"Which one is more beautiful?" Korean Girl Shocked by Hijab Styles Around the World!

"Which one is more beautiful?" Korean Girl Shocked by Hijab Styles Around the World!


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@rainnlol - 09.02.2024 23:47

you guys seriously dont understand the trauma iranian women go through on a daily basis, they get killed for not wearing the hijab. the religion is forced onto them. they didnt get the space most other muslims got. they never actually got to understand what the religion really meant and felt a connection with it. to them religion is just a punishment and oppression. bashing the iranian girl in this video is just insensitive. my heart goes out to all the iranian girls suffering rn, may allah help them.

@user-nd2sh3wo8h - 09.02.2024 15:40

its religon rule that you have to cover but some dont follow

@insansiregar6158 - 08.02.2024 14:09

Indonesia and Malaysia is also the same as Iran, they weren't originally Muslims. It was Buddhist & Hindu before Islam came

@smileperfect-hl8wr - 07.02.2024 22:55

ı will See part 2

@smileperfect-hl8wr - 07.02.2024 22:44

as ahijabi ı will say thank you for this beautiful video

@rbebler91 - 04.02.2024 20:00

Every video, the Iranian woman's hijab is always falling off....

@nanakim5032 - 04.02.2024 09:37

As a persian i want to say that in iran there are a lots of people that don’t like to wear hijab (they are muslims and they believe in god) but because of the government forces we must wear it. And for not wearing hijab in street we may be arrest or go to jail!!!
Just like what happened last year “Women life freedom”. A part of the protest was because of this rule, they killed some girls because of not wearing hijab in street.

@hermeownehasnie7161 - 04.02.2024 09:33

So cute

@Howdy359 - 04.02.2024 08:46

This same kind of hijab is also practiced here in Pakistan, but we particularly don't call it hijab it's just head cover.

@Sara22.22 - 04.02.2024 01:55

I want to correct something..First the reason that we wear hijab is bcuz god ordered us to do that and we believe in him and obey his orders cuz God commands us what is of benefit to us..second thing we wear it to represent our religion..and finally hijab isn’t just covering your hair it’s also wearing modesty and try to be a better version of ourself 🤍And to be chaste girls like mothers of believers

@moamysteriesofactivities2087 - 03.02.2024 16:41

In pakistan girls use all these three types of hijab, 😂 then irani , Malaysian and Indonesian are present in pakistan

@hlluv7297 - 03.02.2024 16:40

Kakak Nuryna hijabnya bisa tegak gitu gimana ya caranya?

@ruzan6386 - 02.02.2024 03:03

Can Indonesian/malaysian/Singapore Muslims please link me to international stores that sell your one-step hijabs/khimars? Especially the ones that have an extra covering for below the face, I really want to try them 🥲

@user-md2oe9ci5q - 01.02.2024 16:02

무슬림들 엄청 좋은 분들 천사같이 착함♥♥♥♥♥

@ddiyani994 - 30.01.2024 16:01

Harusnya narasumber yg paham tentang agama, sehingga bisa menjelaskan tentang hijab dan tidak menimbulkan salah pemahaman...jngn org2 yg hanya menganggap hijam sebagai fashion ataupun budaya

@eazyart9714 - 30.01.2024 14:44

Sorry but I never see Malaysian wear hijab like that😅 where is that style come from 😅... Really sorry, not try to be rude, but Malaysia girl fashion in this video isn't Malaysian at all😅

@parkjisungie1193 - 30.01.2024 14:40

hijab is a fashion item? whats wrong with this ummah why didnt they just go by what the quran says not by what the culture says arent all 3 of them muslim?

@Narina.MN. - 30.01.2024 13:11

The Iran one is wearing as a culture and there’s other Muslims in Iran who wearing it for the religion but she is not (no hate) . Cause my family lives in Iran , so I know

@blue_blue568 - 30.01.2024 02:44

Sekedar saran untuk pembahasan agama baiknya ada satu narasumber yang memang paham di bidangnya. Waktu aku SMP pernah ada temen yang kasih tau kalau kita tidak boleh debat atau bahas soal agama kalau tidak tau

@dilovean13 - 29.01.2024 17:43

Hijab is not about style

@susilindawati2393 - 27.01.2024 18:28


@desikimchi - 27.01.2024 05:06

As a Proud Pakistani I want to add here , I believe Pakistan is practicing true islamic laws and this reflects in our society. In Pakistan no one is forced to wear hijab or have beard by law its purely one's choice. Its up to Pakistani women 's choice if they want to wear burqa/ hijab / jeans or Just wear veil. still you will see 60% girls wearing hijab/ burqa rest use veil / shawl with western/ eastern dresses. Mostly Pakistani girls wear the hijab/veil( dopata)/ scarf according to the occasion or mood, like if they are going for shopping in local markets they prefer wearing chadar( shawl) or wear dopata around their head and shoulders and thats consider enough in our society. another fact If you see Pakistani girl wearing abaya/ burqa / hijab may be she is just lazy, she is avoiding ironing clothes so she is wearing abaya over her messy clothes 😂

@jangkabehan - 24.01.2024 07:57

Hijab in muslim like Maria mom of Jesus wearing. We follow that the rules. And same function for covered ur hair.

@mydailyda - 24.01.2024 02:24

the iranian girl is not wearing hijab

@aflowercloud - 23.01.2024 13:14


@Hiyswy - 23.01.2024 08:54


@acciosharpie4441 - 22.01.2024 08:13

Laughing my ass off because the girl from Indonesia is named Putri😂 Mbak Putrii Mbak Putrii, bener bener ya nama cewe paling pasaran di Indo

@hahhsshs - 21.01.2024 10:06

I am Indonesian, South Koreans are not new to Indonesians, there are thousands of South Koreans living in Indonesia, there are even Koreans who are candidates to become regional heads in Indonesia And a lot of South Korean people move to Indonesian citizenship, but usually if a South Korean person has decided to move to Indonesian citizenship, he can guarantee his success.

@atiqahatiq4509 - 20.01.2024 16:46

sejak kebelakangan nie, malaysia mempunyai pelbagai jenis style tudung, bawal dan shawl. tapi dari segi pemakaian tudung untuk malysian girl nie. its one of. tapi style nie org dah xguna sngt. dari sisi yg lain pulak, trend yg saya tgk, indonesia girls mmg ramai dah terikut² malaysian style. tapi boleh beza kot bg kedua belah negara. sekali pandang pun sy tahu indonesia punye style. even nampak sama tapi beza. malaysian style lebih kemas dan rapi.

@Qay513 - 20.01.2024 07:09

In Msia also hv an expensive n exclusive hijab cost around RM100k= 28,327,320.00 won...convert to USD= $21,213.41 its not branded one like LV but its femes n exclusive brand in Msia named BAWAL EXCLUSIVE

@pendi17 - 19.01.2024 14:09

iran memang gt sih.. dlu waktu transit d tehran cewek2 bule disuruh pake penutup jaket tp d ttup gt doabg gpp.. trus ternyata lihat cew2 nya pake nya kaya gt.

@user-nf1rx - 19.01.2024 08:12

it's not a hijab if your hair is showing. What can you expect from a shia.

@adhindaayu8521 - 19.01.2024 02:48

If you are moeslim girl and you wear hijab , your hijab should cover your hair. Every single hair and your neck. Hijab and islam is not like that. Hijab is not fashion. But hijab is Syari'ah islam. Should cover your hair, neck, and breast.
For women who wear hijab, please wearing hijab correctly so the other person from other country who are not moeslim do not have wrong perception about islamic rule in wearing hijab

@sinus90 - 19.01.2024 00:26

the man said i want to ask deeper questions but all the conversation went about hijab and its styles etc.

@afrin6399 - 18.01.2024 22:36

히잡을 착용하는 이유를 알고 싶다면 꾸란과 꾸란의 타프시르(Tafsir)를 읽어보면 더 좋을 것이라고 제안하고 싶다. 왜냐하면 전 세계의 사람들은 서로 다르기 때문입니다. 사람은 잘못된 설명이 부족할 수 있습니다. 그러나 꾸란은 처음부터 올바른 정보를 제공해 왔습니다. 이슬람을 알고 싶다면 꾸란, 타프시르, 정통 하디스를 읽어보세요. 그렇지 않으면 당신은 수수께끼에 빠져 어느 것이 정답인지 고민하게 될 것입니다. 현명한 아이디어는 꾸란을 읽는 것입니다.

I want to suggest that if you want to learn the reason for wearing Hijab, it will be better if you read Qur'an and Tafsir of Qur'an. Because people's in the whole world are different from each other. A person might foster lack of wrong explanations. However, the Qur'an has been providing the right information since the beginning. If you want to know Islam, read the Qur'an, Tafsir and Authentic Hadiths. Otherwise, you will be in the puzzle and will struggle that which one is the right answer. The smart idea is reading the Qur'an.

@wonhunny179 - 18.01.2024 20:27

A lot of people misinterpreted the words that wearing hijab is not something forced by thinking it's not obligatory. It's sinful and haram not to wear one but again it's YOUR choice because you know the consequences of your actions. Like any other sins like lying ...people know it's a sin yet they still do it. Nobody forces people to wear hijab but since you're a muslim you should know your own religion. If you dare to do a sin then you need to be daring to face what comes with it too. Also, there are people who don't wear hijab but deep inside they want to... it's just hard for them because they're not used to it or sometimes people may criticize them for not wearing it properly but everyone has their own progress... that's why you see lots of people that wear hijab with hair showing, one that covers everything up and one that have different lengths. Once, i patted my friend's head... don't ask why we're feely touchy like that but she wear hijab showing her neck and front hair...she told me not to do it because while she had her hair and aurat out, she said she didn't want to go all the way haram so don't touch it cuz she's afraid it will slip off all the way to the back 😭😭😭 although i'm sure that's not how it works girly) but the more you cover yourself and protect yourself, the closer you are to Allah. Many people who wear hijab it's because they want to get close to Allah. They want to abide by the rules without feeling burdened so most people don't rush into wearing full on niqab or hijab. They start slow...they might show a bit of hair, or they jught lack some things here and there. What i believe is every muslim ladies, hijabis or not must have at least the intention to wear hijab because they want to be religious or at least the wish to be closer to god. (Most of people i know is like that anyway , i never judge someone if they wear hijab or not because that's Allah's challenge for them and it's their business with allah. It's not our business, it's only our duty to advise but never to force. Once you have adviced them, then it's now between them and Allah ...if they managed to get over it then insyallah they will receive something good in return. Allah always purposely give us hard time, for a better thing will come to us later. Just like how pain expiates sins.) People focuses on the obligatory and punishment aspect but never focus on the fact that there are people who loves their religion and there are rewards and benefits to it.

@TheJhonquest - 18.01.2024 10:16

The point is you need to wear it,
Is not true...
The point is to cover woman body for not relationship guy... Stranger.. To see woman we call aurat.. From end of hair to end of toe.. Man also have aurat..

@sofeanabihah6430 - 18.01.2024 02:22

in malaysia we have a lot of styles of hijab that you can wear…and if you lazy to make the styles and want to save the times..you wear the sarung one or the instant one 😂 that one of my favourite ❤


@prhasn - 17.01.2024 20:08

Amazing. The world just needs more understanding of each other and love.

@haru.znn. - 17.01.2024 14:42

I can see the way nuryna wanted to be careful with her words infront of kimia because of the way she is wearing her hijab, im not attacking kimia but in islam yes you can choose wether u want to wear it or not but u can get sins as yr reward for not wearing it
IF you wear it but u don't fully cover like nuryna (not covering her chest) and kimia (not fully covering her neck and hair) you still get sins so there is no point but nuryna is a bit different
Her sins is a bit less since she hides her hair fully but she still get sins for not covering her chest
As for putri, the way she is wearing her hijab is the correct way
I suggest u to wear the correct way

@mahfuzasarker4758 - 17.01.2024 12:12

They're confused themselves, hijab means covering the attractive body parts of a women the best word for it is modest way to present themselves it can be done with traditional clothing as well. Now it has become an fashion trend the main concept is to cover hair , shoulder and waist properly so the body curve is not that much shown(also tight clothes that shows body shape, transparent fabrics). Except hair other two things are not maintained which is making hijab more complicated.every country has the scarf thing and modest clothing no one is pointing out the main concept rather attacking or intimidating others with their beliefs.

Hijab is more simple than people are making it nowadays.
This girls are more triggered by them rather than being confident and sure about it.

@yudigustiawan6699 - 16.01.2024 17:07

Iran Is Syiah not Islam

@muhammadsyamil936 - 16.01.2024 05:11

though some question answered inaccurately and may lead to misinformation to many, I hope this video will create interest to non-Muslim to learn more about true Islam teaching to avoid islamophobia.
next time if wanted to understand Islam refer the scripture(Al-quran), Hadith and explanation by true scholars. not from its follower which not follow all Islamic teaching.
same as any other religion, don't judge religion based on follower that may not understand its teaching wholly. study their scripture to know the truth.

@TWICEuz - 15.01.2024 13:18

Where is arabian girl

@Jawanisa - 15.01.2024 01:04

But grandpa, your women also used to cover their hair and faces in Joseon Dynasty. Their noble women used to wear Neoul and Myeonsa when they went out to keep distance from men.

@lailaumar1024 - 14.01.2024 09:22

Dear i girl ? IM sorry , ure Islam or Syiah ? ITS totally different.. Syiah ITS not Islam, and dear Iran girl, pls cover all ure hair with hijab. I see u re not comfortable with those hijab like that.. IM sorry.
