I heard a lot of examples of Alisa on Social Media and I have to admit, that it is a lot smarter than the Amazon's Alexa. Would like to have a German version of Alisa.
ОтветитьIs a scary much
ОтветитьПривет 😊
ОтветитьOoooo yea I can tell the difference between Ukraine and russian.....sorry but I'm never getting over the fact my Ukraine friends tried telling me what to do....they like DO IT IM BETTER....SO only Russian now
Ответитья русский
ОтветитьI don't have the button at the bottom right? I live in america. Can someone please help? I use android.
ОтветитьAlisa can also read text aloud for you if you point your camera at text (works with a photo or a screenshot as well) and if you point your camera at an object it can identify it which is great for building your vocabulary
ОтветитьCan you make it speek english
ОтветитьРоссия the BEST!!
ОтветитьI am trying to find the mini speaker for my grandparents. Anyone an idea where I can buy it in Germany?
ОтветитьWe are not russians..Pls release english version ..
Ответитьone guy in Turkey use Alisa in Turkish and ask about end of the world can you confirm to me that I can use Alisa in other langguage ?
ОтветитьYou Russ Или:) American?
ОтветитьМне срочно нужны субтитры! 0: 31, а все, что я поняла, это " да нет, наверное", вывод : нужно учить english,
ОтветитьПожалуй подпишусь
ОтветитьI am always very fluent in one word in Russian that is vodka
ОтветитьI hate communism
ОтветитьОго я сам русский
ОтветитьAwesome app, I'd definitely recommend it! Thanks Fedor!
ОтветитьI discovered Alisa a long time ago and never used it. Then I found your video above. I just know a few words in Russian. I would like to learn. I found Alisa very disappointing. Not only she can't understand english or translate russian to english (or english to russian), but you can't even copy and paste what she said in yandex (or gougle) translate. It's extremely frustrating. And it's called "AI" ? How many lines of code would be required for a coder to code : i f s o m e o n e s p e a k s e n g l i s h => answer in western alphabet : "sorry me no speak english". I don't mean to be rude, but even this would be better than a stubborn Alisa who won't, no matter what, ever say one word in english, and worse, not one word in latin alphabet !! That AI is not just dumb, it is rude.
ОтветитьЧё делать если я русский? :)
ОтветитьТы хорошо разговариваешь на русском!!!! Отлично!!!
ОтветитьКак же я ору! Ххахахахха
ОтветитьHow to change Yandex assistant language to English
Ответитьwhere is english version of alisa
ОтветитьОтличная футболка)
ОтветитьУх ты, не знал, что Алису используют для таких целей
ОтветитьWhat about it,Siri?
Ответитьwotofuck :D
ОтветитьI love your videos, you've helped me learn and understand a lot of Russian and you are a great teacher! Thanks for helping me and many others and keep it up!
ОтветитьThanks alot !!! that's very useful app that i need for all languages
ОтветитьWatch a lot of vids but never comment. Holy crap Alice is great. She's so cynical and disinterested. Does anyone know how to get her to talk even when I just type? Has anyone figured out a way to get her to say a specific word?
ОтветитьI've just installed it, this app is amazing! Thank you for this video.
ОтветитьWhat about if you have grammatical errors?
Ответитьа можно поставить ссылку предложения здесь ,потому что там похожие аррs?
Ответитьthis is literally perfect
ОтветитьThanks for the advice Fedor! I noticed that you're looking a little drowsy and ANGERY in this video :/ Boi don't take this Russian thing so seriously and take care of yaself dude
ОтветитьIs there an app that translates English into colloquial Russian?
Ответитьhaha, I already have Alisa
ОтветитьCan you do a video on how to get your laptop computer to type with Russian letters? I'm using DuoLingo, Babbel and Rosetta Stone to Russian and I know on a desktop you can buy a separate keyboard that has Russian letters on it. On a smartPhone the keyboard automatically changes for you for the language you are typing. What to do with a laptop?
ОтветитьThis is so much better than using Google translate, robotic like voice. I would use Google translate a lot to practice with. But this is much more interactive. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. By the way, I just recently downloaded Yandex Translation app, it does a much better job with Russian than Google in my opinion. Спасибо!
ОтветитьЯ раньше не мог читать то, что писаться на твоей рубашке, но сейчас я мог это очень просто читать "Да, нет, наверно"