Theoatrix's 1-99 Woodcutting & Forestry Guide (OSRS)

Theoatrix's 1-99 Woodcutting & Forestry Guide (OSRS)

Theoatrix OSRS

5 месяцев назад

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@LindaCarmichael-k4c - 02.10.2024 13:45

Coty Islands

@سليمانسليمان-و4ف - 02.10.2024 14:26

Fahey Village

@dupyone - 03.10.2024 21:57

hello, I haven't played osrs for about 4 maybe 5 years and now when I log in i found that my 2 acc has been banned. and i can't even try to appeal. I don't know what more information you need... and want to ask help or you can talk with JMods about that situation

@SpringhallCara-m5f - 04.10.2024 08:36

Ankunding Springs

@AlfredBeisser-b1u - 04.10.2024 12:39

Cathrine Locks

@FloydCastillo-u8r - 04.10.2024 13:40

Powlowski Gateway

@artemhanawalt4395 - 05.10.2024 07:42

Love your videos/ guides! Really love the format and information and especially the O.S.R.S. Slappers (music) in the intro and outro! But I gotta point something out. At around 1 minute and 20-23 seconds you say something incorrect. If you woodcut with another person it adds an invisible woodcutting level per additional person up to 10 and that is a reason for forestry worlds… but… You do not need another person whatsoever to spawn forestry events… I used to think that and spent my time getting like 15k anima in those worlds until I found it it’s actually the forestry backpack thing that is what causes the events to spawn. I’ve acquired 30-35k anima cutting magic trees all on my own without a single person besides me ever there and have spawned many 100s… probably even 1,000s of forestry events by myself… So viewers don’t worry about another person being there Theo has that part wrong. Also just thought I’d add cause I’m so hyped!! I just got the beaver pet at 87 woodcutting like an hour ago!!! :D

@GusMaurice-u5v - 07.10.2024 20:48

Emmett Pines

@jordanrucker2949 - 08.10.2024 20:27

great content

@MargotModugno - 09.10.2024 04:33

9287 Hanna Port

@JosephZebulon-t8m - 11.10.2024 06:39

Skiles Trail

@BelleOscar-f9g - 11.10.2024 07:21

Tobin Brook

@AmieeBlumenthal-e8j - 11.10.2024 09:32

Hahn Mission

@ryokuhasu9699 - 12.10.2024 23:27

this guide has a lot of misinformation about forestry, biggest of which is that you don't actually need another player for events to spawn.

@Mayhemzz - 15.10.2024 14:26

I like forestry but I also like just afking in the WC guild. It's nice to have a more active method that isn't tick manipulation, though.

@gMeddyWeb - 18.10.2024 15:32

EPIC UPDATE to daggers & hatchets... add a melee based throw attack style. not stackable. make it 2-3 less tiles of range than the bows on long range but same speed probably works fine. i was thinking of having a dual wield option too for only daggers & hatchets in the offhand that are 10% less accurate when used but u cant combo it with other weapons i think since we only have 1 combat options tab

@brenoldt - 19.10.2024 13:16

where are falador farm rats

@nasseralbloushi9543 - 20.10.2024 19:11

do you guys recommend banking redwood logs from 90-99? or just drop them?

@galfilol5260 - 23.10.2024 00:38

currently 2t'ing teaks in fossil island, with rune axe on my ironman with 66 wc

i dont get ANYWHERE NEAR that xp, i max out at 65k/hr trying hard like a sweaty motherfucker, it is absolutely impossible to reach that rate in fossil island from what i've experienced

i've watched the guide, rewatched it, watched it for a 3rd time, made sure i was 100% doing everything correctly... it is just not possible

idk, theo is 99,999999% of the times accurate about what he says and i like his videos a lot, but i can't see how i got this wrong, i'm used to tick manip method, did 3t mining, 3t chins, this 2t while walking felt super easy, idk what happened

edit: just tried again at 70wc AND Log Basket, managed to reach 75k/hr, there is no way a Dragon Axe would increase my xp in over 100k/hr
something is wrong Theo

@ProjectGameVault - 25.10.2024 19:55

Wow that intro didn’t need to go that hard

@hislord1 - 27.10.2024 01:17

The rats distance has been changed, they no longer follow you past the first tree outside the farm.

@ApexBullyz - 29.10.2024 14:31

I fuck with the way you make these videos, graphics are 10/10 🔥♥️

@tiputipu777 - 07.11.2024 22:51

Just started playing abit after a 8 year hiatus. Mostly because work is super slow, I can just AFK WC to 99 at redwoods in the guild while on mobile

@sergisorahim9181 - 02.12.2024 02:17

is there a reason we would use teak logs instead of mohogany trees they respawn faster too based on wiki?

@noobyproduction - 05.12.2024 21:53

Lmao did this cunt made an AI voice of himself? Hear voice glitch every now and then. The entire guide setup smells like GPT

@rickygregory3711 - 06.12.2024 00:19

how are u getting these numbers ive been doing this solid 3 days never gotten more than 10k a hour

@stevenmaiorana4094 - 12.12.2024 15:32

IF you stand in the rainbows the leprechaun spawns u can get a buff that give u anima when you chop tress

@simplykody7248 - 02.01.2025 04:51

Yews are best in Prif, hands down. 3 trees 5 tiles from a bank and events spawn

@ROYGBIVDoReMiFaSoLaTiDo-w4p - 02.01.2025 11:55

Once again great job in the video! Would you be able to do more free to play options in the future?

@Valin9275 - 05.01.2025 06:45

Im only training woodcutting because i planted magic trees and cant cut them down

@devinpollock8490 - 05.01.2025 10:33

Does this work with a felling axe too?

@Valin9275 - 06.01.2025 20:42

So the forestry events don't have mechanics. You just click on random stuff until hopefully you get 2 Amina bark and that's all you get from the event

@Valin9275 - 06.01.2025 20:51

Puh owahhh

@totallyrealname6376 - 11.01.2025 22:08

thought forestry events could spawn solo? Also need a forestry bag on, unless things changed in 3 months

@mkxiong6427 - 22.01.2025 12:52

theoatrix dont give no fcks about the new soon to be updates. 😂

@NeakMeakk - 28.01.2025 06:25

I’m at 53 WC and am only getting about 32k an hr with willows. Not the 60k you said. What is the deal?

@Redapenning - 29.01.2025 00:35

Voice up, music down, popblocker on. Nice vid mate

@UwUwaifu5000 - 29.01.2025 02:02

I fucking love this guy's videos even when I'm grinding a different skill

@RealWaffles - 29.01.2025 02:20

i started 85+ fletching 75+ wc the other day and tried to math it out
i ended up going to hosidius magic trees
unlike wc guild, you can do forestry events which breaks up the monotony while you afk, and it decreases the amount of logs you have to chop to 99 since magic trees are slow as dirt.
magic logs are worth 1k a piece and magic longbows are profitable/alchable. redwoods are much less profitable especially if you plan on fletching the logs.
forestry events are much quicker than at camelot, or at least you'll do more of them per inventory. bee parts, pheasant feathers, and bark can be traded out for axe handles which are good money
there's a fairy ring, house teleport, and xeric talisman teleport nearby, as well as a bank with an outside deposit box.

@MrPastysmasha - 11.02.2025 14:28

Can we all just agree that Baroque is a banger? Thank you.

@matthewbennett5872 - 19.02.2025 21:47

Chilling at the woodcutting guild watching this 👌🏻

@travisfuesler2285 - 20.02.2025 02:32

I miss ivy cutting

@dingdongspaghetti - 25.02.2025 17:36

since I started playing again a couple months ago, forestry has been the only activity I've done where people are actually hanging out and interacting with each other, sick addition to the game

@photoradio14 - 03.03.2025 08:14

I love your intro's and the way you do your videos man. I just returned to RS for the first time since 2006 and started a fresh char and they've been super helpful to get me back up to speed. You earned a sub from me my friend. Thanks again!

@MayMay4Real - 04.03.2025 03:55

How do you have the option to click and drop logs in your inventory without having to right-click?
