How Tesla Is Quietly Expanding Its Energy Storage Business

How Tesla Is Quietly Expanding Its Energy Storage Business


3 года назад

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Simon Bowman
Simon Bowman - 15.09.2023 14:12

Ok basics solar panels at best 60% cyclable & 15yr life wind well only one place in USA to recycle the blades by shredding them into a concrete mix so still at 60% blades about 20yrs now pump hydro 40% loss as that is 40% more power needed to lift the water than is gained as it falls to the turbines ALL MAKE LESS POWER THAN WAS USED TO MAKE THEM FROM OUT OF THE GROUND TO THE GRID BEING CHARGED The only winner is hydroelectricity at a life of 100plus years and now can be fitted with three banks of turbines & 98% recyclable

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 31.08.2023 17:56

Tesla should get Tesla Robots to do the work at Battery storage stations 😅

Ahmad khalil NAseef
Ahmad khalil NAseef - 28.07.2023 09:14

أهل القرى لديهم مجال وحقل كمجال وحقل الشمس المغناطيسي للاستفاده من الغاز الحيوي وتوربينات الرياح المنزلية والفحم والصخر الزيتي والحطب والإنتاج الحيواني والنباتي.
مع امكانية وجود برادات ومجمدات تعمل مجاناً على الطاقة المتجددة لتخزين منتجاتهم لحين تسويقها.
هل هناك من أذن واعيه ؟!

Ahmad khalil NAseef
Ahmad khalil NAseef - 28.07.2023 09:10

تحتاج إلى وحدة تخزين طاقه في كل منزل ومنشاه. اضافه الى وحدات تخزين طاقة حجم قاري للقرى والمدن
وليس أسهل من ذالك.
في كل مدينة تحتاج إلى مصنع بطاريات ليثيوم ومصنع ألواح طاقة شمسية ومصنع توربينات طاقة رياح مخصص للمنازل ومصنع ألواح طاقة شمسية لتسخين المياه. اضافه الى مشاعل كهرباء للطهي والتدفئة والإنارة كما أجهزة التبريد يتم تشغيلها بالطاقة الكهربائية. الشئ الذي جعل العالم يسرف ويبذر في الطاقة ويتحمل عبى كبير في مصروف الطاقة باعتقادي هو اعتماد الناس على دولهم في تأمين طاقة منازلهم كما يعتمد الطفل على والديه. وأيضاً الناس تعتمد على دولها في تأمين كل احتياجاتها الغذائية كما يعتمد الطفل على والديه وهذا يجب أن ينتهي. يجب أن يكون كل فرد مفكر ومنتج واقتصادي ولو كان يعمل راعي غنم

sweiland75 - 26.07.2023 11:10

Never mind Tesla cars. This is what people should be investing in.

David R
David R - 17.06.2023 10:56

Brilliant move by Tesla to get into battery storage since EV cars can not just depend on electric power plants to charge their cars. Yes in most places in the USA and Europe you can depend on electric power plants but in the rest of world power plants reliability is poor and new need to built today.

Trey - 05.06.2023 22:45

Pennsylvania could use those with our solor panel energy-efficient

Christopher Damiano
Christopher Damiano - 29.05.2023 18:19

Awesome video!

Per Laursen
Per Laursen - 07.05.2023 09:58

Why has some dude put annoying muzak totally overdubbing the speech. Is it just a cheap commercial, or does the speech have any important information? Everyone with english as a second language(90% of us) will flee this video in 10 sec. assuming its worthless, because of the baaaad soundtrack. 😎🇺🇦💙

Bootie macarthur
Bootie macarthur - 30.04.2023 07:10


Terrence Owens
Terrence Owens - 07.04.2023 22:26

Great quality video. And feels unbiased even though it’s def leaning towards a positive $Tsla sentiment.

Wayne Levett
Wayne Levett - 05.03.2023 08:50

WOW thank you Elon & crew

vuong tran
vuong tran - 22.02.2023 23:14

which one did you use? Thanks

John Coppola
John Coppola - 20.02.2023 03:03

the super charger network should be part of the energy business if is is not already.

Shaun - 03.02.2023 01:16

We need batteries in the uk

Shaun - 03.02.2023 01:15

Their is different kinds of batteries for battery packs for the grid people get these kinds of energy on big scale

SANDOR VARGA - 16.01.2023 20:43

Vrau.bani.mej.ches.990.milliarde. €/data.16.jani.2023

Jerry Jenkins
Jerry Jenkins - 16.01.2023 19:39

Decent documentary but am wondering if they did this deep a dive in energy storage and Tesla then why did they miss the fact that Tesla is now a licensed Utility Company in Texas with applications pending in all other states? Instead of being a parts supplier, they have the vision of become THE GRID, and owning the solar plants, the storage facility, AND supplying power to their customers...So with that you have Tesla being the dominate car company with self driving taxis that operate cheaper than car ownership, truck company with self driving, ( Do you realize that Walmart is currently the largest trucking company in the United States but with Tesla self driving trucks they could cut their costs and liabilities and have Tesla company trucks do the main bulk of order transportation ??) , and a utility company. Then add in Starlink, a neurolink medical company?

Richard Servatius
Richard Servatius - 04.01.2023 19:43

IMO tesla ought to buy a couple of flow battery companies and make them to supply energy for a longer period of time in cooperation with tesla's lithium storage batteries.

ROGERS KIYINGI - 25.12.2022 17:07

I wish CNBC had done a deeper investigation into cryto currency industry. We wouldn't have SBF circus.

Mr. Mike
Mr. Mike - 22.12.2022 06:19

Grid Storage Batteries are important,
but using Lithium-Ion is expensive. Sodium or Zinc Batteries are less energy-dense but CHEAPER!

Stephen Yang
Stephen Yang - 04.12.2022 23:40

With varied geography, installer skills and climate of US, Tesla has good engineers to develop from scratch, better engineered modular solar arrays like these customized to each roof with fool-proof, optimal efficiency.

TANUJ AADITYA - 28.11.2022 09:37

It all just means where the capitalist are quitting,for marxist find such things as dead labour away from existence of labouring force

MyraXmars - 14.11.2022 07:27

Russia consert Dieter Apollo 🌳

MyraXmars - 14.11.2022 07:26

DieterApollo Bohlen All for Russia Summer Valentine Like Steve job created my emage Russian AsiA snow white perpect emage Dieter Apollo 🌳 Steve job same focus on me Arabian gold yunani ocean Egyptian Babylon Turkey Greek islamic Titan Myra Summer

MyraXmars - 14.11.2022 07:22

All people focus Australia Poland Canada Ukraine India United Kingdom's Australia all stupid Relegion Hindu Kristian yoga Krishna Ukrain Durga Ganesa Maakali dieter APOLLO Bohlen Alone focuse on Russia becouse i'm Russia

Breanna Kud
Breanna Kud - 05.11.2022 05:11

I am already in love with the future yall …cheap energy and clean too Rumbidzai MWARI 🫶🏿🙏🏿🦋💜😍💯🙌🏿

KING ZE - 29.10.2022 22:19

Battery Storage is the future of unlimited supply of energy during the day and even night 💫👑💫Energy is the key to growth in world economies many countries should start investing 2%of their GDP in energy sector that we could reach our carbon neutral goal🔥👑🔥

Agri Tech
Agri Tech - 20.10.2022 16:13

I have a small dairy farm and wanted to use battery storage instead of generators during a power outage. I'd be using from 6-12KW/hour. I could even reduce it to 3KW/hour if necessary. 2-3 hours storage would be fine. However, our solar and battery providers are saying they wouldn't recommend it. I can't find any info on the internet about a battery backup system for farms or small business, has anyone else come across a solution like this?

Pargev Karapetyan
Pargev Karapetyan - 22.09.2022 06:37

Our hope Elon Mask type of great individuals solving big problems and makink world better place.
Thank you Elon Mask👍

Pargev Karapetyan
Pargev Karapetyan - 22.09.2022 06:26

Great projcts👍

James James
James James - 22.09.2022 04:33

Are we still ignoring the fact that to create all these "carbon free" products it's take massive amount of heavy machinery that absolutely can't go electric and uses a shyt ton of foul fuels.

Philip Damask
Philip Damask - 16.09.2022 15:49

You are doing everyone a disservice by not addressing the cost of providing electric energy storage for base load and shoulder electric demands.

Suhail Beg
Suhail Beg - 14.09.2022 05:26

All of this is a waste of time

Suhail Beg
Suhail Beg - 14.09.2022 05:26

We CAN do Better Faster... I know how

Yolanda Eatmon
Yolanda Eatmon - 06.09.2022 22:45

Man of the Year? Elon Musk is a big 10/4.

William Gwyn Treharne
William Gwyn Treharne - 25.08.2022 19:07

Apart from Tesla the way to store energy is to use iron flow batteries.

Frank Coffey
Frank Coffey - 18.08.2022 16:50

LFP batteries are even better suited for storage than cars at the moment. Size and weight is an issue for cars but doesn't matter for fixed install batteries. LFP can be charged for more cycles and to higher percentage without degrading the battery. LFP is also safer and doesn't require nickel or cobalt.

Thomas Schaefer
Thomas Schaefer - 27.07.2022 02:21

Great story Also read -The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future by Gretchen Bakke

catatonicable - 12.07.2022 20:00

Elon, South African...nice one..

Savage Redland
Savage Redland - 27.06.2022 09:20

why do i feel like I need a powerwall?

Julian Benci
Julian Benci - 25.05.2022 05:32

google tesla battery on fire in Geelong, it was defiantly not self extinguishing, the fumes where thick in the air

pbasswil - 19.05.2022 22:42

In 2022 it's almost lunacy to pay for Nickel/Manganese/Cobalt-containing batteries for stationary energy storage. You only need them where the highest energy density is crucial, such as in high-performance (expen$ive) EVs. For grid storage (where a little more space is no deal breaker), LFP is far more appropriate and cost effective. However, battery tech – and the battery market – are evolving so fast; better/cheaper choices may start to get produced at cost-effective scales, at any time.

Jeff Warren Anderson
Jeff Warren Anderson - 24.03.2022 08:34

The last little vid here... is Moss Landing, Ca

White Pony
White Pony - 24.03.2022 06:25

We are following the right guy.

DarkSpartan062 - 18.03.2022 13:20

How and what are these batteries made? The materials are often expensive, less eco friendly than fossils, and they don’t last. You only get a certain number of charges. It’s a bandaid. How much does it cost to replace a battery? How long do they last? So many people see it as just a package ready to buy but have no idea what goes into making it. Just eliminating gas doesn’t make it a good replacement. We still need something better than a battery. Energy storage has always been the problem and it hasn’t been solved. Aside from packing your garage with batteries that will cost a fortune to replace in years. When the state claiming anything is California it isn’t because it’s good it’s because it makes someone money. Talking profit is a big red flag with power. Make it for everyone not just those that can afford some Tesla backpack.

Ken Henshaw
Ken Henshaw - 14.03.2022 19:31

I understand what Elon Musk is heading the Tesla future goals, most exciting is the energy storage vision, having been involved with the operation and behaviour of standby power I haven't seen much of the monitoring of this disipline I am curious what Tesla has developed to monitor the online battery state also the prediction in how the batteries will behave when total current supply is called for, that is the detection prediction of any weak cells in the string of batteries that will not behave up to speck when total current is called for, a monitoring system that checks all of the battery strings on a predetermined check rate that can identify any cell that will not deliver current at the specified amount thereby causing the whole system to falter, a monitoring system that would report back to the onboard computer any deficiencies in the banks of cells so that the proper maintenance can be performed?

P V - 09.03.2022 22:18

