Debunking Every Anti-Communist Argument Ever

Debunking Every Anti-Communist Argument Ever

Spooky Scary Socialist

4 года назад

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@bloodkelp - 30.01.2024 22:53

i don't want to read the comments

@Artwar09 - 30.01.2024 20:56

The arguments in this video are so bad that they made me an anti-communist.

@yeyeye4583 - 30.01.2024 16:14

WDYM "DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED MADURO" please educate yourself before talking about venezuela because what you're saying doesn't even match the reality our people has been suffering for decades. most people here don't even support the things you said and that's why so many people has left the country :/

@jeffaguiar8970 - 30.01.2024 03:36

Pro-Capitalists with the same 20-30 arguements over and over again. Read the arguements against your position. Capitalism is a death cult, get over it.

@johnbecker5213 - 30.01.2024 02:19

you suck

@johnbecker5213 - 30.01.2024 02:16

no to commies

@glowfly - 29.01.2024 11:36

my local supermarket went commie and started giving out free bread. instantly lines formed.

@SmartWentCrazy. - 29.01.2024 07:12

“If you only count the years after millions died there is parity in caloric intake.” Yeah, maybe because there are millions of fewer mouths to feed after the starvation. Let’s take population growth/decay into size. But wait that would be a multivariable analysis, and that implies some knowledge of the hard sciences, which communists are trash at. This is one of the single dumbest videos I have ever seen.

And what about Japan’s economic miracle when it comes to capitalists vs communist nation rebuilding. That’s a pretty major counter-example.

It really boggles the mind how one can be this stupid.

@pickleman2576 - 29.01.2024 06:35

Communism: The ideology of self-loathing Westerners with 0 life experience.

@tibsky - 28.01.2024 18:51

i can tell that the anticom counter-arguments are all just gonna be "NUH-UH"

also, it is important to note the flaws of the soviet union, like its suppression of anarchists and homophobia. anticoms don't care about that.

@v1l1am95 - 28.01.2024 15:58

Communism is a failed ideology followed by economically illiterate children.

@theredspy1060 - 28.01.2024 14:04

Hello, as a romanian I can safely say that I hate communism, because in the former eastern bloc countries, communism was based on fear. My parents has to listen to radio free europe every night to get real information not censored by the securitate. They were always afraid of being listened to. In the late 80's there was no food left, because Ceusescu was trying to clear all debt by exporting all of our quality products ( even those were sparse ), what I am trying to say is that real communism cannnot be achieved when we are ruled by people that dont believe in it truly ( most communist leaders have big mansions and are living the best life whilst the population is starving ). The people have to believe in it as well ( why do we need a secret police ). We also need democracy and meritocracy for it to work and also a bit o capitalism to encourage competition. My point is that for "communism" to succeed, society need to evolve to a much higher point, that's why I belive that in the current political climate this idea is utopic to say the least.

@user-jz3eq8bi9r - 27.01.2024 01:34

Most of this comment section is kids sympathizing for communism💀

@knightshade2654 - 26.01.2024 06:59

Is a home considered private or personal property under Marx's definition? It does not seem to fall into similarity with either example group.

@antoniogasse4111 - 26.01.2024 03:37

Your take on Animal Farm is hilariously bad. Yes, it's fiction, but it's a fable, fiction intended to teach a lesson. Things go wrong in animal farm for the exact same reason they did in the ussr: a new government system leaving an opening for a power grab.
Not to mention, your attack on Orwell's character says nothing about the quality or value of his work. (After all, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves but that doesn't invalidate the statement "all men are created equal")

@xernax1841 - 26.01.2024 02:05

The calory thing must be to a certain degree an inaccurate statistic. I am completely in favor of socialism don't get me wrong but I know for a fact that there were multiple goods shortages in the eastern block and many often even basic food items were unavailable because my family has lived throught that time.

@jameskulevich8907 - 25.01.2024 23:52

Don’t have to debunk communism; it does so all on its own. Doesn’t work.

@jameskulevich8907 - 25.01.2024 23:48

A phrase from Cuba: if socialism was put in place in the Sahara Desert, in a short period of time there would be no sand.

@jameskulevich8907 - 25.01.2024 23:47

As someone who’s been to Cuba over 40 times doing missionary work, I can tell you from personal experience that socialism, in any and all of its forms, doesn’t work. It turns into a police state where you’ll live in paranoia. People are rewarded for informing on each other. Socialism is filled with lots of empty promises. Everywhere it’s put in place it fails and turns into hell on earth.

@dreghorn007 - 25.01.2024 12:03

Capitalims is the best, it encourages competition which breeeds greatness.
Theres a free market which makes it even better.
Being poor is a choice (Moron if you think its not but please debate me) every human alive in the developed world can control how much they earn.

Self made, retired at 30, never been helped, please think carefully before you tell me im wrong.

@burek_sa_jogurtom_1776 - 25.01.2024 11:38

Name one country where communism has worked without killing thousands of people

@akarangkoc2422 - 24.01.2024 19:19

But communism killed 503 gabajajillion

@ramblestherambler7610 - 24.01.2024 08:01

This is satire right?

@hallowfish9584 - 24.01.2024 07:24

As a person who will fight for a democratic socialist/communist state I would not claim you

@edwes66 - 24.01.2024 04:11

i might not be a "socialist" or "communist" im not affiliated with any political ideology.

the only political ideology that i have my own is the idea that we need to make "good humans", stronger and intellectually wise

with only that i don't care anything about, market, distribution, race, culture, identity, nationality etc.

for some reason, chinese, Japanese, germans, finnish are people that have a culture of arriving in time, better disciplined, punctual, strong, intelligent, because struggled societies where men and woman struggled and suffered creates better humans, if we don't struggle and live in the most wealthy, easy, comfy life. you create a culture of weak degenerate people that only do stuff in freedom only for self satisfaction, greedy and controlled.

thats my opinion.

@TheOfficialMrloggy - 24.01.2024 03:13

I think the best way is to compare the statistics of communist developing countries with capitalist ones. eg. China vs India. Both were very poor countries 100 years ago but China developed faster and quality of life is better. USSR and China were both developing countries damaged by ww2 and USA was already a superpower that was not invaded in ww2 but USSR and China both managed to compete with USA.

@KarlmarkMyHero - 24.01.2024 02:38

the person who created the "communism kills 100 million people" just took random numbers and put them on stuff

@professorrevan2324 - 24.01.2024 00:29

Auferstanden aus Ruinen und der Zukunft zugewandt lass uns dir zum Guten deinen Deutschland einig Vaterland. Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen und wir zwingen sie vereint denn es muss uns doch gelingen, dass die Sonne schön wie nie über Deutschland scheint über Deutschland scheint.

@MyBlackRose1945 - 23.01.2024 02:39

Try to imagine how much raw narcissism it must take to even think that you could possibly know every single argument against your ideology.

(let alone how much it must take to think that you can simply 'debunk' every single one of them in 40 minutes)

@friars8854 - 23.01.2024 02:30

I was just introduced to you
I watched this video
It's not very accurate
It's too bad that you're misinterpreting things and deceiving peopl

@oneofus6924 - 22.01.2024 22:23

george orwell was a socialist. spent years fighting in the spanish civil war fighting facism.

@jabkamda5822 - 22.01.2024 22:00

When they tell you that socialism is good, look at what happened in Russia when they seized power. In the civil war alone, 10 million people died through their fault, another 40 million in the subsequent years of their power, they killed my people, my country. But the worst thing they did was that they Sovietized the people, there are no Russian people here anymore, there are only Soviets. They broke the back of the Russian people, broke their hope, their will, made them worthless, injected them with vodka and fucked Mother Russia.
Look at what happened in practice under the socialists/communists (whatever you call them, it’s the same thing), don’t believe what they postulate, don’t believe their idealistic fairy tales.

@carlonrobbins - 22.01.2024 17:01

The major problem with most Conservative Americans is that, not only do they not even have the first clue about any real knowledge of Marxism (or Capitalism for that matter -- c'mon, let's be brutally honest), but what might be even worse than that is the mere fact that, you can present all these facts to them with all the credible resources you can find, and they will simply make a face and say, "Ah, buuullshiiit!" and push away. It is simply impossible to actually have a productive conversation with people who don't even want to actually listen in the first place. Ignorance is bliss, and absolute ignorance has always been, and always will be, pure misery. They can't even recognize straight-out physical realities right in front of them.

@carlonrobbins - 22.01.2024 16:22

The concept of a singular "human nature" makes as much sense as.... the Klan being civil rights activists.

@Kriegter - 22.01.2024 10:25

My favourite one has to be "name one communist country that was successful" like bro have you seen how the capitalist ones are doing

@quinsutton7097 - 22.01.2024 08:06

I'm socialist, but you can't defend Stalin. We need democratic socialism and "democratic" should be redundant.

@p-qd5zj - 22.01.2024 01:15

Literally, You said communist USSR is great because they went to the space first, then you said Capitalists are stupid for saying Capitalist America is great because they made Iphones. Hypocrisy and idiocy.
(also there is a difference between the two where USSR took the money of the poors who were dying of hunger and spent it on space travel, while in America an individual decided to create a bussinsess and invent Iphone, without taking anyones wealth.

@threesqure7066 - 21.01.2024 16:43

Some versions of capitalism that lean farther to the left than the US such as our politics in Australia work much better than conventional capitalism. Not saying that it’s necessarily better or worse than full communism but we have free healthcare which goes a long way.

@threesqure7066 - 21.01.2024 16:37

I’ve always held the view that communism holds some promise as an ideology in theory, it seems like the idea of communism works better in many ways than capitalism. I don’t know if that makes it a good option for real world politics but the concept is solid in my opinion.

@francisparkeryockey4891 - 21.01.2024 16:08


@TomiThemself - 21.01.2024 15:59

Oh god... a tankie detected?
As a socialist, yes, most arguments that liberals make are dumb, as most liberals don't even know what socialism or communism means. However, I don't think that telling them "Well actually, when a socialist kills people it's okay, but when a fascist does it it's not" (while I understand your argument, and what you mean, it just won't make us look better). Just another tankie behaviour...

@strelnieks1748 - 21.01.2024 15:58

Unfortunately, your beloved Stalin deported around 60k of my people to Siberia which results in hate of communism to this day. The statement ''communisms freed the masses so that they can unleash their suppressed talents'' is laughable since among the deported Latvians were painters (for example Jānis Pauļuks) and other writers, poets, artists, and academics.

@nicholasjones3207 - 21.01.2024 15:27

Animal farm? What if you are put off by 1984, gulag archipelago, Dostoevsky?
