Coaching a Platinum Akali | Bwipo Academy

Coaching a Platinum Akali | Bwipo Academy


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@nimrodfilms5104 - 27.10.2023 00:19

Her W always moves towards enemies

@HeyItsGriffin - 13.10.2023 03:30

Akali shroud moves to the nearest enemy

@MrDancingbear85 - 06.10.2023 11:39

I think why I love playing Akali so much it's because you really need to adopt a monk or a ninja mindset while playing her. It's all about self control, skill, and timing. Edit: after watching this something clicked I guess, and I went 10 wins to 1 loss with Akali mid in iron, and I've been trying to climb with Akali but couldn't for over a year now. So, thanks!

@Patientbull - 15.09.2023 09:44

I finally got out of bronze last week! I main Akali top only. I only play diana jgl if I get filled but other than that I stay top with my Akali. Just passed the 50% ww mark, I was in the 30's at the begining of season. Already in SLV 3 90LP and the game feels so much easier knowing what to do lol. My mechanics help me in lane but the macros to the work, i'm not exaggerating. It also took me almost 300 games, this is my first rank season. Videos like this have helped me so much

@Patientbull - 15.09.2023 09:41

I remember just learning akali lol very similar. not knowing what to do in team fights ect 550k mastery points later it gets better lmao

@strykerfielding3430 - 11.09.2023 01:47

Another benefit of waiting in stealth is the energy regen, especially with presence of mind. In that Chovy VOD you can notice he wouldn't have enough energy for the last q to complete the trade if he hadn't waited out a second in stealth for energy regen from PoM

@marceloamado6223 - 27.07.2023 13:20

You should do the ability combos of a few champions so people get a feel of the champion before comitting to it and knowing they really like it
Cool content

@dali8940 - 25.07.2023 17:29

What team does he play for atm?

@93xDmario - 22.07.2023 15:07

For my fellow Akali enjoyers, made a summary of some points Bwipo mentioned. The only thing I didn't cover is the magic pen thing, I didn't quite understood it, but **I THINK** generally flat pen is better up until ~120 MR, then % pen is better. But as I said, not sure. Anyway, enjoy:

Generally good:

1. Press tab frequently ( at least when walking to lane )
2. Don't forget to farm (i.e avoid over-grouping / coinflip roams)
3. Buy dark seal if you have an extra 350 early


1. Focus on CS primarly -> think of Akali as a scaling champ, the idea being if you're 10-11 cs/min you're going to be relevant regardless. By the end, the avg might drop to like 7-8 cs/min, but up until 20-30 mins, if you can keep it up it's insanely good.
2. Set a treshold of how much poke you can eat for CS ( usually 50-60% remaining HP depending on match-up, then wait for D-sheild regen )
3. Play rather reactive than proactive early ( pre-6 ) -> trading with Q is fine, but otherwise react to their play or mistakes.
4. Be patient with E2 -> don't trade for the sake of trading -> if both of you are low, then it adds a lot of variables out
of our control ( i.e ganks from supp/jg ). This depends on jg mostly ( if you have a Zac for example, trading is good because his ganks are way more dangerous than let's say a sejuani )
5. Q enemies only when they walk up to AA you, when they miss a skill-shot or they want to last hit CS. If you want to extend the trade when you go back to pick-up the passive, you can shround + E then hit him AA + Q , then E2 back to shroud
6. Look to freeze towards chickens because the tower range is shorter there and melles won't run into tower


1. Walk from base through your jungle to pixed bush -> clear vision then go side or hover if a fight could happen
2. Always identify targets that you need to focus ( usually squishes who deal most damage )
3. Look for flanks
4. Wait for CC to be used so you can jump-in afterwards
5. Be more patience with spells ( chill in W, hold R2/E2 )
6. Your job is not to start the fight, unless you can ultra bait with stopwatch / have an angle to one-shot their carry and get out
7. Every item you get should allow you to kill someone new -> look for enemy's higest damage dealers that you can kill
8. Jack-off in bushes on side to either bait someone to over-extend or have pressure ( as if you were rotating for example )

Electro -> Taste of blood ( in harder match-ups ) / Sudden Impact ( in easier match-ups ) -> Eyeball -> Ultimate Hunter
Resolve -> Second Wind + Ulflinching ( vs more CC comps ) or Overgrowth
IMO: Presence of mind + Coup de grace ( if Second Wind is not needed ) could be also good
Adaptive + Adaptive + HP ( akali has nice base health, this is quite good on her )
Conqueror should technically be better the higher elo you get -> I imagine a fully stack R2 with conq will do quite a lot more damage than without it. Also, I think conq is generally better if their comp is tankier.

Rocketbelt -> Sorcs -> Shadow Flame / Zhonyas -> Death Cap ( if they don't build much MR ) / Void Staff
As per Bwipo, you could also do RiftMaker -> Demonic vs tankier comps I assume.
Banshee is also good if for example they have 2-3 AP champs ( i.e mid-jg + maybe supp ) and there's a lot of shit that kills you once it toches you (i.e sej R + blitz + annie + whatever )



@MegaCoupie - 21.07.2023 23:54

Its really awesome to hear you talk about sphere of influence im not sure if its a concept yamato taught you but ive heard yamato talk about it so often that it was really cool to hear you talk about it

@todayont1744 - 21.07.2023 09:41

Does anyone know how much bwipo’s coaching sessions are?

@Newtakes - 21.07.2023 05:01

Such a good teacher man, I actually enjoy learning from him. If only my highschool teachers had this ability lol

@Feaurth - 20.07.2023 22:11

Akali shroud moves towards enemies, appreciate the video as an akali top player

@robertpeterson4532 - 20.07.2023 20:45

Where do we sign up for Bwipo coaching?

@zenyatta5064 - 20.07.2023 17:01

is it just me who finds Bwipo's flow and cadence when speaking very satisfying

@albospada3491 - 20.07.2023 16:46


@Mario0oo - 20.07.2023 15:44

Giga W content

@Maxouilleable - 20.07.2023 15:24

Hey Bwipo ! It's missing timers seems like

@TimmehTRP - 20.07.2023 15:04

Thanks for the free coaching content Mr. Bwipo!
