The BEST Way to Set Up Facebook Conversions API Pixel! | Google Tag Manager Facebook Pixel Tutorial

The BEST Way to Set Up Facebook Conversions API Pixel! | Google Tag Manager Facebook Pixel Tutorial

Jack Newman

1 год назад

66,659 Просмотров

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Valentin Orru
Valentin Orru - 23.11.2023 18:42

Amazing video thanks a lot for your work. I also saw that adsmurai also allows you to implement the pixel and conversion API for google ads, tiktok, snapchat etc.. Would you recommend to implement the tracking for these other paid channels the same way you just did with facebook ?

Beginner Coding
Beginner Coding - 23.11.2023 01:00

Hey Brother. I am doing a very urgent work in FB Pixel+CAPI with GTM and this video really made things a lot easier. I saw this and got confused at first. I tried a lot other videos and finished my work. But after doing all that, I realized how everything works now. And, now I realized that this is a GEM!! It really simplified many stuff. Will make sure to implement things this way from next time. Thanks a lot man!

next ecom
next ecom - 22.11.2023 01:55

Hi, Jack Hope you're good thanks a lot for this helpful videos i tried to follow every step you did but in the end i'm still facing problems with Server container the tags doesn't fire i have paid attention to the name of client like you said in the video but still the same problem i hope you can replt to me thanks

Daniel Cherniak
Daniel Cherniak - 21.11.2023 18:32

you show to ways of implementation to do it I need to use the tow ways?

Piet Leemans
Piet Leemans - 16.11.2023 17:24

Thanks for the video Jack. I'm stuck at the App Engine settings. When I created the container and click the link to the Google Cloud App Engine settings it says that I have to create an application. I'm not seeing the custom domain options you have. Any idea why that is? Hope you can help. Thanks ;).

Felicitas Lanusse
Felicitas Lanusse - 09.11.2023 17:31

Hi Jack! I have a follow up question to this video. I already have the facebook pixel on my site sending events to FB through the browser. Once I do this integration through t GTM FB will start receiving events through the server, through the browser container in GTM AND through my already implemented pixel on the site. Should I remove the pixel on the site to avoid duplicated events from the browser?

ScaryViking - 08.11.2023 18:16

Great video - until Google recently changed how automatically provisioned tagging server works. It is no longer set up in App Engine, but now uses Cloud Run. This means that you need to approach mapping your subdomain completely differently.

I can only recommend that you update your video to show setup in Google Cloud using Cloud Run :)

Malak Benachour
Malak Benachour - 07.11.2023 18:43

Very interesting video, Jack, thank you so much for your commitment. I have a question for you: I followed your two videos and set up the pixel and conversion API via Tag Manager using Google Cloud Console, and now I want to track another form on the same site. Would it be smarter to create a new Facebook pixel or use the same one for both forms? If I need to create a new one, how do I do that? I'm lost, thank you in advance.

Joyce adhiambo
Joyce adhiambo - 02.11.2023 22:21

its been working successful but recently facebook suggests that i send more parameters for my view content to get more conversions. How can is send additional parameters like phone, email, name and many more to get more conversion.

Crypto Live Trading Lab
Crypto Live Trading Lab - 31.10.2023 15:18

Hello, thanks for your video. I can't find anything in the App Engine. Only create application button and don't know what to do. Would you please help?

Logen - 30.10.2023 20:34

Thanks for the video.
If you're firing a facebook conversation based on the URL, how would you differentiate between traffic that came from other sources. Wouldn't facebook get a conversion that doesn't belong to it? For example, going through google ads or organic.

Dreams Line
Dreams Line - 30.10.2023 13:50

Hi Jack, when I verify the subdomain in GTM I get:
The requested URL was not found on this server.
How could I solve it?

Kevin Arca
Kevin Arca - 28.10.2023 19:44

Hi @imjacknewman Amazing video thank you! I'm stuck on one part and have a question:

When I add the DNS values from App Engine to my subdomain on GoDaddy, I get the error that it conflicts with another record for the same subdomain (it conflicts with the CNAME that connects my subdomain to my website). Any suggestions on how to get around this?

Or do I not need the subdomain to be "live"/connected to my website at all? In which case I just add the DNS records from Google App Engine, and leave out the website ones?

Thanks so much!

Haider Ali
Haider Ali - 27.10.2023 06:35

Can you please guide me on setting up the Client on Server side as after i clear the request URL and save the Client, the Request URL by default becomes Facebook. How to remove it

Jiří Dráb
Jiří Dráb - 26.10.2023 12:32

OMG, Thank you very much!!!

zain jnaid
zain jnaid - 21.10.2023 21:10

Hey Jack, thank you for this amazing video, it's really helpfull and i learned a lot from it. I just have a few questions, How can we add Snapchat + Tiktok Conversions with adsmurai ?

Jerva - 20.10.2023 20:43

Hi Jack, I have been uploading a domain to google cloud and it has been spinning for over 1 hour and nothing is happening. They are set up step by step as you show and explain in the video. Don't know where the error could be? Do I need to create a subdomain with my domain provider? Or just copy the records to the dns record for my domain? To be honest, I'm not that tech savvy and I get lost a lot. Please help. Thank you Jerva

TheInfoUNIX - 16.10.2023 12:40

An information : check if your account have "publish" right to add tag for containers

TheInfoUNIX - 16.10.2023 12:02

An information : tag assistant fail with Brave browser

Will Saletti
Will Saletti - 15.10.2023 04:05

I love you

Onur Degirmenci
Onur Degirmenci - 09.10.2023 11:45

Great video Jack! If the browser tag doesn't fire the "lead" tag for some reason, will the server tag fire the "lead" event in that case?

Arnas Lazutka
Arnas Lazutka - 07.10.2023 20:35

Just wondering, the current API version in GTM template is used up to v13, what about the current one v18?

Rick Cowley
Rick Cowley - 05.10.2023 02:37

Amazing tutorial, thank you! Question: Once we've set up Tags and Triggers in GTM do we also need to create some corresponding Custom Conversion Events in Facebook Event Manager?

Tanya Tayal
Tanya Tayal - 29.09.2023 13:26

I have setup facebook Conversions API using your method. Everything is working fine except Purchase event. I am not able to set parameters. Please help me

Davide Barison
Davide Barison - 28.09.2023 12:29

hi u are wot player? :D

Elias Pinheiro
Elias Pinheiro - 26.09.2023 19:21

It is not sending user data from the form like email, name and tel. What could it be? It says on debug that both PageView and Lead tags fired "but failed", also the tags fired on the server side and Facebook received, But why not the user personal data? I've set to hash user data.

N.C. Media
N.C. Media - 25.09.2023 19:27

Hello, thank you for making the video and helping so many people. I have a question, on the server side when I am setting up the new Tag, it is asking me to create an event and reenter the pixel ID and server ID, so I added both pieces of information. However, the tag is not saving and I am unsure what to do. Thank you in advance!

Kuber - 22.09.2023 14:11


I setup everything according to the instructions but am facing one issue/bug. In the gtm server container, when we add a client and give it a pixel ID and access token, you suggested to remove the "incoming request URL" so it tracks properly. The issue is, I remove it, save the client and it instantly comes back. The workspace registers a change and shows the modified client config as exactly the same.

As leaving it empty isn't working, is there a value we can manually put in? Like base URL of the tracking server subdomain?

Sohag Ahmed
Sohag Ahmed - 21.09.2023 23:09

try to published new update video

Seth Ward
Seth Ward - 16.09.2023 03:19

After doing all this, I just don't receive anything from the Server. Is that just likely to be down to not having the domain verified? You mention a previous video, about that, but there doesn't seem to be any link to it so not sure which one you're referring to?

Age in Place Health
Age in Place Health - 13.09.2023 18:55

Thanks for templates for IDK why, I can unzip them on my mac, but when I go to import them, they are not unzipped, can't import templates. Anyone know why? I copied to desktop and still won't import.

remusomega - 10.09.2023 17:21

When I use the browser-side debug tool I see my click events, all conditions are met and it says Firing Status: Failed. When I check my GTP server, it shows the firing event. When I check Facebook Events, I see the click event and it is de-duplicated as expected.

Why is my client server saying it has failed? I'm uncomfortable going into production mode with this in-congruence.

How do I even debug this? All my ad blockers are turned off.

Saran Raina
Saran Raina - 07.09.2023 01:59

Hi I've saas site I've hosted my site in subdomain, traking working in main domain when i checked trial event its not firing any solution for this

Carlos Rios
Carlos Rios - 06.09.2023 07:00

And what are the average costs per month to use google cloud services for the Conversions API, anyone know?

AI Advantage Agency
AI Advantage Agency - 03.09.2023 12:05

Fantastic video! Everything seems to be set up correctly, but when a Facebook conversion happens, only the server is reporting, not the browser. The browser does report pageviews though.

FAISAL RAHMAN - 01.09.2023 09:32

What a great tutorial

Surya Ravishankar
Surya Ravishankar - 29.08.2023 12:40

Hey Jack thank you so much for this comprehensive tutorial! I was able to set this up. I was wondering now would the events also show up in google analytics? Or since Facebook ads manager would now receive better data, can I analyse my campaigns within the ads manager itself?

Ibrahim Sherbeny
Ibrahim Sherbeny - 27.08.2023 14:42

This is the best ever course about fb pixel and GTM, you are great man, thanks! Keep going on you have a wonderful content and i'm search fro your courses to buy.. thanks

Richard Waite
Richard Waite - 24.08.2023 00:24

Great Job dude. I don't think you understand how much you have helped me.

Green Apple Unicorn
Green Apple Unicorn - 16.08.2023 16:49

Thank you so much for this tutorial Jack! Can you give like a rough estimate how much app engine cost for conversion API (visit/cost)? Really appreciate it

Eric Valdivieso
Eric Valdivieso - 13.08.2023 17:37

OMG. A mess. LOL

 Escape To The Moon
Escape To The Moon - 11.08.2023 12:03

Hey Jack, does SS GTM variables/triggers support Click Url/Classes/ID? In case we want to track a btn click event which doesn’t have a pageload

Pete - 09.08.2023 16:58

So the issue I am facing is when I fire the pixel in GTM I can see it has fired on both the browser side and server side. But when I go to facebook and look at my pixel events it doesn't look like yours. Its saying its receiving events from the browser only, I cannot see anything written server. And I am experiencing even issues with my conversion the amount of conversions I am seeing on the facebook dashboard are not the same as the ones in that have actually signed up, the ones who have actually signed up are more. When I start my ads even if it is a completely new campaign they go to learning mode.

David Enes
David Enes - 04.08.2023 18:54

Hello Jack! First of all thanks for the great video! It was easy to follow and it is working perfectly!
I only have one question. If I need to setup more standard and custom events should I be adding the tags on the browser side container only, on in both the server side and browser side containers?

Markus Kalm
Markus Kalm - 04.08.2023 13:06

Hey Jack where can I edit subdomain DNS?

Francesca D'Auria
Francesca D'Auria - 03.08.2023 00:33

This is a masterpiece.

Rohan Ananda Ramaswamy
Rohan Ananda Ramaswamy - 01.08.2023 14:34

bro how do you only have 690 subs?? ok, 691 now :")
