Modern Horizons Commander w/ LoadingReadyRun | Game Knights 27 | Magic the Gathering Gameplay EDH

Modern Horizons Commander w/ LoadingReadyRun | Game Knights 27 | Magic the Gathering Gameplay EDH

The Command Zone

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The Command Zone
The Command Zone - 12.06.2019 21:02

Yes - I missed an Ur-Dragon trigger early in the game. My bad. I was just thinking of Morophon as a Avatar in my head. Hope you all enjoy the episode! -JLK

Erin Washburn
Erin Washburn - 18.10.2023 16:35

Why do you have salt in the back

Arashinoakumyo - 13.10.2023 08:46

On Nixilis sounds like a cousin of Mr Mxyzptlk.

Xavier Christian Torres
Xavier Christian Torres - 06.10.2023 03:53

Bear Deck won by being underestimated and a single mistake, love it

Scrincy Bingus
Scrincy Bingus - 20.09.2023 19:30

Does pro black not protect from toxic deluge?

Chucko Tee
Chucko Tee - 20.09.2023 01:41

"Would I betray you? yes, but come on!"

Blisk - 16.09.2023 05:50

I see a story here more than anything else:
We have a pantheon of nature's avatars, an old primordial god of death, a man who sought to transcend death, and bears from across the land united under one mantra: "life & glory for bearkind, long may Ayula reign."

While Yawgmoth's forces swept across the land, The bear queen met a strange hermit. There were many hermits in the forests of her realm, and this one was no more suspicious, except that he seemed to be looking for something and felt strange. She considered eating the hermit for trespassing on her land and not showing proper respect to bears, as he seemed completely uninterested in her, but before her jaws could snap over his head the man spoke in quiet voice.

"You could grant me two favors. Life or death. In death, I get peace and you get a meal. But if you spare me my life, I promise you one favor. It doesn't matter what that favor is, it could be anything, and if I don't return the favor, you may eat me. Hell, you could eat me anyways. All I ask is that you give me one day of life."

Ayula cocked her head. A life for anything in return? AND I get to eat him afterwards? Seems like he gets what he wants, especially if I spare him and eat him later, but why not eat him now? Well... a bear can be curious. How bad could it hurt to let him live for a day?

Ayula accepted the deal and then she was off to challenge the gods of nature themselves. Then the hermit found something. What he found no one remembers, because shortly after he was eaten by bear, but all remember what happened afterwards.

Death and disaster spread across the land, killing undead and living, gods and mortals. The avatars of nature could sense an old acquaintance stirring underneath the earth and Yawgmoth diverted his attention from bears and gods to face a foe that he spent his whole life trying to defy: Death. After centuries of laying beneath the earth, Hogaak rose, and no one knew why except for the pantheon of nature that he used to be apart of.

The bears were decimated, Ayula fled her land as it became a battleground between Yawgmoth and Death itself. It was too much for her army to bear. The gods of nature, desperate to preserve life above all else and nearing their end, conceded that a world ruled by bears is ideal compared to the alternatives as they fought for their existence with lighting speed. They knew Hogaak simply wanted to see things live and die only to be brought back and die, and brought back again to die for eternity. He always hated reincarnation, the natural order, and simply wanted to see things die now and again rather than later. Witnessing death brought him peace. Yawgmoth, on the other hand, would create a world of unspeakable horror in his process of trying to overcome death and subvert everything that existed. Nature’s pantheon bought the tenacious bear queen some time with one final assault and the last of their fading lifeforce, and she slowly rebuilt her army in exile.

The battle between Yawgmoth and Hogaak was as impressive as it was devastating. Forces on both sides died, came back to life, and died more. As the land became increasingly scarred with vile magic, rapid growth of undead nature repaired the land like stitches, only to be decayed, blasted, and burned into oblivion. In the end, Yawgmoth fell to death, for death would never lose. Then, death looked to the side to bear witness. Ayula was back to reclaim her land and death was not impressed. Hogaak had never lost for millennia and an army of a thousand bears was a joke, even as he sat there scarred by Yawgmoth's work. With swords from their fallen forebears, the army of bears broke past his last defenses even as he revived them. They fought against undead plants and even the worms themselves crawled out from dirt walls inside his tomb to stop them, but soon enough they were face to face with Hogaak.

Hogaak, being nature's avatar of death, refused to die at the hands of anyone outside his domain and prepared to will himself out of existence. However, Ayula felt she recognized something. She remembered how that strange hermit felt just by looking into Hogaak’s sockets...

Then she spoke.

"You were the hermit I made that deal with, weren't you? How about I cash in that favor? I did let you live for a day, afterall."

"...Go ahead."

"I would like to eat you a second time. You were quite tasty."

And so, that is how the queen of bears ate death twice without biting the dust.

Jarad Smethers
Jarad Smethers - 06.09.2023 22:24

been a while since I watched this so don't know why it got recommended but sure I'm down to relive the glory of the bears

alizardcausedroswell - 30.08.2023 01:28

BEARS! 🐻🎉🐻

FeynxGames - 23.08.2023 16:29

I BELIEVE IN THE HEART OF THE BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott Pearson
Scott Pearson - 22.08.2023 22:32

bear deck should run the three cards that buff no abilities. one is also a bear, the other is a mana dork for bears

Lucy Arisato
Lucy Arisato - 21.08.2023 20:10

After coming from the Rhystic Studies video, I’m glad to see the summer of the ‘Gaak in the wild.

demonic_machina - 15.08.2023 08:33

What a game what a game 😂😂

LucarioKnight B
LucarioKnight B - 15.08.2023 04:06

I just wanna say, my friend watching this for the first time LOST HER SHIT at "now that you've gone through the five stages of grief, I have a Blood Artist trigger.".
She damn near fell off the bench, y'all. Kathleen is already her magic spirit animal, but damn if this didn't reinforce it.

Esteban Rodríguez
Esteban Rodríguez - 13.08.2023 19:09

Man, Vedalken Orrery price sure droped

WORDS ON PAPER - 01.08.2023 07:01

Omg this game was epic it had everything from massive swings board wipes spiders and bears oh my.

The Dice Goblin
The Dice Goblin - 25.07.2023 05:04


KJ_says_hello - 18.07.2023 06:43

Such a good game!! I really thought Jimmy had it!

Blade - 09.07.2023 11:52

How did Cathleen? Draw 2 and make everyone sac two when midnight reaper and butcher of malakir died wouldn't she be forced to get only 1 trigger off one in order to get 2 off the other?


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