The BEST VR Headset in the WORLD Just Got BEAT! - The Varjo XR4 has Arrived!

The BEST VR Headset in the WORLD Just Got BEAT! - The Varjo XR4 has Arrived!


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@CousinMarvin - 07.12.2023 03:55

Just imagine where 'VR' will be in 20 years. I wish i was 10 year old and not 40

@Alexorsumidk - 06.12.2023 13:25

Floor gang x2

@jjvanzon79 - 06.12.2023 04:13

With the Steam Link app I actually noticed a lot of compression in the outer edges of the displays, so only high quality in the center of vision. I checked whether it seemed to improve the framerate by eyeballing it, but did not see an improvement at all. Also I still have to click a lot of messages away so it does not improve upon Quest Link in that area for me either. It may be my setup: I have a Quest 2 tetherer to a pretty hardcore PC, but the PC is on WiFi, which Steam Link "doesn't support", which is one of the messages I need to click away. I'll stick with Quest Link for now.

@smallbutdeadly931 - 06.12.2023 03:53

After getting a Beyond, I cant ever see myself going back to headsets like these
They just look so big and clunky in comparison

@alphacompton - 06.12.2023 03:11

I was stupid enough to buy the HTC Vive Ultimate Trackers without reading the fine FINE print. All of the trackers they made before worked with Steam VR and were agnostic to VR headsets and on the product page they mentioned more than once it worked with PCVR and SteamVR so I figured all was good. I know it's my fault but I do feel burned. I have a $600 paper weight I was originally excited to buy.
For VRChat I'm very happy to that creators will get paid for their work especially avatar creators but I really don't like the idea of paywalled worlds and VIP sections. I think having VIP features like world effects or messages or exclusive game types is fine (like Drinking night games) but when you separate people (with a walled off VIP section) , it feels discriminatory (especially over money). I get that creators might be trying to find a simple way to not have kids joining in randomly in public worlds but I don't agree that asking people to pay for a monthly subscription is the way to do it. I'd gladly pay one time access fees (I don't expect people to work for free) but I'm not a fan of subscriptions.

@Krunklehorn - 05.12.2023 23:45

"Surprisingly the VRChat community is really receptive to it."

@brianrawlins5401 - 05.12.2023 21:06

I was just at IITSEC. Don't know how i missed this booth. So mad i missed it

@Rallykat - 05.12.2023 20:25

From a sentimental standpoint, I'm always happy with HTC hitting the mark. The issues are software side, so doesn't take a lot of optimism to foresee the compatibility issue being solved.
I pour all of my reckless optimism in hoping that Sony will collab and work with HTC for support with PSVR2. I can imagine a PS5Pro having native integration for something like that.
I'd love to try the XR Elite side by side with a XR4 to understand the difference

@thewaffleking1266 - 05.12.2023 18:42

I've been asking this to a few ppl but I'm currently on the quest 2 and I'm planning to upgrade to a index since I exclusively play steamvr games, but now new contenders are on the scene and im starting to question

Which headset should I get?
Should I upgrade to the index, quest 3 or some 3rd party headset?

Feel free to reply with ur opinion as all feedback is appreciated on this matter

@an3k - 05.12.2023 15:16

I bought my XR-3 (accidentally) when Varjo had a huge discount running. Got 2.000 € off of the headset and the Lifetime Offline License was off 100% so in the end I "just" paid 4.495 € for the headset without the need for a recurring payment.

@J0E_ST0NE - 05.12.2023 15:01

What brightness do you play on quest 2?

@holdintheaces7468 - 05.12.2023 14:54

Only took like, what, 5 months for someone to beat the Vision Pro.

And this will work with Windows, aka basically all the existing VR apps/games.

Sit back down, apple fanboys.

@Pink-Kiwi - 05.12.2023 14:50

mmm the orbo's odyssey on the advert, love thrill's music taste

@nervaproject - 05.12.2023 11:53

Please talk more about lens glare in VR headsets. Which headsets are better for avoiding lens glare and that kind of thing.

The lens glare & god rays are the most annoying thing about my Valve Index & number one priority for an upgrade.

@andrewmutavi590 - 05.12.2023 04:15

The Rift S in 2023,the experience,is it worth it?

@nigeltrigger4499 - 05.12.2023 01:15

Bought into the Oculus Rift hype back in the day, and the experience was Meh! It is hard to not equate VR headsets with 3D TV from a while ago that now are NOT a thing! Obviously, having a VR headset with ultra high resolution and super fast refresh rate is better than the Oculus. However, > $3000 is not price point for the masses!

@mrdummy_nl - 04.12.2023 22:57

4000 is too much, so i am waiting for Pico 5 Pro. This one should have full face tracking.
And i hope VRChat is not too much pay-walled, also i hope creators are not going too far to buy for some silly effects.
I build worlds too, so i know almost exact what is needed to make it work.

I hope everything stays friendly and open.

@willybilly8187 - 04.12.2023 22:37

I love sharpness but I would take Oled screens over sharpness any day, just as long as the sharpness is adequate.

@MtnXfreeride - 04.12.2023 22:36

Why does Thrillseeker still wear a mask?

@wkinne1 - 04.12.2023 21:29

Still big, heavy, and bulky.

@EspenFrafalne - 04.12.2023 21:07

Nah, im just gonna get a Nintendo power glove instead 😅

@TheWeaponshold - 04.12.2023 20:52

Steam getting more money than the app itself seems fucked. So many of them take that 30% cut and frankly it does not seem fair at all. They do not provide servers for running the games or anything. These glorified DRMs need to back off and stop squeezing the games that list with them so hard.

@TheThaiLife - 04.12.2023 19:04

How does this have so many views and so few likes? Seems legit…

@erikm9768 - 04.12.2023 15:57

I dont get it, isnt the auto focus feature just eye tracking and then setting the focus to what your eyes are looking at in software? Or does it do anything more than that?

@2D-rd4lu - 04.12.2023 15:13

why they copying the quest 3's design?

@godis_monkywukong6964 - 04.12.2023 14:29

Hoping the steam link brings all the quest 3 standalone features to PC VR... Only thing holding me back..

@dylantreleaven - 04.12.2023 13:44

Wow, I had no idea about the new steam link! This allows me to much more easily play pcvr with my quest and that means I can play games like rumble which you should cover. The players are getting much better and the high skill ceiling is something worth your time.

@lazyman2451 - 04.12.2023 13:41

I’ll have to pass and wait till the vr glasses comes out 😂

@dieard1 - 04.12.2023 13:19

Can I ask. Why the face mask? Genuine question.

@markquino9140 - 04.12.2023 12:19

Nah ill wait for Pimax 12k.

@DanMiller-HighTechGeek - 04.12.2023 09:39

QOTW: How is AI intersecting with VR?

@spacegoblin_ - 04.12.2023 09:28

still waiting on those amazon trackers

@GhillieWolf - 04.12.2023 08:54

can someone explain to me why VRC V-bucks are a good thing?

@BunkerSquirrel - 04.12.2023 07:14

Glad to see Varjo is at least trying to be more pro-consumer with the "you buy it you own it" model. And let's be real here: It's because they're scared of Apple taking their high end market share.

@redactedvr8888 - 04.12.2023 05:14

I’ve been trying to use the same link app and it just does not work. Are you always no matter what I do get error of 200 and there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening. I’ve tried rebooting, my PC rebooting steam rebooting my headset nothing and I mean nothing can get it to work For context, I am running an AMD GPU and I have seen on Steams website that apparently does not support AMD Gpus be use (there is no recommended or minimum specifications for using AMD cards)

@jnewgot - 04.12.2023 04:54

These poor naive fools. MTX also supports creators but they're killing the sector.
The simple answer is to allow donations, not MTX support.

@johnnytopgun6414 - 04.12.2023 04:30

is that first video Assassin's creed VR? Boggles me that they haven't tried to make a Mirror's Edge VR game

@channelvr1293 - 04.12.2023 01:44

I will be overhyped VR HMD video. I have seen them all. Every new device is THE ONE ... and we idiots buy the stuff. Only to be disappointed again. The real truth is , Whatever HMD you buy there is NO gpu out there that can handle even the first generation of HMD'S in full resolution @ 90fps with settings to high. Point made.

@TornadoeJoe - 04.12.2023 01:19

Bro what the heck. I worked a booth at ITSEC this year and didn't get to see Mr. Thrill himself 😢

@lonelyPorterCH - 04.12.2023 00:53

Still pretty expensive ^^

@CaedmonOS - 04.12.2023 00:28

I'm getting worried. Where are you getting all of these kidneys?

@ConnorGadson - 04.12.2023 00:12

You mentioned the XR4 had increased the horizontal FOV but what of the vertical FOV? I've recently bought the Aero despite knowing it had a lackluster vertical FoV. How does the XR4 compare in that regard?

@FromDesertTown - 03.12.2023 23:34

Is the Vision Pro even in the same league as the XR4 in terms of value proposition? I still fail to see why anyone would be eager to spend $3.5k on a headset with no option for a wired PC connection. I guess the main appeal is the hope that developers flock to Apple AR like they do to iOS/iPadOS because they can charge more for their stuff on Apple's app store. But still, the limitation of M2 vs. high-end PC hardware is going to be a stark difference.

@meursault7030 - 03.12.2023 23:15

I just tried that steamlink thing and it's great.
Oculus airlink was always a huge mess, never worked properly, always had seizure-danger bugs, took up far too much PC power streaming ads, constantly bnroken by updates.
1000% better, deleting the Oculus app now.

@kloolisnumber2396 - 03.12.2023 23:02

steam has to do it because they are the only ones that will do it good

@insertnamehere4419 - 03.12.2023 22:34

Take. The stupid. Mask. Off.
