CSS Image Hover Effects in Gutenberg WordPress | WordPress design Tips and Tricks

CSS Image Hover Effects in Gutenberg WordPress | WordPress design Tips and Tricks

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Maurice Antenbrink
Maurice Antenbrink - 17.08.2023 14:41

Sadly it doesn't work in 6.3. The plugin is not updated yet to work with the new wordpress.

Miguel Viana
Miguel Viana - 24.04.2023 17:16

Hi there, this effect is great but I'd like to disable it on mobile, how can I make it so that the text persists on mobile? Also, I can't get the text to animate, it just shows on hover.

Walther Carvajal Villamizar
Walther Carvajal Villamizar - 26.03.2023 23:25

It worked almost perfectly. But for some reason when hover, there is no darker background. And the espace between columns is not 0 (i like the way you have no space between columns)

Calvin Wang
Calvin Wang - 25.03.2023 16:23

I hate the music you play.
