Vikings - The Great Heathen Army Attacks King Aelle's Army [Season 4B Official Scene] (4x18) [HD]

Vikings - The Great Heathen Army Attacks King Aelle's Army [Season 4B Official Scene] (4x18) [HD]


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@Vanic00 - 14.12.2023 22:15

Who doesn't want to be so revered that when your murdered, and army rises to punish the nation responsible and avenge you?

@sdizzle1048 - 14.12.2023 17:49

When you realize you “Fucked around and you’re about to find out!”

@troylasher6646 - 14.12.2023 14:49


@Senufo - 13.12.2023 18:25

Floki No shield, no sword, just a "tomahawk" or two , crazy war paint, striding onto the battle field - Awesome

@biprokar444 - 11.12.2023 03:11

Floki entry 🔥

@steiner554 - 08.12.2023 21:09

Suchs a shame. The series started okay, then went full woke with all those female warriors and they were even able to top that. Plundring a church and killing priests was okay but doing the same to a mosque went to far.

@BS-id7rq - 07.12.2023 16:44

Loved this scene so much.

@UNDERTAKER5534 - 05.12.2023 21:05

December 2023 ! Still for Ragnar ❤ !

@sherryfreeman1141 - 04.12.2023 03:32

Total bad ass move

@user-zy9md3td4y - 03.12.2023 17:59

Everyone loved Ragnar that's why it was so bad when they heard to England

@anthonydavis9360 - 03.12.2023 01:14

This scene is so fierce. From the way floki stalled up that hill to the Bjorn and the lothbrok bros…just fire

@blazeng451 - 02.12.2023 15:09

The guy who screamed Ragnar deservers a title of jarl

@Killer_racoon - 24.11.2023 01:27

Every shopping mall on every black Friday

@jonhawkins7510 - 23.11.2023 04:30

Sad that the Anglo's and Saxons that settled England are from the same tribes that gave us Vikings their all of German dissent

@henrikchristensen2382 - 21.11.2023 11:38

I wil give you gold. Tats to late fat king

@henrikchristensen2382 - 21.11.2023 11:35

Hahaha love it haha😂

@VJamrita - 18.11.2023 15:19

Bishops used to fight?

@dpf2094 - 16.11.2023 22:52

Floki strolling up with a shitload of Vikings & a head painted jet black 🤌🤌.

@ericpieper1704 - 16.11.2023 00:35

Viking were the original outlaw bikers

@tacoma9516 - 15.11.2023 15:38

Was Ivar going sideways? Lol

@solarflare4047 - 14.11.2023 09:56

My name is Bjorn Ironside. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

@lordmorklen5166 - 08.11.2023 07:51

In this moment Hector of Troy looked down at Aelle and said - "you fuckin deserved it."

@kristenefisher3952 - 08.11.2023 00:27

Just rewatched this episode last night. It should be entitled "Aelle effed around and found out." ❤

@thunder6306 - 04.11.2023 22:25

At that moment he knows that he fucked up😂😂😂

@themadviking5746 - 04.11.2023 07:02

The shows mistake here was not showing the battle. Even if it was short, it would've been so satisfying to see the slaughter . If his troops tried to retreat , the King pulled from his horse , terrified , begging for his life , just show something !

@gabemoulton671 - 03.11.2023 02:40

this show was my favorite thing in my life and i’m so sad i finished it 😢

@jaker2556 - 02.11.2023 15:39

Rousing drama? certainly! Historical/realistic? blaaaaaah! imo anything past the 1st two seasons is not worth your time unless you like logic-less bloody carnage

@jaker2556 - 02.11.2023 15:31

King Aelle and many in his army were on horses... just flee? no?

@johntoland7932 - 26.10.2023 13:01


@Twerkulies - 25.10.2023 09:52

When you attack Ukraine, and they return with support from basically every nation in NATO.

@jontetommy4084 - 23.10.2023 17:25

Bjorn just stood there and said nothing, but they all heard him. Only viking was ready for whatever it came with

@arturolopez1511 - 23.10.2023 10:24

Floki is a cold mfr.

@vincentshea468 - 22.10.2023 21:54

We coming for you Putin

@hyacinththompson5096 - 22.10.2023 00:53

Love Floki's crawl and of course Ivan the Boneless entrance in his chariot..This is how a King should be revenged..❤

@derrandunn5809 - 21.10.2023 06:45

Flokis walk just gives chills as he approaches

@panagiotischronopoulos8120 - 20.10.2023 19:09

Dude I felt that slap from bjorn

@mandalor-8315 - 20.10.2023 04:50

He was like why do I hear Boss music??

@guilhermeschitzamaral8627 - 19.10.2023 15:43

⥊ 300: Black

0: Good (if not good, then not zero)

001: Uniqueness
002: Individuality
003: Potential

01: Awareness
02: Capacity
03: Reasoning
04: Feeling
05: Hability
06: Understanding
07: Ingenuity
08: Integrity
09: Sanity

1: Ethical
2: Problem-Solution
3: Matter
4: Will
5: Expression
6: Why/Who/When/How/Where/What
7: Information/Code
8: Honesty
9: Frankness

10: Network (Good Network, because zero)
11: Justice
12: Time/Easter
13: Death
14: Intention/Memory
15: The Agent
16: The Reasoning
17: The Flow/Instruction
18: The Structure
19: The Mission

20: Judgement
21: To Solve Problems with Ethics
22: Resistance/Introspection
23: Protection
24: Perception
25: Behavior/Santa Claus
26: To Scrutinize
27: To Specify
28: To Differentiate
29: Prognostic

30: Liberty
31: Consent
32: Discernment
33: Recognize
34: Ideas
35: To Denounce
36: Technique
37: Design
38: Determination
39: Optimism

40: Good Will
41: Memory
42: Critical Thinking
43: Regard
44: Free Love
45: To Plan / Task Force
46: Evaluate
47: Interpret Sense
48: Verify / Duty
49: Ambition

50: Good Expression
51: Agreement Exemplar
52: Support
53: Respect
54: Care
55: Peace/War
56: Profiling
57: Tell / Counter-Terrorism
58: Invoke
59: Proficiency

60: Identification
61: Qualification
62: Investigation
63: Inquire
64: Conjecturing
65: Function
66: Instruction
67: Argument
68: Reliable
69: Intelligibility

70: Knowledge
71: Validation
72: Cause
73: Explanation
74: Characterization
75: Materialization
76: Delineation Instruction
77: Flow / Pattern
78: Share
79: Evolution

80: Stable
81: Reliance
82: Perseverance
83: To Determine
84: Autonomy
85: Severity
86: Authority
87: Orientation
88: Personal Sovereignty
89: Self-Control

90: Transparency
91: Objectivity
92: Scrutiny
93: Scrupulousness
94: Integrality
95: Composure
96: Wisdom
97: Anarchy / Blockchain
98: Veganism
99: Revolution

100: Liberation
101: Peer-2-Peer
102: Decentralized Network
103: Financial Revolution
104: Production Revolution
105: Labour Reorganization
106: Needs Evaluation
107: Instruction
108: System Accessibility
109: Resources Availability

110: Honor
111: Grace
112: Distributed Ledger
114: Abolitionism
130: Energy Management
140: Serenity
141: Mindfulness
150: Good Character
151: Virtue
155: Honesty
160: Technology

200: Sanctuary
210: Ethical Solution
220: Contemplation/Meditation
221: Alignment
222: Cooperation
250: To Thrive
255: To Emerge
230: Resilience

300: Consensus
320: Deliberation
330: Abolitionism
360: Technology
333: Abundance

400: Earthlings
444: Direct Digital Democracy

500: Assumption
510: Admiration
511: Honorable
512: Altruism
520: Proficiency
530: Acceptance
540: Appreciation
550: Excellence
555: Gathering

600: Organizator
660: Operation
661: Operator
665: Role
666: Method

700: Intelligence
766: Plan
770: Gear
777: Rhetoric
778: Development
780: Systematization
788: Design

800: Providence
801: Production
802: Necessities
803: Resorces
804: Energy
808: Renewable Cycle
810: Permaculture
820: Management
830: Logistics
831: Scheme
832: Reach
833: Demand
834: Stock
835: Distribution
840: Consumption
850: Labor
860: Human Resources
863: Assignments
870: Structure
880: Peace
888: Globalization
890: Needs
899: Conception

900: Transparency
910: Institutions
930: Energy Distribution
931: Only One Global Currency
960: Blockchain
962: Traceability
970: Optimination
995: Accountancy
998: Regulation
999: Fiscalization
1000: Militancy
1001: Nova Era

1042: Drug Liberation
1500: Benevolence
1800: Militaires Sans Frontières
1807: Black & Yellow
3000: Freedom
3100: Triumph
3330: We All Can Live In Abundance
5500: Greatness
8000: Sustainability
10000: Friendship

. This is a numeric Matrix for communications purposes.
. This can be used to convey meaning.
   Ex.: 6022: Good Reason to Resist.
. Mathematical operators can be used to calculate meaning.
   Ex.: To liberate with a good force: 340. 300 + 40 = 340.
. Logical operators to create statements.
   Ex.: ¬11: 13. If not Justice then Death.
. Colors can also be used as information.
- You can help build it.

@zochhuanawmazote1658 - 18.10.2023 20:45

From "Thats it" to "there is no fucking way".. moment from King Aelle's..
And he got the wings when he meet Ragnar sons and Co..

@zochhuanawmazote1658 - 18.10.2023 20:43

King Aelle is a prick. He deserved everything he suffered..

@gon3808 - 17.10.2023 20:46

Everyone screaming but Björn, who walks and looks just like a tiger staring at its prey after a long time waiting for this moment, just before the last jump.

@tomevans4402 - 17.10.2023 06:03


@whatthefuckallhandlesaretaken - 15.10.2023 08:50

as long as there were blade and axes men were brave, guns and missiles turned men into pussies.

@mocalzkrkonos1793 - 13.10.2023 23:17

One of the best moments in the entire series

@MoBoudreaux - 09.10.2023 13:37

How the little piggies will grunt when they hear how the old boar suffered
