How Color Theory Affects Screen Printing | Color Shift EXPLAINED

How Color Theory Affects Screen Printing | Color Shift EXPLAINED


2 года назад

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@Dtag1971 - 26.09.2021 03:23

Yea..... Been there. Drives me insane. Print mostly transfers..... Why isn't that color brighter? Trying to explain that to a client. Mesh count, ink types, or the design has so many small details.... OMG....BFF..... I need a beer now.

@jihope8415 - 25.09.2021 04:12

Thank you

@axxxc - 25.09.2021 03:21

My school's going to buy a whole bunch of equipment from you. I know we bought an exposure unit and it's supposed to be on the way. We are really excited.. we have a screen printing class at our community college and I am one of two of the advanced printers. I also just bought my four color one station press from you guys. We only use ryonet here!
