The Fight Against Trump Isn’t Over

The Fight Against Trump Isn’t Over

Robert Reich

6 дней назад

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@DonHayes-mw7ph - 21.03.2025 18:02

Why don't you lefties come up with something positive to help things out? Shutdown destroy AOC and Burney will not work.

@SB-tp2jv - 21.03.2025 18:11

Actually Sir , Democratic Party has become more centrist over time.
It has already lost it's centre-left progressive social democratic stance to fight societal, economic and political problems... THAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM...

@brndell - 21.03.2025 18:31

please edit mayor adams out of this vid - he is another POS

@dc7370 - 21.03.2025 19:36

Sure and Bernie is back. Shell a pea country club grift

@DJstuff-q5g - 21.03.2025 19:36

Ballotpedia is nice, I really want a list of who I can't trust to vote for and why by district. So many times I have no idea who I'm voting for locally.

@grazingwithgranny9225 - 21.03.2025 20:45

People have the power. France figured that out.

@GenghisVern - 21.03.2025 20:54

I wrote a song for you, Robert. Please enjoy. Wave Goodbye to America.

@Tadwilliams5383 - 21.03.2025 21:27

They will cheat again ir try to interfere

@Fabio-ew3sh - 21.03.2025 22:20


@funnyvalentine7607 - 21.03.2025 23:14

We will win

@darv65 - 21.03.2025 23:45

Pull your fingers out and get on with it ffs

@OM19_MO79 - 22.03.2025 00:33

A campaign against tyranny by a guy who’s surname is Reich. Pure meme fuel.

@pegminarski5253 - 22.03.2025 01:39

Vote for democracy… Veto autocracy

@michaelwade9555 - 22.03.2025 02:31

Don't be surprised that dumb dumb the dictator will sign an executive order, making it a crime to criticize anything about his administration. Also, non-whites are to be deported out of this country for the better. And it wouldn't matter if you are a citizen or not. This is the oligarchy and fascism of the new America.

@themeanhornet1070 - 22.03.2025 03:48

It’s over, deal with it you little Whoos. No one hears you on the dandelion.

@theaviationguy09 - 22.03.2025 13:50

Im voting this year and ill be voting republican liberals disrespected me and ruined me yall arent winning and keep commenting and complaining that im speaking my opinion

@Sussyboi77 - 22.03.2025 13:53

Womp womp

@nickyb2100 - 22.03.2025 14:19

Thank you for this!

@ChrisMinorOfficial - 22.03.2025 15:31


@JuxGD - 22.03.2025 16:26

aren't you the fediverse guy

@mikjb - 22.03.2025 17:40

Trump has never understood that a president of America SERVES his fellow countrymen, he does not rule over them.

The impeachment process
The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials.

The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official.
If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached.

The Senate holds an impeachment trial. In the case of a president, the U.S. Supreme Court chief justice presides. If found guilty, the official is removed from office. They may never be able to hold elected office again.

If they are not found guilty, they may continue to serve in office.

WE THE PEOPLE need some way to start the process of removing someone from office.

Some formal means of a NO CONFIDENCE vote.

Because relying on political parties to impeach one of thier own has become inherently flawed by the lack of independent thought of our elected officials.

We need to be able to recall even a president by leagal peaceful means when he has proven himself to be going against the will of the people.

We also need single item legislation.

These tomes that get written that can hide poison pills at the last minute need to end.

I do not care how fast you read having to comprehend a thousand page text in a week is a lot much less if someone changes a paragraph at the last minute.

@ShaneSells-x8c - 22.03.2025 17:42

The millions of Americans who didn’t vote in 2024 should be ashamed.

@glendascollectables - 22.03.2025 18:55

How are you”We the People” going to stop Trump and Musk from BUYING these upcoming elections ?

@johnfulcher2447 - 23.03.2025 00:26

Oligarchy was very prevalent when Obama and his cronies were in power- was anything said then ? Ha ! And then the crooked scum was elected 2 times in a row in Chicago- organize what ? Chaos & pandemonium ?

@RayBurt-kl6ps - 23.03.2025 02:30

Reich was a leading proponent of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which crushed the American worker. Think about that before you trust this hack.

@Sly88Frye - 23.03.2025 02:49

I'll have to take a look at what's going on here in the state of california. To be honest though I think even here in my home state the voters are morons. I mean seriously three different times there was a proposition on the ballot that was aimed at enforcing rent control so the real estate companies and the greedy landlords would have a cap on how much they can increase the rent. We are tired of how insanely high the rents are in California but the people are too stupid to vote Yes on the propositions that would have reduced how high the rents would go. And even stupider those same greedy evil landlords and real estate companies pushed a different proposition of their own and it actually passed. It's kind of hard to still have hope when so many people not just at the federal level but even hear my state are too stupid to vote for what is needed to make it more affordable to live here

@phillipvick6352 - 23.03.2025 06:02

Vote RED

@ltdc426 - 23.03.2025 06:26

2024 was the major election year and you 🤡’s pissed your chance away on THE most pathetic candidate in history.

@mr.peabody6670 - 23.03.2025 09:11

Why are the elected Democratic Governors, Congressmen, Senators, not screaming this message to voters EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

@Stumpcatwizard - 23.03.2025 14:35

I just keep winning, I'm not feeling helpless.

@patrickcryan2691 - 23.03.2025 16:33

I don’t think these elections will even take place is April 20 he’s going to declare martial law

@jojohns1949 - 23.03.2025 17:02

Did you enjoy sending millions of union jobs over to China when you forced Bill Clinton to sign NAFTA into law

@vickihilty7112 - 23.03.2025 17:20


@icetwo - 23.03.2025 19:21

Local elections will be held in North Rhine-Westphalia on September 14, 2025. The representatives of all cities, municipalities and districts as well as most district councillors, mayors and mayors are to be elected. Elections for the association assembly will also take place in the Ruhr Regional Association. Any run-off elections will be held on September 28, 2025.

German nationals and nationals of the other 26 member states of the European Union who have reached the age of 16 on election day, have lived in the electoral area (in the municipality/city or district) since at least the 16th day before the election or are otherwise ordinarily resident and are not excluded from the right to vote are eligible to vote.

@balcon983 - 23.03.2025 21:39

thank you sir !

@ElectionAnalysisAndPrediction - 23.03.2025 22:39

trump made you his bitch

@martinbaggott1052 - 23.03.2025 22:49

He has to be stopped from cleaning up the fraud waste and corruption in our government!

@deans.8659 - 23.03.2025 23:30

Stand up and fight for freedom, humanity and democracy! Unite we can!✌️

@DiannaNason - 23.03.2025 23:49

And we, the people will get it right just keep the faith 👀🤔

@Matt-jo8wu - 24.03.2025 02:17

Liberalism and progressive is a disease

@mikebentley3372 - 24.03.2025 05:17

With new polling showing a decisive lead for Chris Sununu in the 2026 New Hampshire Senate race, it seems as if Republicans have an apparent path to an expanded majority. Couple that with the easy potential for a flip in Georgia, and you have 55 Republican Senate seats.

@Stevies_Precog_Gym_n_Spa420 - 24.03.2025 05:23

Not going to swing it by voting dem again. You should get real and realise that fhere is no going back to obama or bush and we shouldn't Want to even if there were. No nore neoliberalism. No more Clintons. No more Schumers or Wasserman-Schulz. This is bigger than electoral politics its about civilisation. You make the cut now or youre not serious.

For the comprehension challenged that's not in any way me repping for Trump. The dems just are not up to snuff. They let all thus happen.

@BrianKFreelandSr - 24.03.2025 05:27

I appreciate your continuing support of democracy that opposes Felon/Trump!

@JohnMacFergus-oz5cp - 24.03.2025 05:31

Again, many thanks Robert , old friend!❤

@shanemommsen6320 - 24.03.2025 16:59

Don’t vote for the Democrats! Vote for the republicans to help Donald Trump make America great again

@duanejohnson3327 - 24.03.2025 18:52

Yes, if the Republicans don't cheat like they did in the 2024 election, thanks to Elon Musk that the felon Trump is sitting in the White House, he manipulated the data in the voting machines

@CookyMonzta - 24.03.2025 19:55

I've been saying this very same thing ever since the Big Cheeto showed up in 2016...EVERY year and EVERY election (right down to Dog Catcher) is now as important as the midterm and the presidential.

That message came in very loud and clear right from the start, when the people of ALABAMA put a Democrat (Doug Jones) in the Senate in a special election in 2017 to keep a crazy judge from taking that seat. We need that kind of energy again, and repeatedly, like YESTERDAY! 👊

Here in NYC, we got an ass-kisser to evict from Gracie Mansion; and it looks like his reckoning will definitely come in very short order in June! 👍

@CraigDaBrute838 - 25.03.2025 00:53

If you’re scared, that’s completely understandable. But remember, hope is only lost when there’s no one left to fight for it. This nation was made to be a free nation, not a kingdom.

@chocolocojames213 - 25.03.2025 01:51

I feel red voters are voting for the sake of red and not the qualifications of the individual. And that's worrying.

@ramb0nat0r - 25.03.2025 02:28

What can i do as a european?
