Emily Norris

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@amyhundley6858 - 29.11.2023 00:14

My child’s almost 3 and she wants no parts with using the potty but I’m pregnant with baby #3 and desperately want her potty trained before he gets here. Should I push her a little bit to potty or wait until she’s actually excited?

@mrs.meowgi4879 - 05.11.2023 13:51

Okay someone explain why my son is now holding pee overnight. He will stay dry all night and tell me I gotta go pee and then go on potty but rest of day he will refuse to pee in potty

@joeydelgaudou2681 - 31.10.2023 14:33

Try the tummy massage potty training method

@mrs.meowgi4879 - 23.10.2023 20:12

Help. I'm five days in. He will run to potty for poop. But pee is just constantly on floor

@lashundabaltimore9410 - 03.09.2023 16:28

Love the tips give me more tips and ideas on potty trained

@heatherlacey88 - 12.08.2023 16:57

What’s a nappie?

@jpvgoncalves - 06.08.2023 23:15

This is total nonsense

@autumnelise801 - 03.08.2023 10:30

So do we use the pull ups all day or do we just use them at nap/bed time?

@anamorfic742 - 31.07.2023 09:04

Am I the only one that thinks it’s a bad idea to give sugar as reward for pottying? Or rewards in general?

@dorasaavedra899 - 31.07.2023 03:05

This is great thanks! ❤

@blackgown7485 - 11.07.2023 14:37


I have a boy who is almost 4 now. I have been trying to train him to use the toilet for months,he just constantly wees/poos himself. It's so stressful and draining. If I don't ask him to use the toilet he would happily walk around with his pants soiled 😢...my other children were trained in 7 days...I just dont get why his like this. I tried sticker chart and rewards...his just not interested!

@samanthamorris2207 - 23.06.2023 23:07

My daughter about to turn 2 next week I have 6 months to train her so she’s ready for daycare !

@zel0552 - 23.06.2023 21:26

DON’T USE DRY ERASE MARKERS ON THE TOILET!!! I did and it won’t come off! I’ve tried EVERYTHING!!!

@katiemac3512 - 12.06.2023 15:00

Watching this with a 3y2m old who STILL won’t potty train 🙃 her brothers both trained just before they turned 3. She just won’t do it 🤣

@Miya_afton631 - 02.06.2023 10:24

Me who’s in middle school watching videos about kids when I don’t have any but I’m going to take in this knowledge anyway and kids at my after school club call me momma ( my name ) so yeah

@NOOBERNOBGOOFY - 23.05.2023 15:36

The is video help me when I was baby now I am 2!!

@ammarahayaz - 23.05.2023 12:53

I'm 5 months pregnant and my toddler 2yr7mnt wanted to use the toilet a year ago now she just won't go 😢

I trained my younger siblings but my owe one runs off n says no
She loves the bathroom to make a mess with everything else

@samanthamorrell4699 - 16.04.2023 03:48

I really don't know if my 1 year 10 month old is ready, but she keeps taking off her pullups and pooping on the floor 😵‍💫

@avagreene3624 - 23.03.2023 18:53


@maritran0225 - 21.03.2023 23:39

Such a great video ! Thank you so so much!!

@smoovebla - 15.03.2023 21:32

Thank you. My kids name is Jaxon.

@Elkartos - 07.03.2023 15:04

Wow this was really unhelpful and all you did was just talk on and on and on 😅

@premakhatwani - 05.03.2023 05:59

Thanks Emily! Can you post the link for the foldable white potty seat. I can’t find it on Amazon. Thanks

@mariefagan5743 - 01.03.2023 01:52

Some really good ideas my son is a little delayed in speech so nearly 3 and his a little back and forth with it atm

@suzyarambula1103 - 19.02.2023 12:48

Help meeee plz I'm not a mother but I'm a full-time stepmom to a 3 yr old toddler girl who turned 3 in December and has mom issues as is so she's struggling emotionally and now she's not learning as quick as she was before. Seems like whenever her mom goes long periods of times not calling or picking her up, she's not taking it too a well. I believe that may be why she's not picking up as well on the potty because I almost had her fully trained until her mom took her 2 months ago for 3 days. She came home acting like a baby. She seems to want to stay in a baby like stage so I took her to the Dr but for now, do you have any tips? I already do the timer on every hr or so, no drinks after 7pm, she sleeps w a pullup on otherwise its a mess every morning. I tried puzzles, books, writing tablets etc on the potty and she always goes potty. The issue here is I can't get her to let me know BEFORE she pottys and she won't tell me if she already went if I step away for a second. She automatically lies and says yes! I need help with having her tell me instead of lying and telling us when she goes on the potty.

Also, she goes #2 on the potty no problem at all. It's also been hard trying to teach hwr how to wipe 😕. She immediately goes from butt to front like aghhh. She's awesome sitting there. Wr watch potty videos, sing etc plus I do reward her. I'm just sooo exhausted 😩. I'm tired of the pee smell. She's such a thirsty lil chunker so she's constantly wanting a drink. She don't care if she has #2 in her pullup she rather plop around the house. I can't get her to get on the potty by her self. That's all I want for the love of God lol

@JohnSmith-cc3ud - 24.01.2023 01:22

I find it hilarious that I'm sitting by myself watching this. But as a new dad it's necessary. So I'm glad things like this exist. I laughed outloud at the brand name "toodle-lue" lol kudos to the person who came up with that one

@iAmNaomiTamar144k - 17.01.2023 18:18

I love this view of yours ! Thank you for the inspiration as my little one sits on the potty now , never thought of the dry erase marker , and light . That would be perfect !

@nora-mb9tz - 14.01.2023 07:40

Unfortunately Muslim mama here cannot have the cup of wine but I treat myself with cookies with tea or coffe 😂 I like ur Videos , I discover ur channel when I give birth to my daughter 3years ago …miss that time 😢 now I come for potty training it is a struggle ..

@littlenessybehr - 08.01.2023 21:16

My son is 3 in march and still won't tell me when he goes in his diaper. If I ask he says no. He is not phased by sitting in wet underwear either. Is he still not ready?

@georginaisintrouble279 - 28.11.2022 03:45

Here's a tip: Everytime someone pressures you about potty training, Tell them how creepy & wierd they sound.

@wessica1234 - 12.11.2022 09:48

I'm a kid and I love potty training but yeah the thing for moms is cool

@naturalmulundu8611 - 01.11.2022 10:55

These videos are too long ,boring and take very long taking about unnecessary points . Just get to the fucking points . Can't find a video that's fast and quick .

@Talishadra19 - 12.10.2022 07:59

I guess it's a cultural thing, but almost three months seems way to long. Here we start potty training by 18 months.

By 3, our children are in school and expected to be potty trained already.

@peglegbabydoll - 11.10.2022 05:46

I like the glass of wine idea lol

@thevilleneuves8567 - 17.09.2022 08:23

I am going to start to potty train my son, he is 2 yrs old and 8 months..daycare prefers him to be potty trained before starting 🥲 this is a big help..thank you so much

@fathimasafeeka4989 - 09.08.2022 07:40

White board idea was best.worked

@nathanmciver6496 - 02.08.2022 05:40

Thats a good idea! Puppy pads!

@kaiwillbridge6167 - 27.07.2022 14:43

i love potty training vids

@Rootropday - 20.07.2022 18:22

Mine doesn't tell me about going pee. But she will sometimes tell me when she is going poop. She also tells me about how I potty in the potty. She will sit on the potty sometimes. She has went twice. She is only 19 months old so I don't know if it's too soon

@skykirk3940 - 30.06.2022 02:10

My son also stands to pee, but he gets nervous in front of the toilet and holds it. I’ve tried the warm water truck but to no avail. Do you have any other tips?

@lindsayerickson7293 - 24.06.2022 09:40

Going to try this advise. My first child trained herself. Huge blessing for a young first time mama. One night when her auntie was getting ready with friends for her high school prom my little insisted she get to go too. We told her she couldn’t go because only big girls get to go to dances. She correlated the “big girls” with our previous talks about using the little potty that had been purchased. It sat there for 6 months because she absolutely refused to even sit on it. Well, they left all excited and she marched right into the bathroom and used it before coming to get me and show me her potty success! After that we had no problems. She never liked being wet, already told me to change her when she’d pooped, so after that I think she was relieved to be dry all time too! And we had a little potty party with dance music!

Fast forward 15 years- we’ve had the honor of adopting and fostering. I’m currently training my now teen first daughter to drive while also trying to potty train a 5 year old delayed foster son and a 2 year old adoptive daughter. Wow! Yep. I need all the advise I can get! No chance of getting a conversation about a prom dance to pop up again 😆 So thank you very much for all this advise! Maybe we’ll have a potty party after our first success. I’m think “wheels on the bus 🎶 “ and maybe “if you’re happy and you know it 🎶 “ 😄🙌 🎉

@xJessJonesx - 15.06.2022 22:14

I'm currently trying to potty train my 2y10m old boy. It's so hard 😭😩 He's displayed signs that he was ready, but really struggling for him to do anything on the potty/loo. He's holding most of his pee in for hours on end, then having an accident on the way to the potty. Nothing I do seems to help 😩 I'm doubting myself whether he's ready or not, but there's a huge social pressure to have an almost 3 year old trained 😩😭 He's my first child so I have no clue what I'm doing 😩

@ishtarbabylon4869 - 04.06.2022 08:56

My daughter will be 4 in 4 months and has only just started going potty so to everyone who’s worried dont! Eventually they will go

@ishtarbabylon4869 - 04.06.2022 08:55

My mum is 85 and told me to just put my little one in underwear and ask her throughout the day if she needs to go potty ..
Mum said if she has an accident she will be very uncomfortable so she is more likely to go

@55cancerie87 - 29.05.2022 20:08

Hope this video comes up on Amber Heard's recommendation page.

@pearlporritt2709 - 14.05.2022 20:27

Emily are you related to the norris nuts

@jameshunterford4099 - 09.05.2022 18:43

Funny how you don’t see videos posted by single parents, living in a council home, working two jobs with not a lot of time. It’s always videos by clearly very wealthy people with enormous amounts of free time and very little worries or concerns in their life. The fundamentals might be the same, but there is a world of difference between those that can buy anything and easily dedicate as much time as they please.

@wessica1234 - 03.05.2022 16:39

My pfp is a W
