processed stuff was just orange and black.

This was a fun thing to try, and in the end of the day I look at these results and think "what a waste of film".

00:00 - boring talk
01:00 - redscale negatives
01:12 - example of redscale film
02:14 - cross processed redscale positives
02:38 - example of cross processed redscale film
03:25 - final thoughts

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Music by:
Pila Pala Paradise - Rachel K Collier
The Lone Woodlouse - Rachel K Collier


#film #photography #camera #analog #a_total_waste_of_time #project #tips #challenge #red #scale #redscale #redscaling #kodak #ektar #kodak_ektar_100 #cross_process #xpro #crossprocessing
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