Wondering if when you are a ghoul, do other ghouls in the wastes leave you alone? Will some normally passive NPC humans now try to attack you, like the Brotherhood? Honestly, the 200 percent buff for all the negatives for going feral doesn't seem worth it since you can stack cards, chems, and legendary effect manipulations get you even more benefits.
ОтветитьDamn I was hoping to use in my melee/rifle Mole Miner build but I've got desire to give up my weapon combo or to be a glass cannon built I also would've appreciated them not needlessly nerfing bleed and poison to effects vital to two of my characters builds uuuuuugggggghhhh
ОтветитьIs there any way to speed up how long it takes to go completely feral? Or do you just become a ghoul and then wait however long it takes?
ОтветитьOnce they implement ghoulification, hopefully they make it to where you can become different ghouls later on like glowing or lost and have special abilities like with being a glowing ghoul you constantly emit radiation and your attacks and being attacked(melee and guns) imparts radiation damage and lost your attacks and being attacked imparts electrical damage and with v.a.t.s you see an elctrical aura ( as Hugo described) with enemies
ОтветитьThis Could have been SOOO much more interesting if becoming feral meant that u were then GREATLY incentivized to Attack Other Players, thru buffs/debuffs and/or regaining ur sanity. Great pvp opportunity....
ОтветитьI bet once we get playable ghouls we’ll get ghoul outfits like the Ghoul from the fallout show and the FO3 Reaver.
Maybe even a glowing one like the great Oswaldo (I think that’s his name) from the Nuka world DLC in FO4.
I’m curious now noticeable the weapon accuracy is if your fully feral
Like if it effects the lock on for missile launcher I think that would be crazy
Feral! Vampires power attack auto axe with strength on all my armor. No idea what first star I’ll do though at this point for my armor since over eaters doesn’t count for anything. Maybe an enemy type specific first star for each limb? 🤔
ОтветитьNo overeaters for ghouls should be the norm. Make em dust off those lesser effects like vanguards.
ОтветитьWe need new ghoul related food buffs now or resource generator made for the ghoul which i assume will come it takig away 3 meta stuff for us so something has to come
ОтветитьWhen you do your Heavy Gunner PA build video, could you give us your opinion on options to use in place of Sentinels until it is fixed.
I’m getting tired of Tanking the hell out of all of the damage, then suddenly “Insta Die” when Sentinels stops working right!!
I put a set of solar armor on mine and did the Ultracite Titan solo in a nuke zone with all those adds and didn't take damage.
ОтветитьMarch 25th cannot come fast enough
ОтветитьSo now just need to explain the new feral perks since you said you where doing it separate from Non-Feral to feral, unless you already made a vid
Ответитьreally need to know explicitly what is considered a "chem" and what isn't, e.g. stimpaks/super stims, glowing blood, other things that appear in the Aid tab but it's ambiguous whether they're a "chem" or not.
ОтветитьOh hell yeah! Feral Samurai Melee build, here I come!!
ОтветитьDo stims count as chems against feral? And I read on some website "some human perk cards can't be used as a ghoul" so I would very much like to know if action boy can be stacked with the ghoul equivalent or if it's just one or the other. Cause my ap regen kind of sucks
ОтветитьDo you know if the legendary combat stim effects the feral bar? cause it gives +30% melee damage (5 min) +25 damage resistance (5 min) +2 Strength (5 min) Be a decent thing to try.
ОтветитьDo you know if the combat chems from the legendary perk change the feral meter? Would be pretty bonkers having that on top of the 200% if that’s the only damage boosting Chen a feral build could take
Ответитьi def want to try a feral melee ghoul, a ranged ghoul doesn't seem worth it for me at all since i'm running a bloodied build most of the time.
ОтветитьIt just new bloodied wtf im sick of less def for more Damage oe my not work whats the point im a melee no pa build fuck the goul
ОтветитьBut the most important thing is wil ghouls attack you if so then it not worth my time
ОтветитьI'm looking forward to being a feral melee build...just need to figure out what armor to use...As a human, I play a bloodied build with full unyielding armor...what else should I be looking for?
ОтветитьSo when you become full feral and you go melee, then it's very similar to a bloody melee build?
ОтветитьIs now available?
ОтветитьGoing sane ad first
ОтветитьNot too sure yet 🤔
Ответитьhey tyr was wondering does overly generous work with ghoulification? was thinging trying a explosive rad emiitting ghoul melee build love your videos keep at it!
Ответитьwhat about unyielding ghoul?
ОтветитьIs there a way to turn off the visual effects that pop up? Such as the red vision when you go feral or the green glow of the character?
ОтветитьCan playable ghouls utilize food buffs?
ОтветитьThe lack of needing food to live messes up the lore of ghouls.
ОтветитьHe0llo TYR, may I ask a quistion please, in the past you did a video concerning some settings in the game, I want to ask if you know, how to switch on the Guardians 2 bars, Shield and health, doesn't matter what I do, they don't display for me?
ОтветитьI don't know if this is possible but could you make a stealth sniper Build with no vats?
ОтветитьNo viability for this to change pvp especially when more people use welded rebar for power armor.
ОтветитьWell that counts me out then!😂 I don't do Mele so.......😢
ОтветитьHas this update been dropped yet?
ОтветитьDid they change the Feral state Melee bonus from 200% to 150%? I'm seeing some posts about that. Yet all the negatives with becoming feral stayed the same?
ОтветитьI hope that there'll be a perk that makes food and drink able to keep you sane
ОтветитьIm sorry im still confused. So if i am a Heavy Gun player, i want the Feral Bar to be full? And are there downsides to the Feral Bar being full?
ОтветитьSo, you can raise your feral meter with chems, great buuut... Can you lower your feral bar artificially? To for example be in the wonderful state to kill the snake and then fully feral to do the robot and the epsilon squad
ОтветитьHow does this affect the dreadnought build? If you no longer have a food or water meter, does that make overeaters useless, amd therefore pointless to make a ghoul for the dreadnought build?
ОтветитьDo stimpacks count as chems?
ОтветитьWhat kind of bear arm are you using?
ОтветитьIs there a feral build for melee that is actually better than human? Because man those downsides are pretty rough
ОтветитьKind of upset going feral doesn’t cause you to loose complete control, doesn’t feel like there’s any stakes for it, no risk
ОтветитьBased on all these new update and Perk changes, what would you change about your recent gunslinger build?