The King of Stolen Valor Documentary | OKI | MoistCr1TiKaL Reacts

The King of Stolen Valor Documentary | OKI | MoistCr1TiKaL Reacts

Moist Moments

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@zexor98 - 10.02.2024 12:12

Imagine getting a 25 million bounty put on you by your own employer 😮 he must of felt pretty betrayed he was only doing what he told them to

@deniskovac2489 - 08.02.2024 17:48

Dude IQ is measured from 50 to 120, he obviously has the upper spectrum immune system. It ranges a lot.

@mortarion6385 - 07.02.2024 21:21

Who let angeryjoe go to Afghanistan

@gymbronate - 30.01.2024 12:19

Well, I’ll always remember him as “that weirdo who slept with transgenders and acted like ex military”

@NejedNiko - 29.01.2024 20:39

It's a very fucked up story ... but ... I can't help it, but I hope the doggo found a good loving family ... Poor doggo ♥

@MrRusty-fm4gb - 27.01.2024 19:37

Hes like the fed smoker of counter terrorism...

@gabriellelytle8537 - 25.01.2024 23:25

Stop I literally studied Hwa Rang Do. I was NOT expecting to have those flashbacks today 😭😂

@Kikeg86 - 25.01.2024 16:50

you realize everything he did and said could be normal if he was 8 years old?

@DejavontaJohnson - 25.01.2024 09:54

Absolute piece of shit human, but tbf the only part I was confused on is she said "well I tried to shoot and kill him and he started beating me up" like what did you expect when you shot at a coke riddled narcissistic piece of shit

@Lyonprints - 24.01.2024 19:04

im 30mins in and this guy is a fucking genius lol

@Lyonprints - 24.01.2024 18:46

hwa rang do is just mma

@scandalouslando204 - 24.01.2024 04:26

When the guy said that jack was trash in the military and u were impressed he heard of him. Well in the military u are only actually around a max of 100 soldiers and actually closr to where u actually knew the name of the person that count cuts down to a max of 50, at most, and most of u just aquatinted with. Actually close to 10-15 at most.

@jackashmore - 23.01.2024 20:47

Ok all insults aside, Jack did catch a terrorist with bomb schemtaics

@user-dj9iu2et3r - 22.01.2024 00:18

This guy was Walmart Big Boss

@itzelgarcia5987 - 21.01.2024 12:37

I just crocheted a giant goose to this documentary and it it’s absolutely amazing 10/10

@Kvltklassik - 14.01.2024 01:18

What I don't get is why the FBI extrajudicially stole his court evidence prior to the trial, in a move that even shocked other US Depts. We see at least some evidence in the documentary itself of Jack talking to high level DoD officials who aren't just going "wait who is this how did you get this number".
He tortured those guys who at least some of them were on lists from the FBI, and additionally they gave him a name that led to confirmed explosives at the person's house and international experts confirmed explosives in his vehicle too.

So given he was in contact with the US Govt, did apprehend FBI wanted terrorists, did obtain a name that led to uncovering hidden explosives, and then subsequently the FBI literally stole evidence from him in a secret move they couldn't even tell their own team at the DoD about...

He's a liar, like no shit. But liars don't purely exist in a world of fiction lol. Most liars don't lie all the time, and even the ones that do still do real things, at least sometimes.
There seems to be a lot of very obvious unanswered questions here but instead of diving into it the story just diverted to interviewing someone else.

@metaleggman18 - 12.01.2024 12:05

Honestly, if Jack had been intimate with women, then a man and a trans woman, it sounds more like some sort of drug addled hypersexuality. The interviewer calling him gay feels odd. Gay men don't have sex with trans women.

@lightnin6503 - 12.01.2024 11:15

The shared American delusion of being an ex military badass.

@JacobC479 - 12.01.2024 01:53

I’m glad Penny was okay but I feel horrible for her having to leave her animals, that would be so hard.

@dippymcdepper5825 - 09.01.2024 03:25


@bigolboomerbelly4348 - 07.01.2024 17:27

Jack: I am a covert CIA DIA NSA Green Beret elite operator.

Lawyer: There's no record of you anywhere...

Jack: Exactly. Deep fake bro.

@adamcummings4060 - 07.01.2024 16:03

I don’t know if they were talking about this guy specifically but I had family over there in intelligence and spec ops and they told me stories about Americans who were over there acting like they were American agents and cia. They said it was just a giant grift, they also said Afghanistan was bad but that Iraq was the fake cia guy Super Bowl. I have heard numbers in the tens of billions just being stolen and grifted out of iraq.

@TheAmericanPika - 04.01.2024 10:09

Dude had a narcissistic personality disorder with delusions of grandeur. He reminds me of my former neighbor (who was evicted for doing meth and severely abusing his gf and dog). Good riddance, you absolute piece of trash.

@Auds_1995 - 03.01.2024 12:53

Honestly the craziest part of this those video was the person who asked, What type of toilet do you have?” …I’m not being serious, this was a pretty crazy video, and Jack is a nutty, weirdo who is almost impressive just for being such a bizarre character. The toilet thing though just gave me a good extra giggle. 😂

@prodgrysz - 02.01.2024 17:14

Real Ass dude

@bigal7561 - 02.01.2024 04:00

3 components. Strike, defend and take down (as listed in video). Fight goes till a take down which ends the round. Kick, box, Judo and wrestling is allowed the only difference is the round ends with take down and not tap out. It's really cool and the competitions are mostly bloodless with head gear, pads and gear. Better way to learn to fight than MMA because it's more like a real fight you might get into.

@bigal7561 - 02.01.2024 03:40

They spent even more in bribes everyday. It was called footballs. Boxes with millions of dollars for information. A ton more for the big guy

@nicholasmatthew9687 - 31.12.2023 18:57

The $25 million is the highest bounty that America places on individuals and organizations. The bounty is technically in place for the exchange of information which could lead to some form of capture or prosecution. Consistently defined by every individual bounty as “actionable intelligence”. As nation we’ve paid out over $125m in relation to info on terrorists but mostly for Al Qaeda in general. Over the last two decades there is at almost all times an $25m bounty on whoever is leading Al Qaeda at a given time. Bounties are solely for intelligence though, if someone actually went over and killed one of our enemies thinking they’ll get a payout, they are just going to end up being charged with international crimes. The United States does not place bounties on the lives of individuals anywhere and this is a MAJOR misconception that is very common. We have Seals for when something is going to be on the official record, and the CIA just contracts assassins for deniability when it’s supposed to be off the record. Openly hiring assassins for a bounty would directly violate our constitution and a slew on international laws, it’s not a thing. Even when the seals go in and ultimately kill someone, the first goal at all times is capture if possible. It’s just usually not possible and that’s why we send in Seals. Killing peoples like leaders of Al Qaeda for example before prosecution is actually extremely counter productive to national security and the general operations of the government surrounding these groups.

@rufcat2970 - 30.12.2023 12:09

he reminds me eerily of Jim Lahey

@cprib5901 - 30.12.2023 11:09

Talking over the most suspenseful part of the story line ffs stfu

@eyeiess - 30.12.2023 09:07

You found one of the original American ninja warriors 😂

@brickshotted - 30.12.2023 08:52

This whole movie pisses me off
Edit: Not a movie, not you Charlie, but the level he fucked everyone at. It's at a legit pisses me off level ive never encountered before

@wesendhits - 29.12.2023 20:48

Charlie, your skepticism and then being proven wrong seconds after kinda ruins the video…..

@benkersten1705 - 27.12.2023 23:48

This is what Jay did before meeting Mike and Rich?

@mayankkumar9746 - 24.12.2023 17:54

bruh!!!! like she called for it !!! she was dumb enough to be with a ecentric criminal guy and she lived with him because she loved adventures and turned blind eye to fkin everything !!! she was nthing but a looser fangirl to a fkin criminal no more kinda similar to cult worshippers who tend to loose their everything for a dumb dikhead and when they get out of bubble act as a victim and ask for sympathy !!! I feel bad for her in the aftermath but every actions and decisions have outcomes and its evident she is soooo emotionally vulnerable !!

@Sholuh9 - 24.12.2023 17:17

With the fact that he tried to forge documents into a court house in the states I wouldn’t be surprised if you planted everything

@nolaah1 - 20.12.2023 22:41

Dude is a real life Dale Gribble hahaha 😅

@rachel4435 - 19.12.2023 12:57

idk about Ron Pearlman. but I do think there's a few pics where he reminds me of Charles Manson. and the way he manipulates people too. I'm surprised he hasn't started a cult.
