Log Out Other Devices on SPA using Laravel Sanctum & Laravel Fortify

Log Out Other Devices on SPA using Laravel Sanctum & Laravel Fortify

Program With Gio

3 года назад

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@user-hy5dy5fd7c - 05.07.2023 15:46

great video

@thehonestabe - 04.07.2023 01:47

This still works like a charm! Thanks for the video!!

@umairsaeed5925 - 05.12.2022 00:07

great video but i am little bit confused how did you get login devices list I can't find any documentation on fortify page

@realslimsutton8914 - 26.11.2021 13:05

Is this workaround still required? It does seem a little nasty so I'm hoping there is a more "official" way of doing this. Googling around at 5am hasn't resulted in me finding anything.

Thanks for the tutorials though, they're super helpful!

@azizkhan6120 - 01.11.2021 23:43

Thanks for the video, how to do it if I have Jetstream already installed?

@radumihaidiaconu - 19.05.2021 15:12

can you find a method to to this with the redis session driver ? i know it doesn't work by default....

@theProzacGeneration - 17.05.2021 23:26

Is it possible to get the other sessions if using cookie as your session driver?

@rosselliot8971 - 14.11.2020 23:59

You're doing really good work here. Most videos about Sanctum don't show how to integrate with Fortify which is important since Sanctum doesn't give us a full auth system. I hope you do a series on tokens as well as integrating a refresh token solution. We can revoke tokens with Sanctum but not use them as a proper auth system. I know Taylor said Sanctum's tokens were inspired by Github's access tokens but her really should have made them true JWTs with refresh capabilities. Anyway, good work. Subscribed.
