React native tutorial Part 2 - Configuring Redux, and Redux Persist in React Native

React native tutorial Part 2 - Configuring Redux, and Redux Persist in React Native

Faadu JS

4 года назад

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@malsawmkima5803 - 16.10.2021 18:31

reactahhh tf is that

@sumanlataprajapati2739 - 12.10.2020 14:42

Thank you for this video its help me a lot...Is possible you can make video of DatePicker for birthdate using react-native-community/datetimepicker in expo..Spend lot of time but not able to display a selected date from datepicker.

@michaelxing2356 - 12.05.2020 09:37

Your accent got much stronger than in part 1

@cruxinterfaces - 06.05.2020 02:02

Great video, we will be at CES please subscribe to our for similar content!

@saadshaoor7670 - 04.02.2020 19:33

I cannot install
"npm i react-nadux redux-thunk"
Reason? Can you help with that?

@houseOfBhemu - 26.01.2020 21:59

when you are not able to find your desired content on google,
"redux don't have"

@ajinkyashinde6345 - 01.01.2020 15:53

Bro when i import combineReducers in index.js my vs code stops giving autocomplete and definitions.

@awahabgms - 08.11.2019 14:45

React RrRrrrRRRedux is my fa8 part in this video. :p

@nguyenchauthaoquan4836 - 16.10.2019 18:58

Can we install redux from yarn ?

@raik303 - 13.10.2019 21:40

oh.. very helpful. have been looking for such redux-persist implementation in my react-native project. Now i can use AsyncStorage with redux. Shopping cart data remain in app even i closed or restart app. Thank you!

@rajeshmanikandan420 - 05.10.2019 14:22

Excellent series for the beginners. we learned this thing separately. But this gives complete hands-on for integrating all features. Thank you so much for such a great course.

@raheelsajjad9664 - 28.09.2019 14:25

I am getting the error after following all of your steps
storage.getitem is not afunction ,storage.getitem is undefined.please help @Faadu

@MrsNurul-lj5gw - 31.07.2019 10:36

do you have a full-system for react-native, redux, express and mongoDB for beginner like me? please teach me some

@panchurii - 24.07.2019 13:44

Hi, I've couple of projects for mobile app development for both platforms, are you available?

@gionkkejan4626 - 06.07.2019 19:14

Hi, congratulations for the tutorials, is there a way to contact you privately?
Email for example.
P. S.
You could put the code on Github.
