Every Core Class in Guild Wars 2 EXPLAINED in Under 90 Seconds!

Every Core Class in Guild Wars 2 EXPLAINED in Under 90 Seconds!

Caffeinated Dad Gaming

1 год назад

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alledged dragon
alledged dragon - 28.09.2023 15:01

Just learning before first ever game play

ShaShankX.R.P - 24.09.2023 03:12

Don't waste your time. The PVP is absolutely TERRIBLE. due to a complete and utter lack of class balancing and the fact that ANET developers create META builds which are essentially God Mode. Look at the ranks each season and its the same 10 to 12 developers that queue up together and use vent. The wintrading also makes playing next no point.

Google Poodle
Google Poodle - 22.09.2023 23:25

How long have I been playing guild wars 2? 0 days 0 hours and 0 seconds. Downloaded it today, picking it up with a bud.

Hadi Wijaya
Hadi Wijaya - 22.09.2023 11:06

104 hours and im happy playing GW2, i dont like it cause usually i played lot of mmo on depressing state and now im happy, so unnatural

Tohkita - 21.09.2023 17:29

Now i can know all classes thx, im new but always love like assassin/ ninja 😂 i see the shadow master specter and now i need to play xd

DustBunny2822 - 10.09.2023 20:54

I’m choosing to be the Avatar

themboFriendsimp - 05.09.2023 20:44

it's interesting to me that engineer is labeled as difficult
I guess difficulty is subjective bc complexity doesn't = difficulty to me
what is difficult for me is having to react quickly, dodge, or use skills in a specific rotation
so for me making an explosives engineer build and throwing grenades at everything till it dies is easiest for me as an engineer casual player

MARK ANTHONY DAGUPLO - 05.09.2023 19:10

Thank you I will download now guildwars 2 thanks for the video guide
Sep 6, 2023

Cameron Chiles
Cameron Chiles - 05.09.2023 07:13

Finally someone who says like and subscribe mid video. You make some good content dude, ill gladly follow now that you convinced me to play with the last video about this game changing the game when it comes to mmorpg. 🎉

Red Inked Cat
Red Inked Cat - 04.09.2023 18:39

Love the engineering. But i completely can't handle the learning curve TmT

Lucy Army
Lucy Army - 01.09.2023 13:05

Thief looks good

Adam Ironbender
Adam Ironbender - 29.08.2023 14:19

I've been playing for about three weeks now and your videos have been a huge help to me thank you my man.

ck carr
ck carr - 25.08.2023 19:48

downloading the game right now, just played wow till level 15 on the massive free trial they give lol, saw a video of hunter on it thought it looked cool then watched one of your videos where you show the top 3 played classes and saw the ranger so I'll start with that. subbed btw

Archie Bruce
Archie Bruce - 25.08.2023 04:22

you know guild has always been about going down there own path and making a unique MMO that is very successful. I played guild since its early release back in the day, so yeah been playing since the start and its always been fun and so enjoyable

Josh - 24.08.2023 21:40

Thanks this was useful.

I played on release for a month or two, and maybe 3/4 years ago played for another week or so, but not since. Played GW1 a lot back in the day, played a lot of WoW from vanilla to cata, recently picked that back up and having a blast in dragonflight.

BUT, have an itch in the back of my mind to give GW2 another go for a while, so this video was useful as i literally remember nothing!

petris1289 - 24.08.2023 20:20

i have 5 playstiles, which class should i pick for each of them?
first playstyle: walk up to my enemy, brush off(or dodge) everything they throw at me and them kill them with one hit
second playstyle: rushdown 100 hit combo
third playstyle: zoning and not letting the enemy get close to me while setting up 10000 projectiles
fourth playstile: melee glass cannon with a lot of quick and high damage attacks
fifth playstile: if i see an enemy i summon an army bigger than the population of the fucking server

Ethan myers
Ethan myers - 12.08.2023 08:46

Ive been playing for like 3 or 4 hours

From Agony to Light
From Agony to Light - 11.08.2023 05:27

Ah. No Cleric/Divine caster-type in GW2? A pity.

heazy87 - 06.08.2023 21:08

Pretty sure 13 minutes is longer than 90 seconds. kekw

Argentofox - 04.08.2023 23:55

Another great video! I have a few 80s but I think I want to start fresh after my 6 year break.

Ondřej Vogl
Ondřej Vogl - 01.08.2023 18:54

10 minutes so far :D

FGeR Gaming
FGeR Gaming - 28.07.2023 16:43

Swords, bows, daggers and then guns in the same game. Awful trend.

diceyace - 26.07.2023 08:42

personally one of the main reasons why gw2 will forever be the best mmo for me is the way they have perfected the mage class; elementalist. its just perfect. everything about it is perfect.

C0nfessa - 24.07.2023 09:04

Shitty game

Lucca117 - 16.07.2023 20:44

I will play for the first time and will chose between the necromancer (reaper), revenant or the thief (deadeye)

forest_hobo - 14.07.2023 11:34

been thinking to give this game a try. I love polearms especially spears! So I wonder what would be a good class with a spear I wonder?

lilianawinter - 14.07.2023 00:38

thank you for this video! i honestly have had this game and all expansions but rarely play. been trying out all the classes except guardian (need to try that) and find i love thief, mesmer, and necro the most but still unsure of if i want to stick with any of them as a main class yet. i never really stay on this game for very long as i dont really know what the story is but the class mechanics and combat and other things keep me coming back wanting to give it another shot.

TheDreamBirds - 09.07.2023 02:25

After watching this i now understand why ive been sucking so much and feeling weak compared to other people. I'm probably really bad at elementalist which is what i chose when i started because "I wanted to be the avatar" but now im about done with the base game story on elementalist and would haev to play a lot of catchup on any other job because thats where all my playtime and stuff is. I've just been playing with fire im not good at weaving between all the elements or knowing when to. Its a lot on my small brain. I ended up going Weaver as i had the points for an elite spec and liked the idea of having a sword instead of a staff. I'm now starting to realize hey maybe going for what sounds cool wasnt the best idea. Like maybe i shouldve done research before sinking 80 hours into the game....

Kaungsan99 - 08.07.2023 05:45

I just started playing for the very first time 2 days ago and I chose Engineer as my first class in this game... I am loving every second of it until I saw this video and now I am scared to continue the class XD

Yitsul - 05.07.2023 02:42

Since the 3 day headstart

Max - 03.07.2023 05:39

i have been playing guild wars 2 for 0 hours

CJ LOH - 02.07.2023 07:28

I appreciate the video! Just about to return but logged into my lv40 elementalist and don't even know how to begin 😂

Gveir - 01.07.2023 13:04

Guardian is just a Dervish, but with plate armour. GW2 is good in some of the points, but it's lack of team play and specific role in squad, almost focusing on that job plus absolute deprivation of tactical aspect that is present in GW1, makes this game just good. Back in a days, when I played as Assassin, all my focus was at maintain some boost skills and uload short combo into face of some support class like elementalist, mesmer or healer. I don't give a fuck about health or jumping-like-monkey-around-whole-map-in-dodge AKA gameplay in GW2. In order to archive something, you have to work in team. And even bots AKA henchmans were more useful than your "squad" in GW2 or any ally. I remember the time, when I first encounter GW2 and this "gameplay". One tough came to my mind "wow, this will make game much more live and dynamic than tactical GW1, nice!". Turns out, they made typical jRPG where there is a tones of bs going on map, while you fight with small boss, you have to jump and dodge like a circus clown but guess what? You don't have enough stamina for that. So what was a point?

James Silverwolf
James Silverwolf - 25.06.2023 21:00

Appreciate all this and everything you've shared, I look forward to taking this information and adapting it to my game play. Thank you

RandomStuff - 23.06.2023 15:47

I'm late but there's a class called Psionicist in a game called Allods Online(was great but became p2w later) that is very similar to mesmer.

GraveRender - 21.06.2023 05:30

This game just makes me sad. I rushed to end game instead of enjoying the journey, and the end game is pretty much non-existant because when you get to max level there really isn't any way to get stronger. There's best in slot items that have been best in slot since the game came out basically because they don't believe in giving end game people anything new to do with updates.

Cloud Piercer
Cloud Piercer - 13.06.2023 22:36

i'm on my way downloading the game and found this video.. i was planning to choose melee class with good AOE damage dealing, which better deal AOE damage is the warrior or the guardian? thanks before

ComradeG4 - 06.06.2023 00:32

Great details about the classes. I just my friends into guild wars and sent them this, to help them pick what one they would like to play. PS what is the song playing when you are explaining the Revenant?

Ouijamaru - 31.05.2023 21:53

Bought this ages ago just dug up the old email downloading now I'm missing the newest expansion but I'm sure I have hundreds and hundreds of hours ahead of me.
Necro, Mesmer, or thief are the 3 I'm torn between

The One Who Hold Many Names
The One Who Hold Many Names - 29.05.2023 07:59

Me who played Elementalist first in my first play: wow I guess im a masochist

Dan H
Dan H - 28.05.2023 13:47

Mesmer sounds a lot like Illusion Control from "City of Heroes/Villains", or Controllers in general.

mad fox
mad fox - 24.05.2023 10:48

2-3 hours

Tchevenski - 23.05.2023 05:02

For those whos afraid of picking elementalist, there is several builds right there that makes the class really esasy to pick up. Like fresh air, basically you wont be touching the other attunements because your critical hits make your lighting element reset, so you can keep spamming lighting all the way :)

Kristian Magnussen
Kristian Magnussen - 21.05.2023 22:04

Honestly, I’ve played this game on and off since release, many even a few betas. Played GW1, or rather tried it, never really liked it.
But I have yet to finish a story, for a single character, do end game or fractals, which is the part that I am really looking forward to. I love the game play, and the system, had some issues getting used to not having the trinity, but it makes it a whole lot more interesting.
I love exploring the game, do jump puzzles and platforming. I really enjoyed the first dungeons, the story part, never got past that. There is such high variety in this game. What I loved about wow was the dungeon aspect of it, 5 man, not raid, did the raid, it was just never really any fun. And everything is in this game, great story, easy to have fun solo, exploration that is rewarding and fun classes. Love my engi, difficult to play, so I take it slowly, I don’t mind that much, not as mind nummingly slow as my holy priest.
But his dammit, I can never pull my self together and really play this game, I have no idea why or for what reason. I love this game, and I really do want to play it. Might just be patient friends I lack, to tip me over 😂

AniruTheBlessed - 21.05.2023 19:55

Ten year vet here. My one MMO fix I can't go without.

빌런시리즈  양산
빌런시리즈 양산 - 20.05.2023 16:18

저는 학국인 입니다 첫번째로 나오는 큰칼을 든 워리어를 하려면 어떻게해야하나요? 그리고 그것을할려면 무슨캐릭을 해야하나요 제발 알려주세요

Sarah Drake
Sarah Drake - 19.05.2023 22:47

Thank you for the video! I just have been returning to gw2 and have been figuring out what classes i like.
I created my first character 9 years ago now, but i dropped the game shortly after the fall of Lions Arch. At the time I played a Norn Ranger, which was a great intro to the game and allowed me to play solo even though i had no idea what i was doing.
Then i returned after 2-3 years and created my Sylvari Mesmer.. this is when i got OBSESSED with gw2. I played through all the expansions, cried during the story, and got really into chronomancer builds and group map and world boss events. I sadly dropped it again because my computer broke and I was starting a new job in a new city... but my icon in some social media is still of my mesmer.
And now im back with a human revenant and sylvari necromancer (though i return to my mesmer often). I cant leave this game forever, and so happy that it still has such an active community. Ive gotten my FFXIV friends to try it out and get into it. They introduced me into high tier play there, and now we are learning together in GW2.
Ill send this vid their way when they start asking about classes.

Duong Quan
Duong Quan - 16.05.2023 05:51

Warrior with Bladesworn Elite Spec, because i like seeing big numbers

Nostalgic memories
Nostalgic memories - 15.05.2023 15:34

mesmer is way harder for newbies than engineer imo, this is only inaccuracy i found in this video. also ranger is so much to play, my fav class for sure

Sahara Antarctica
Sahara Antarctica - 13.05.2023 23:22

Hmm. I've been playing off and on since beta. Necro and Ranger are my favourites.
