What you NEED to know about Bird Flu!

What you NEED to know about Bird Flu!

Jackson Galaxy

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@MURZBO - 14.03.2025 07:33

In response to bird flu we've been feeding only wet cat food. We put bird spikes to prevent excess bird poop on our cat's balcony. Also keep him under supervision when on there besides that our cat is strictly indoor. So far so good fingers crossed 🤞 keep your kitty safe!

@MC-gt6yp - 14.03.2025 06:31

Are there any urban city cats that get the virus or have you only found it in farm cats? It’s so unfortunate that farm cats are victim to this horrible virus

@itskashkashi - 14.03.2025 05:27

Indoor only single cat household. House humans seem to be the biggest risk to him. I'm immunocompromised and dont leave the house much (but catch almost every bug going around regardless). I notised my cat had a slight nasal discharge recently, I'm VERY sick with a nasty bug for the last week. On antibiotics but my cat sleeps near to/ on me more when I'm ill. I'm terrified I got him sick, but i get brushed off a lot when expressing concern about "mild" symptoms. Sigh, at least humans can try to self advocate in medical matters. Our fur babies only have us.

@Chameeleoh - 14.03.2025 04:20

Ty for covering this. Youre a great person. Im very scared by this current surge of birdflu 😢

@LEDewey_MD - 14.03.2025 02:21

Excellent and informative video! Thank you!

@linzerj9904 - 14.03.2025 01:35

Makes me kinda worried about taking my cat out on the harness. I usually keep my cat away from birds and such while outside, and i hope that's enough for now...

@sarahdanon7336 - 14.03.2025 01:33

Are you sitting in a large catio! If so, neeeeed a tour!

@PoppyFlux - 14.03.2025 00:58

My cat caught a viral infection a couple years ago, when he was 14.
It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen; my healthy active cat overnight wobbling, hanging his head, and falling over when he tried to walk!

I rushed him to the vet thinking he'd had a stroke, to be told it was viral and he just needed medications and indoor rest, and thankfully he recovered within a few days.
I was so relieved, but I'd had no idea viruses could cause such serious neurological symptoms. All he'd had previously was occasional sneezing, but no other symptoms.

I'm in the UK where the census is on indoor/outdoor (The RSPCA won't let people adopt rescue cats from them without a cat flap), and since my cat got sick I limit his outdoor time to daylight hours - but he still wakes me at 2am regularly because he's been free-roaming since kittenhood and doesn't like being in at night.
I wish I could build a catio but I'm renting sighs

We've had frequent outbreaks of bird flu for years, but it jumping to cats is worrying as most cats here are indoor/outdoor free roaming.
I'll be keeping an eye on the news incase it spreads over here.

@sarahdanon7336 - 14.03.2025 00:56

I use salmon!

@sovereigncrux - 13.03.2025 23:29

We are in the PNW, and once the avian flu wiped out half of a big cat sanctuary an hour away and left the rest hospitalized, we took our bird feeders down and sterilized our balcony. Our cats are disappointed because watching the birds feed was their daily highlight, but their health comes first and foremost.

@andrewmunz1639 - 13.03.2025 22:34

I grew up on a farm, not a dairy but "The Boss" was always very careful what animal got milk from what other animal,chickens,cats, cows,sheep even pigs can't be given to chicken or cats! But in the winter cats will do some sneaky stunts to eat fat!

@LazerCatHelmet - 13.03.2025 19:48

Do not forget folks, most of these “cases” are PCR results and not western blot or something that determines a difference between “yes this protein exists” and “this protein is causing an infection”. Fantastic for marketing, horrible for determining.

@ChrisB-x2q - 13.03.2025 18:52

H5N1 then H6N1 and on and on. Wake up people. This all planned!!!

@jennybell9352 - 13.03.2025 17:32

Thank you so much for this!
Super helpful

@carmentorres5947 - 13.03.2025 13:48

I love your channel I watch you all the time I know you hear this all the time but my cat is the happiest because of you and I get more love from my aya" he's the most beautiful baby a mom could love but thank you for all you do in this channel IAM glad I found you ❤

@tealmaiden - 13.03.2025 13:24

Cat vaccine possible?

@user-oz7bx4tx8e - 13.03.2025 12:21

We live near a big cat shelter where several died of bird flu. Last month our cat suddenly appeared unwell. Her pupils were large. She acted like she could not see. Then she had a seizure and stroke and went into a coma. It was sudden. The only thing we noticed was she was presenting as weaker the week before with watery eyes. We had set a vet appt. But ended up taking her to the ER when she appeared weaker after the vet appt. She had a seizure on the way to the vet and they put her down before I could get there to say goodbye. Our hearts are broken. Now I wonder if it was bird flu. We have a catio she had access to

@edwardwonghaupepelutivrusky - 13.03.2025 11:32

I am really concerned about the freeze dried chicken products. My cats love them, and if the MFG doesn't address what they're doing to make sure products are safe, I don't know if I can feel at all safe giving them to my cats right now.

@dear-mother-earth - 13.03.2025 08:44

thank you for doing this Jackson!

@bradleyzimmerman2241 - 13.03.2025 04:32

Bird Flu, also known as N1H5 with a Patten # registered with the Federal Government. If it's natural, why is there a Patten # ?.

@DaddyB93 - 13.03.2025 02:58

I wish I could work with you. People say all animals love me and can feed off my energy. If there is anyway I can please let me know!!

@christinezemaitaitis7016 - 13.03.2025 02:03

Yeah, there's such a bird flu that's why you see dead birds everywhere, right ? Nah, not any at all. That's why the birdflu thing is nothing but BS. No one is dying from birdflu. The birds aren't dying. The animals aren't dying. However, the lame democrat party is what's dying.

@lauraswedenasmr5017 - 13.03.2025 00:22

Is bird flu in Europe also?

@helloitsme7983 - 12.03.2025 23:46

Ps.. dairy milk isn't good for cats even without the birdflu. .. that is a myth. Yes . They will drink it sometimes but that does not make it healthy!
Cow milk is for baby cows...

@karimcmillion9764 - 12.03.2025 22:53

I focus on covid 19 concerning cats. My cat that disappeared recovered uneventfuly. Again, saw a change in her behavior

@ginaray4547 - 12.03.2025 22:02

What do I feed my cat? I was feeding him freeze dried raw.

@AB-kg6rk - 12.03.2025 21:22

whats with the beard and ear guages? Be yourself dude.

@lauravonbank303 - 12.03.2025 21:20

The bird flu nonsense is literally a Simpsons episode. More fear mongering about nothing

@kevinmontgomery9867 - 12.03.2025 21:01

Cats catch ,kill and eats birds, so if a cat get bird flu,it is cause that cat ate a bird that was infected. I would think that unless you eat cats,you have nothing to worry about

@abigailKitt - 12.03.2025 19:22

Yeah. How are we supposed to get accurate info from the FDA & the CDC when this admin is firing personnel & suppressing information?!

@babspol40 - 12.03.2025 18:34

I don't have bird flu but I have a serious question. I have a fixed female that I had a few months then my husband found a kitten in the road and rescued it. Ok now a year later they're separated in rooms because in one day they started acting like they're killing each other? We have to isolate my female,if they just see each other it's a fight? Help

@platpeeg - 12.03.2025 18:25

Not kitty related, your Theo glasses suit you! 🤓😎

@genevalewis5286 - 12.03.2025 18:19

Thanks for this excellent interview with this expert. Definitely the best information I have received about the avian flu. Have been scouring articles, in the first five minutes she gave more info than the New York Times! Hope everyone and their cats can stay safer.

@manami793 - 12.03.2025 18:03

hard to listen to sounds like the mic is clipping uggg

@PanikaMCD - 12.03.2025 16:20

she’s a tad off on her description of the dairy farm crossover event per the testimony of the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (one of many state extension agencies housed at Texas A&M) to the state legislature. this crossover event occurred at multiple diary farms in the Texas Panhandle because there are a lot of them and there are also a lot of migratory bird paths which go through the state. part of the reason this strain spreads so quickly via wild species as opposed to domestic ones is that there are a number of migratory bird species which remain by and large asymptomatic when infected compared to domestic, exotic and non-migratory species (primarily migratory ducks and geese). despite the shortage of large animal vets in the state, there wasn’t only one vet working with these sick cows as there are thousands if not tens of thousands of them—there were the normal vets for the ranches, Texas Animal Health Commission (which deals with larger health threats to livestock like this from cows down to honey bees), TVMDL as mentioned, an emergency veterinary task force composed of volunteer vets and veterinary medical students from A&M and the new veterinary medical school at Texas Tech in Amarillo (which specifically focuses on large animal medicine) deployed in disasters, and probably some people from Parks & Wildlife checking for evidence of possible culprits in wild ruminants. they hadn’t checked for this strain of bird flu because it is incredibly weird for viruses to jump from birds to ruminants. the determination wasn’t a few dead cats, it was all the barn cats dying at several of the dairies impacted so TVMDL was able to take all the samples they could without impacting the health of the animals which was how they determined it was bird flu which did the cats in and then tested for it in the cows. they also immediately tested for it in sick farm workers which also came up positive. Texas House freshman Don McLaughlin really wants a conspiracy involving lab grown meat for some reason and that was a pretty hilarious exchange with Dr. Denison yesterday.

@patriciabarron245 - 12.03.2025 16:12

Audio keeps breaking up

@rachelwilliams8340 - 12.03.2025 15:13

Is it still safe to leash walk your cat(s)?

@Cocomafh - 12.03.2025 13:38

Hello. I'd like to understand the content of the videos but I don't understand English very well and the automatic translation doesn't make sense.

I don't know if there's anything you can do about it, but I'll pass on the message just in case.

@marythibault9032 - 12.03.2025 06:18

Bird flu is another pharma creation.

@penelopes5998 - 12.03.2025 04:34

This is why I stopped letting my cat out. The water fowl in Long Island, NY were dying. Very scary because I live only 30 miles from that location.

@suezannejessikarabbitkelle4947 - 12.03.2025 03:28

Are there any vitamins or anything we can do to boost there immune system? I have cancer and poor immune system, a special needs son, and 4 cats in Alaska and an asshole for a husband who won't do much to prevent me from getting sick and brings ome many colds much less my babies. Aside from that Vets up here are scarce well decent Vets that don't put there kids orthodontics program on a bill it's actually impossible to get care up here . With a urinary issue I was bullied into putting 9ne of my babies down because they charged $575.00 for that and knew I couldn't afford more and they refused to let me leave with my cat for a different opinion or not to get care! How in the world can we help them?

@LadyClassy50 - 12.03.2025 02:02

Jackson I adopted a cat from shelter 3 years ago. I have never pet her or touch her after bringing her home from shelter. I’ve tried everything, she is so skittish still after 3 years. I have cat toys, towers, scratch pads, she has two litter boxes, I can’t even catch her to take to a vet. She won’t allow me to groom her nothing, if this is not going to improve after 3 years I will be force to drastic measures in catching her and return to shelter which they have already told me she will be put to sleep because they are over crowed. I live in Texas. Please I’m desperate and don’t know what to do. The shelter will end her life if I take her back.

@Golfbugs77 - 12.03.2025 01:18

Thank you Jackson for being the voice of reason! Please keep your cat’s indoors for even a short period of time! And raw foods for everyone has to be cooked to some degree to get us passed this
horrible period of time…🙏🙏🙏🐈🐈🐈💝💝💝

@redtoplanding5160 - 11.03.2025 23:23

who changed the story - collecting bird poo for diet? in Florida? or was it Purple Martin Xonservation

@goddessisg00d - 11.03.2025 22:07

Thank you for pressing her for specifics-I hate when they med speak -Really appreciate it. (Because, I felt that That was a Crucial aspect..that she very nearly -perhaps inadvertently,sidestepped & I appreciate her looping back explaining why maybe we dont have a clear picture yet but telling what we do know). What a thorough interview-well done Jackson.

@napuaoney8593 - 11.03.2025 21:49

My cat is a HUGE butter fan….would butter be considered no go with this flu?

@loglan5150 - 11.03.2025 21:42

Several years? H5N1 has been around since at least the 90s. I remember they were afraid about it then.

@youtubedocus - 11.03.2025 20:47

finally! awesome! I'll wait for a response. I might be blocked from seeking a typed response still !!!

@belle1256 - 11.03.2025 19:59

I know someone who's four cats were fed raw food and out of the four cats all of them got bird flu and two of them wound up dying. It was very heartbreaking because it was mother and her three adult offspring. The mom wound up dying and one of her daughters wound up dying as well.
I also have four cats and one of them loves Stella and chewy raw, he has not been eating it since October of last year when I first learned that raw foods can be infected with the virus and the virus can be transmittable to cats. I don't know what I would do without my Kermit.

@LoriKasprzak-kc7xc - 11.03.2025 19:37

And cats eat birds.
