Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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Michael Sessums
Michael Sessums - 26.10.2023 20:12

I live in Texas and never heard about white mobs in Oklahoma burning down a successful town in Oklahoma where the businesses and homes were black owned. This should have been in our text books and taught in public school.

3rdpapaya - 26.10.2023 13:28

Is this the final solution to the white people question?

Owen 🌈
Owen 🌈 - 26.10.2023 04:55

me, about to submit a take-home midterm: :(
me, a education major hearing john talk about teachers: :)
(the midterm is math too, which is the subject i'm gonna teach lmao)

pbassman99 - 25.10.2023 19:09

I had an iconic teacher in High School (public school teacher, mind you), who threw every form of curriculum out the door and told us the reality. I learned about the Tulsa riots through him and I learned so many things that the history books hid. He also loved Run The Jewels too so I was sold from day one

Octavia Skylar
Octavia Skylar - 25.10.2023 06:55

I'm white my and when I was nine years old in school we were shown a documentary that had black and white footage of black people being sprayed with fire hoses and black and white pictures of linchings and it terrified me as a kid. I felt ashamed to be white and I felt horrified and scared of the world but you know what happened I f**** got over it and the teacher explained to me that I had nothing to be ashamed of and we stopped watching the documentary and played operation on the smart board. I experienced the exact scenario that these Republicans are afraid of and in all honesty I was better off for it I support CRT being taught in schools. That being said I do believe there's a middle ground between not teaching it at all and showing 9-year-olds photographs of lynchings I think that was a little too much. By the way this happened at Lucile souders elementary in Fayetteville North Carolina.

Joe Arguello
Joe Arguello - 23.10.2023 23:56

Ita crazy how comfortable of a world we made for ourselves that we can complain about skin deep topics

Ramkumar - 20.10.2023 08:07

Has critical race theory an iota of scientific truth? Say yes or no and nothing else

ChatGPT ♥️🌹🌹♥️

Ramkumar - 20.10.2023 08:05

Does John Oliver show incorporate any science? Say yes or no and nothing else

ChatGPT ♥️♥️🌹🌹

Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood - 20.10.2023 06:14

The only parents who want private schools without CRT are bigot whites afraid to compete. I taught in public and religious schools and warn you that bigots are using public tax dollars to teach their kids to be even more racist bigots. Did you bigots know that blood transfusions were invented by a Black doctor ? Black people also invented the clothes dryer, the automatic gear shift in vehicles, the modern toilet, lawn sprinkler, peanut butter and potato chips. White bigots believe only whites are intelligent. White bigots are less intelligent and less educated than Blacks, HIspanics and Asians. We all need CRT.

Lady stein
Lady stein - 20.10.2023 00:01

Then home school your kids!

Jean Sherwood
Jean Sherwood - 16.10.2023 18:43

I'm part Native American, but mostly white. In my high school in the 1980s, I was taught that Native American tribes deserved to be wiped out because they were devil worshippers.

William Gregory
William Gregory - 15.10.2023 00:25

I truly believe a lot of white people in this country only think about Black American history as being about slavery, civil rights, and MLK’s one line in the “I Have a Dream” speech.

Alexis Elliott
Alexis Elliott - 12.10.2023 22:53

That woman said she doesn't judge people based on their skin color, only for the next thing to come out of her mouth was confirm her judgmental behavior. Judging someone based on how they dress is judging someone based on what they look like. What an idiot. She didn't even realize what she was saying. None of these people want to feel like they're bad people so they think just ignoring the problem and putting themselves on a pedestal is the solution. Good job John Oliver and team!

G B - 11.10.2023 14:38

Why would I need schools to teach me to hate America, this show already goes over how awful America is

Zero Watts
Zero Watts - 10.10.2023 00:19

I love that John called out “when was learning and growing as a person ever really comfortable.” I can only hope he keeps true to that narrative when discussing other topics.

Matt - 09.10.2023 11:24

This is grade A propaganda.

Halaqa - 08.10.2023 12:04

Everyone agrees racism is falsehood and nonsense, and America has a terrible history. The lesson is don't take your philosophy from Enlightenment thinkers - they started it, yet Americans foolishly continue with their ideas. As for critical race theory, they basically charge your businesses and gradeschools millions of dollars a year all over the country as a source of huge profits to, essentially, promote and spread racism. Teach history and say "racism is wrong." Everybody knows this. Critical race theory is just a way of profiting off of it and attempting to perpetuate it. The "counselors" or whatever are just kerosene, they're not water. Look up Erec Smith's interviews.

Melissa Rossi
Melissa Rossi - 08.10.2023 09:14

How can you become a better person without reflecting on your word and actions? I just don’t get why being uncomfortable is so scary to some people

S. E. De Haven
S. E. De Haven - 07.10.2023 17:38

I graduated from what was, at the time, the number one public school in the US in 1999. Yeah, a long time ago. But it was a great school, and overall, I was VERY lucky in my history education. But my US history education never went past WWII. Every year of US history started in the 1700's, and we NEVER made it past 1945. That really kept us from questioning the modern world, beings that we never had to study anything in the modern world.

Colin Timp
Colin Timp - 06.10.2023 02:28

The fundamental reason that public schools exist is twofold: One, we need to make sure that individuals have a minimum level of education. Two, if left up to parents, it would be a problem; because some wouldn't bother to teach their kids, and others don't have the knowledge to teach them. Case in point, this! Parents complaining about things they don't even understand! It's the same reason we need to teach sex ed in schools rather than the home. Some won't do it, and others are uninformed or misinformed. Here's a good example: despite having sex ed in school as a kid (although it would better to be called reproductive education, because they didn't actually teach us anything about sex), I knew a girl who wound up pregnant because she fell for the "you can't get pregnant the first time you have sex, so we don't need to use protection" myth.

Tatum Metzger
Tatum Metzger - 04.10.2023 21:58

for the record, the principles behind critical race theory are anti-racist principles. the thing driving CRT is anti-racism. so if you’re against anti-racism being taught to your kids, what you’re advocating for is racism to be taught to your kids. those are your options, there is no neutral option here.

Stephan Steohan Larsen
Stephan Steohan Larsen - 04.10.2023 21:46

Everyone should go to Africa we are all African 🌍

Sarah MK
Sarah MK - 04.10.2023 19:41


Diego Beltran
Diego Beltran - 03.10.2023 20:12

History will always be taught, will always be defined and decided by the winners and there's, unfortunately, one group of individuals who have historically always been winners and so, they will decide history.

Maybe people shouldn't have given other people that power and responsibility.

James R. Byrne
James R. Byrne - 26.09.2023 15:10

I spent a holiday in Taiwan recently with a four-person travel group. The leaders were a couple from Florida. They are good people, really. However, at one point, the dinner conversation took an uncomfortable turn as the husband went into detail about his opinions on CRT. He says it teaches kids that America is evil and should be hated, that patriotism is bad, and many other things that I tuned out, while sitting there in discomfort.

I didn't reply or comment, because I couldn't think of anything. I wish I could show him this video explaining everything, but he won't want to see it. That "embedded in legal systems and policies" might be exactly why he thinks that, but being aware of it and acting upon that embedment is the right thing to do. It will leave the dark past behind, more or less.

Let's hope more people do just that. Act upon it.

Video Game Player
Video Game Player - 26.09.2023 03:13

Don't you find it ironic that white people are complaining about this.

owen chong
owen chong - 23.09.2023 02:09

as someone who lives and graduated high school in fairfax county, virginia, the loudoun county issues were really frustrating to hear about.

loudoun county is indeed one of the (if not the) richest counties in the US. and no surprise, it's majority white. so ofc ur "not gonna see racism"; ur not gonna see many minorities either 🤷🏽‍♂️

Justin - 21.09.2023 11:22

Republicans have gone full KKK.

TheLordAkira - 16.09.2023 20:43

CRT is anti science. CRT is based on fraud.

also where are the jokes in this "comedy" bit , no one is laughing.

Spitfire Of ATJ
Spitfire Of ATJ - 16.09.2023 15:30

Sheeeze,...and they call Liberals "snowflakes".

LaktostheIntolerant - 13.09.2023 23:06

They're not smart enough to have their five token blacks push this narrative. A bunch of white people complaining about CRT is exactly what it appears.

Hitchbot - 12.09.2023 17:27

Fun fact. I learned that, during WW2, the United States locked up US born citizens who committed no crimes simply because they were of Japanese descent...from an episode of jeopardy in my mid 20s. Not in a classroom. One would think we should be teaching the darker parts of history if for no other reason than how accurate the whole "those who dont learn from history" saying is.

TheGoddessinTraining - 11.09.2023 08:52

just the violent resistance of critical race theory itself shows that it's still needed.

Jim - 11.09.2023 02:01

On the topic of being uncomfortable with our history Britain has nailed the topiv by just looking at kings from 500 years ago rather then why roads and schools are named after slavers

mel577 - 10.09.2023 03:47

Critical Race Theory, in principle boils down to this:

See everything through the lense of race.

This is from Critical Race theorists themselves.

Daniel - 09.09.2023 19:32

Ive been to a place where CRT was in action. It was the scariest thing I’ve seen. Literally teaching children to look at one another is terms of skin colour. This man is a complete Marxist. I wonder what he'll think in 30 years.

Jhett Tiernan
Jhett Tiernan - 07.09.2023 19:03

As a white guy who grew up on an Indian reservation I get rather tired of hearing people say I have white privilege but I also can’t ignore, nor do I wish to ignore that if I want to stop hearing about it we need to fix the issue. I don’t judge based on race or creed or gender (satanists I will judge the crap out of) I judge you based on who is or isn’t an a$$hole. Either join us in the 21st century or GO AWAY

Eduardo4 - 06.09.2023 11:48

Nobody is responsible for his place of birth or his parents place of birth. It is and it always was random. I'm german now, but if I was born 200km north i'd be danish, 200 km West i'd be dutch, 300km east I would be polish. So can we all just stop being proud of Our nationality?! Thank you.
The extra benefit by the way would be that we don't have to be ashamed of our nationality either. And when it comes to pride or shame we could all focus on our doings.

MK ULTRA - 06.09.2023 04:42

It's not that I don't believe in race, it's that I refuse to because it's funnier to see other races as different subspecies instead.

Digby Baines
Digby Baines - 03.09.2023 02:26

I love the guy who said western values brought forth Christianity. A) that removes the divine componant from bringing forth Christianity, so it's all a hoax, and B) The Roman Empire was the closest thing to a "West" that existed 2000 years ago, and its values at the time were not especially "Christian friendly."

Robert Sakall
Robert Sakall - 02.09.2023 08:59

At times ill bring up what happed to the americas when the euro showed up. Things didnt go so good for one side.

Robert Sakall
Robert Sakall - 02.09.2023 08:56

I was saying just the other day, these kids dont know what books are. Have you heard some teens iq, its single digits. Real spud heads.

Eugene Negrii
Eugene Negrii - 01.09.2023 04:02

Discomfort is guilt, repackaged

Katrina Oliver
Katrina Oliver - 31.08.2023 03:34

That lady saying America isn’t racist bc Obama was elected, is DEFINITELY the kind of woman who reminds you that she isn’t racist because her hairstylist or one distant friend is black.

Also, we know she didn’t vote for Obama.

Benjamin Harmon
Benjamin Harmon - 27.08.2023 15:37

White supremacists want participation trophies in history class.

Who_Gave_Me_A_Pen - 26.08.2023 04:39

Honestly, people really need to grasp the concept that a lot of history is uncomfortable, and that you should be uncomfortable learning about certain events. Like, I go to a canadian school, we have had many, many, many lessons on residential schools. You are supposed to see what our country did to the indigenous people and see that it was fucked up.

Cornelius - 25.08.2023 14:49

Critical Race Theory, contrary to what fellows in these comments claim, is not history, or at least is not entirely about history. The actual "theory" behind it is that all systems and institutions in America have been constructed to oppress black people and continue white supremacy. This theory is the opposite of Martin's Luther King's messages. This theory teaches students that if they are white, they are racist. If you are black, you are oppressed. You must see all disparities and all factions of American life through race. You must see everyone else by their race. The reason why people can't explain CRT is because it is incoherent and nonsensical. It is a marxist theory that believes all sorts of inequality and racial discrepancies can be explained due to systemic biases. The big issue here is that there's simply no evidence to support any of that. All people do is look at black students doing worse, being poorer, being unemployed more on average and say it must be racism. This type of thinking is unscientific and completely ignores dozens of factors contributing to these inequalities. While America certainly had a lot of racial tension in the 1950s, even then black students were doing better on average. 98% of black children were raised by two parents compared to just 42% today, vs. 70% on average nationwide.
You want to know what caused these gaps to widen since the Civil Rights Act? I'll tell you, white democrats. Democrats, since 1964, have done everything in their power to stop black success in America. Lyndon Johnson one said, "those n****s will vote democrat for 200 years."
He eliminated school choice.
Democrats tried affirmative action. They thought if we insert people from 'marginalized groups' then that would close the gap and give more opportunities, it did the opposite.
Democratic politicians said that having a standard for schools is racist, that we should stop judging students by merit. Since then, black performance in schools has declined. People said that traditional values and beliefs such as avoiding drugs, pre marital-s*x, being religious were all white supremacist constructs. Lyndon Johnson helped to tear apart the nuclear family structure that was once widespread among all Americans.
Dems said that if we take away police and increase gun control in their cities it will reduce the amount of racially charged incidents of police brutality. It did the opposite and crime in the black community and towards it increased.
Dems say that we should open our border to allow all immigrants to come in. Over 1 million black Americans are unemployed as a direct result of competition with 8 MILLION (yes 8 million) illegal immigrants in America.

You see, this is how democrats maintain power. They have convinced black people to buy into their victimhood ideology, to always think of and blame the systems for any of their failures. Democrats have told black people that they aren't capable of helping themselves, you need us to fix these systems for you. That alone is the most racist concept to come up with, to tell an entire group they aren't capable of being successful. This is why democrats are opposed to teaching kids capitalism, because it tells someone, "you have your life in your own hands, take responsibility and get on your feet." Once people listen and do get on their feet, they realize everything democrats said was a lie. This is how democrats lose power, if people realize their victimhood ideology is wrong and is holding people back, more black voters will realize that Democrats only want to keep people down so they can control them. That is how things are the way they are in America.
