The MASSIVE Total War Gamble that PAID OFF - Total War Attila 2023 Review

The MASSIVE Total War Gamble that PAID OFF - Total War Attila 2023 Review

Andy's Take

1 год назад

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@DonesdeMotivacion - 17.01.2024 17:14

I have a Hymyar Campaign saved where I moved (Horde) from Arabia Felix as a Jew to Breton peninsula (the Galic region) settled, converted the whole infrastructure to middle eastern of Hispania, Galia and Brittania, converted neighbors to Judaism and married both Romans and Barbarians with several alliances and kings, crown prince of mix race. It was my last game before my second children was born but boy o boy, I am such a veteran in this game that I wreaked Havoc in my journey to West Europe.

@mowtow90 - 17.01.2024 00:57

Attila was overall a better game because it ovehalled the TURD that was Rome 2 at release. It fixed most of the most idiotic mechanics and added others. While having a tone of its own problems like the bruttaly OP agents.
My problem with Attila was allways the time period. I'm just not interested in the collapse period. Antiquity is the period I allways wanted to play. This is why I only played little from Rome 1- Barbarian invasions.
Attila game on Rome 2's time period would be the best. There was a mod "anciend empires as offshot of Divide at Impera" but I think the mode was abandaned due real life for the modders.
Now there is a good mod on Attile Mediaval 1212 AD which is amazing as Medlival 3 is just going to be a pipe dream.

@doyadirty3804 - 13.01.2024 07:02

Can u play third age on atilla ?

@killerman339 - 08.01.2024 12:12

The fact that this game has so many challenging aspects to it. Every single feature had some type of survival in it wish made every turn challenging and rewarding.
- fertility land now might not be good in the future
- How bigger your armies and unexperienced your armies are, how easier for them or the general to break away from your empire or start a revolt
- Family trees become complicated and the political aspect could get worse if you don't manage it correctly
- Attila is coming to get you
- The settlement destruction is probably the worst thing that could happen to you in any total war game. Burning the entire land so your fertility level is just 0 when you reclaim it
How in the world did Creative assembly not developed this further and still struggled with endgame challenge after this game? This was the perfect answers for future TW games in terms of Scope and style. Especially crazy to think they didn't do something similar when Warhammer started to release.

@Shakdnugz2024 - 07.01.2024 09:08

i'd play it more but the blacks are way to black. the game just looks overly dark laterally

@kitchenkiing - 02.01.2024 19:07

Rome barbarian invasion is attila renewed basically

@jokerrhe - 27.12.2023 06:02

How do you play as the Celts?

@trapper7954 - 26.12.2023 18:22

are you kidding? It's so bad, does anyone know some mods to make it playable and fun?

@Serek_heterogenizowany - 25.12.2023 05:22

Hot take.

@WQuantrill - 22.12.2023 22:14

This is the best TW title in recent years, I’m playing it right now. So many fantastic mods.

@nighthowk117 - 09.12.2023 16:24

Attila has one of the best Battles but overall campaign and stability of the game makes it not worth replaying

@Shamanthebarbarian - 07.12.2023 12:58

DAMN! I think the same! ATTILA FTW!

@Tjurenful - 04.12.2023 20:02

I really liked this game as well and nodded along basically to everything you said until you glanced over the complaints people have with the fertility system. And addressed it by saying it’s “a skill issue”. Which is a rather disingenuous statement there are basically a lot of valid points people have to their complaints about the fertility system, since it’s a tier system 1-5 fertility. Meaning all over Northern Europe is on tier 1 of fertility makes the system feels very gamy instead of realistic. Maybe they should have introduced a progressive degradation instead to fix it idk, but your dismissal of it as “ a skill issue” detracts from your otherwise very good video you should try to refrain from doing such low brow attacks imo.

@splork8016 - 03.12.2023 11:29

Love this game. The music, the units, the complexity of the campaign... underrated game. I think the name turned off many players. Total War: Fall of Rome would have been more descriptive and more encompassing.

@LenweBenwe - 29.11.2023 14:29

Shocking that you talk about caviar in a tube and it's not Kalles!! How far Norway has strayed without the enlightened, guiding hand of Svearike!!

@aureojapos8845 - 27.11.2023 11:13

I Total Warly agree. I love playing the WRE again and again. T

@OrchonAbi - 22.11.2023 02:02

I want total war arena back....

@alanandconnielast - 16.11.2023 12:15

Great video

@rigsting3196 - 16.11.2023 07:51

I'm really hoping to grab this if it goes on the black friday sale

@windblownleaf6450 - 14.11.2023 17:14

I used to dislike this game because the performance was so awful, but something seems to have changed. I don't know whether CA patched it or if it's the unofficial community patch, but I went from getting 30-40 fps in campaign no 120+ fps.

@NIRVANABLEACH2 - 10.11.2023 15:27

This is THE best TW imo. But it's so difficult that Rome II is my favorite.

@DarthTrytan - 08.11.2023 00:56

Medieval mod is mid unfortunately, though it looks great. Can't wait to see that mod improve.

@Enkabard - 03.11.2023 01:11

Barbarian Invasion is the equal expansion pack as Attila is to Rome 2 and yet you compare it to Rome 1 itself, where roman parties didnt even control entire Italy.... cool, you can tell this video is very insightful right away

@VV00d13 - 02.11.2023 13:30

I did a brilliant tactic with the western empire xD

i gathered all my armies back to Italy
And then I burned every city except Italy xD

Got some rebellion but that died down pretty fast and vioala
you have a manageble empire to retake the world xD

It was at the time a bit of a exploit since the Ai at start didnt populate regions as much sp I could just populate what I wanted.
And this removed me from borders to enemies making them less likley to declare war. And if they did I had armies in italy defending me

Oh the days <3

@VulcanLogic - 02.11.2023 09:29

Yeah the climate change aspect is brutal, and I really enjoyed the Age of Charlemagne. I earned a lot of my history degree's credits on this game's eras.

@williamrodriguez296 - 29.10.2023 08:55

I'm sorry, but am I the only one that remembers that debacle of a launch, and how long it took for the mod community to salvage this game? I know it is playable now, but I am not sure how much credit we should give CA for that. I mean, they abandoned their own game. Released Feb 2015, and basically dumped after Feb 2016 with some of the issues never even attempted to be fixed.

@elliotwatson3964 - 26.10.2023 17:10

I will defintley say what I want about this... ITS FUCKING BROKEN.

@olefredrikskjegstad5972 - 26.10.2023 01:45

I like Attila, but you're overselling how "original" and "groundbreaking" it is. Did you just forget the Barbarian invasion expansion to Rome 1 existed? A lot of the stuff we see in Attila was already introduced there.

@Left4Candy - 24.10.2023 15:35

Gotta be honest, I don't like Attila. Combat is absolutely horrible which makes half the game unplayable to me

@iNeedaBreakdown - 19.10.2023 11:14

Late to the party, but after Pharaoh recently came out and flopped massively - and rightfully so imo - it hurts to remember, just how easy CA could have had it by just transferring the Attila-formula to a full on - and most importantly full scope! - Bronze Age-Total War. Just imagine how cool it could have been to play as Mycenae (for example) and struggle for sheer survival after starting the game in a pretty powerful position. Or playing as the Sea Peoples themselves, bringing the literal apocalypse to every civilisation - man, it's such a bummer how CA f*cked up Troy and Pharaoh. The settings for both games are awesome, but this was meant be in one game as a full scale TW with the apocalyptic Atilla vibe. Anyways... at least CA got what they deserved with Pharaoh. Hopefully they've learnt the right lesson from this - but I doubt it.

@The13thRonin - 18.10.2023 08:59

I like to play games with more than 5 FPS on a 3090.
So Attila is not on the cards.

@NekysAcherontios - 18.10.2023 04:03

I just LOVED what they did in this game. The battle maps are large enough (compare to rome 2 where an infantry unit can run and be upon you in a minute or so), there is diversity in units, terrain types, the cities and regions look better, siege weapons are really dangerous ans the squalor rework was an amazing thing. On the other hand, having to kill atilla three times is not really the greatest of ideas.

@piss57 - 12.10.2023 03:02

When i first saw this game, i didn't like the way the world map looked (i used to play a lot of Rome 2 a few years ago, so that's why). But i downloaded it and actually played it, i fell in love instantly. I always like the challanges this game throws at you.

@Saltarian1 - 11.10.2023 14:26

I thought that nothing could stop me from infinitely playing Rome 2, but after having a few failures with Attila and then finally understanding how it works I just can't come back to Rome 2, because Attila is just so captivating and satisfying, especially when you manage to stabilise ERE or WRE and get back at those barbarians with your trusted heavy legion...amazing.
Not gonna lie though, Huns at time feel like some bugged imbalance else would you describe a faction that you can destroy 20 stacks of and they keep re-emerging with 3 full top tier units, lol.

@pulanceyt - 07.10.2023 12:12

Y'all high if you this this is the best total war game ever. This video has 60k views, so that tells me you are just a minority. The game was mediocre at best.

@thoronirgros188 - 04.10.2023 15:52

Saving a huge crumbling empire is a totally different experience than expanding from 0 and one of my favorite. Unfortunately Shogun 2 runs so much better so I'm sticking with that.

@HavanaBobChannel - 29.09.2023 13:40

Shogun 2 fall of samurai, Medieval 2, Attila have a special place in my heart. Rome 2 (not at release) good as well.

@jonasdahlmann9973 - 28.09.2023 11:25

Wait what, are you danish?

@jvoodoochild2755 - 27.09.2023 11:35

I never got Attila. I guess I was still enjoying Rome2 or wasn’t in my game budget at the time

One of my fav aspects of R2 was the Auxiliary system. Not only the units I could recruit myself but the units I could recruit from my vassals.

How did Attila handle Augs?

@mattiarizzo1242 - 25.09.2023 15:29

Did they fixed the multiplayer campaign bug of turn 100?

@End-Result - 25.09.2023 02:34

You're right, this is a very sophisticated game and your review was suitably nuanced and vey well presented to boot! Thanks for making content like this worth watching and not as tedious as the usual knuckledragging gamer fare we're so used to on this hellsite!

@estradaevan - 24.09.2023 21:23

I actually just played through again recently on Very Hard and Legendary as WRE. Literally just pulled burned everything back to Italia on turn 1 and rebounded exponentially against invaders. Burn, consolidate, expand. It was pretty epic!

@axlandgamer3332 - 22.09.2023 23:49

I like Attila, in fact is the only game where I like to play as Roman because Western Empire is very fun.
I've not tested mods though, but Attila needs badly a projectiles nerf, specially the slingers/machine guns.

@fn8382 - 18.09.2023 21:50

jeg ønsker meg den kaviaren nå.

@user-jl9cg2im5q - 14.09.2023 15:37

The atmosphere is amazing in Attila...

@The-Black-Death - 03.09.2023 08:54

Instead of just YET ANOTHER LOTR mod, I'd really love to see a Conan The Barbarian-based mod set that overhauls the world into Hyboria, this game is DYING for a mod like that exactly, and Total War could greatly sync well with the Hyborian setting extremely well.

@ozzy7471 - 03.09.2023 00:42

I'm addicted to this game. I wish it was better optimized though

@breezysanti - 26.08.2023 22:56

The only things i dont like is the massive debuff to units when your village burns. Most siege maps are the same and the barricades need to be increased to be useful.

@theotenbrink8834 - 24.08.2023 17:35

its my favourite too and haven'd bought an other tw ever since
