The Biggest Scandals in Destiny History: A Retrospective

The Biggest Scandals in Destiny History: A Retrospective

Shadow Destiny 2

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@manuelmedina891 - 29.06.2024 01:51

I hate that I need permission to get on voice chat or buy anything from the ever verse store
and still don't understand why I need permission,

@mister_needles - 29.06.2024 00:21

To the guy with capitals for emphasis below.
Don't tell me you forget that money has always been symbolic. However you mean it Akimbogaming, are you worth less than $500,000 as a person? Could I terrorize you for $5? What's your price? He should consider himself lucky that courts were involved in the first place, because dmg has every right to apply street justice on some dude who cheats in games. Use that brain cell once in a while dude

@AkimboGamingDK - 28.06.2024 23:20

$500,000 for a FUCKING pizza delivery, are you freaking kidding me? like are YOU FOR REAL right now? JESUS CHRIST America is FUCKED UP! >.< sorry but if you can sue someone $500,000 over a fkn PIZZA then you know a country is screwed completely! now SUE me pfffff, wait, your stupid American laws do not apply to my country, nice try though pfffffft.

@scovafd - 28.06.2024 22:42

For the record, it’s never ever unreasonable to ask for the proof or evidence. That’s a fear mongering tactic

I don’t care if Bungie checks 601 times. Until you provide the proof and evidence, it’s nothing but words

@asadxo - 28.06.2024 15:09

WishYaLuckk was constantly in Bungie's bad books, he was a villain the Destiny community

@Bidoof_is_best - 28.06.2024 13:12

Fun fact about the layoff. Bungie withheld information about the layoffs until just a few days before actually doing them. And then, to top it off, they deliberately did them at the end of the month so they didnt have to payout the benefits to the employees that were being let go in the first place

@kakku0608 - 28.06.2024 11:00

Just buy the pizza. Damn destiny's devs are so dumb

@veganTongan - 27.06.2024 11:42

glad these fools got banned.

@girlinvt - 26.06.2024 18:31

How stupid are you as a reporter. Where's the crime tape showing an investigation zone? Why didn't the 2 female officers tell her to it was an investigation. Exactly how many seconds did he give her before he body slammed her. That snoring sound is her brain trying to keep her breathing with severe trauma. Meanwhile, he's telling an unconscious woman to stop resisting, who can be siezing due to her head trauma, and low O2. He dislocated her shoulder and her elbow. Broke her eye socket and gave her severe head trauma. Yet all you as a reporter said, "was she had a few bruises". Shes got multiple stitches as well. Nothing like not being accurate or truthful, instead you diss her serious injuries and classified her as faking by saying just a few bruises.

@IsfetSolaris - 25.06.2024 17:24

Shocked that Hush wasn't mentioned here considering his channel was one of the biggest.

@bornwisedistruction - 25.06.2024 09:13

Hes liable for 500k and thinks its funny sad part is when hes old enough and wants to buy that house or car we shall see how funny it really is!?!?!?

@surface_scar - 25.06.2024 03:04

the further i get into this video the happier i am that i quit

@thebekmanz - 24.06.2024 22:13

Jokes on Bungie, I grinded tf outta those ever verse engrams. If only I had more time, I'd avoid buying any cosmetics altogether 🤷

@tomasdexter5869 - 24.06.2024 20:14

Its lovely how cheaters are bad, but when bungie scam tons of people, somehow bungie is good and doesnt need to pay 500k fine to each scammer player. I dont get why should cheater pay money if bungo shits on custommers and runs free without punishment :-/ its fked up

@icekold69 - 24.06.2024 17:46

Destiny players love abuse and always go back to their abuser.

@grief101f2 - 24.06.2024 15:46

best thing i ever did was walk away from this absolute corrupt cash grab of a game

@pharmies - 24.06.2024 04:16

500k for a pizza being sent... petty smh

@LonelyWolfJ - 23.06.2024 14:18

Its so stupid to me that one is not allowed to play that game for life if you cheated.. Even murderers after they are released can walk free xD But I guess not with Bungie!!! No one is redeemable!

@AMoose454 - 22.06.2024 19:26

Dudes icons were a perfect match of the screenshot😂 cmon now

@voidthedragon - 22.06.2024 11:59

The point that made me quit was when they wiped the dlcs from existence in destiny 2 when it became free, I paid money for nothing now

@VagrantSoulZ - 22.06.2024 02:37

"Nobody knew this at the time..."
Oh we knew. LOL

@josephwoods4714 - 21.06.2024 18:30

It's really sad the amount of people who refuse to take accountability

@armado30 - 21.06.2024 16:39

Destiny 2 is like a love and hate relationship,but I do not regret experiencing this journey to the end of days all the way to the final shape.

@BuddhaBoiBrett - 21.06.2024 15:01

They still do number 3 in most games now, if you play more you get punished for it but if you dont play for like a week and come back, you get given everything and your lobbies are alot easier

@F0rger513 - 21.06.2024 05:51

I played a lot of D2 at launch and let me tell ya, I've grinded more public events than just about anything else in this game to this day, except maybe trying to get a god rolled Kindled Orchid.

@jeepmanxj - 21.06.2024 01:23

You forgot to mention how they completely revoked content people paid for.

The game is basically shit anymore. Its only "end game content" there isn't any substance.

@H0LL0W - 20.06.2024 22:30

You forgot to put that time when Bungie basically insulted all the hispanic community calling us Latinx

@assazinoflight4301 - 20.06.2024 20:31

Really glad I haven’t played this game in a while now. Still enjoying watching my favorite content creators because they make great quality videos but man this game is going to shit

@lewisyoder8067 - 20.06.2024 17:37

You have to belive what Bungie is saying about these player's and i for 1 do not trust bungie if there is 1 thing ove learned over the years of playing Destiny is that Bungie is a shady company and can not be trusted.

@aaronwhite1680 - 20.06.2024 17:09

Ban all speed runners!!

@ZZZXYZ - 20.06.2024 16:10

some people are good entertainers but have little talent. just put them on a all cheaters only server.

@jpblomen - 20.06.2024 11:27

idk i went from one of the first xbox crota raid finashers to not compleating any raids because all of the restarts

@jpblomen - 20.06.2024 11:23

let not talk about how u need to spend 200 bucks with a sale on the game 25 dollar dungon keys

@novemberbravo6194 - 20.06.2024 11:02

Oh damn, I had no idea about the whole “Sunrising” thing! I can use my Hammerhead again!

@superspencebros832 - 20.06.2024 09:28

calls dmg legendary, welp this guy probably lame.

@piegumplays9059 - 20.06.2024 06:05

No offense to ya destiny players but please learn form history cuz ya all get scamed monthly 😢

@dustinreynolds1552 - 20.06.2024 05:42

sunsetting and then readding the weapons in the new dlc killed the game for me

@senken5265 - 20.06.2024 03:06

And you have me, who is still permanently banned since the last 2 weeks, for no reason at all.
I've obviously contested my ban but nothing happened...

@NemoNemuNeme - 19.06.2024 22:53

The release of D2 was wat actually killed my interest in playing the game. It just felt so pointless playing. Did follow the lore throughout the years. Love that part.

@insertname6143 - 19.06.2024 18:58

I saw the writing on the wall for me when they released a paid battle pass system so much so that I sold my PS to get away from the game. It reminded me of what happened to halo another game for which I sold my Xbox to never return. I tried to come back later on PC and found the systems for new players convoluted, confusing, and overly costly. I guess shooters are dead to me as most try to imitate systems formulated and papalized in Fortnite which only works because that game is free, and you are only incentivized to pay due to peer pressure from it's community cause of the dreaded name calling of "default skin". I like to get what I paid for and not get gouged by predatory practices.

@J_A_Niss - 19.06.2024 16:45

Baken is the reason why I never believe when people say "meeeehh i've been ban'd for NO reason hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

@mordsythe - 19.06.2024 15:23

Just walked away from the game last week due to the changes they made with most recent expansion

@tylerberks2756 - 19.06.2024 14:47

No mention of the d1 cut content?

@dowak3991 - 19.06.2024 13:19

Well, it's a mid game made by a bad company.

@mitcho590 - 19.06.2024 10:34

Forgot to mention the d2 launch day ban. There was something like 3000 accounts banned on launch day . I loqded inti the game and was making a character, then my game crashed.. started making a character again, and as i hit create, the game crashed....when reopening the game, i was perma banned. Bungies forums were flooded with people who got banned and hadn't even set foot in the world yet. Bungie refused to look into it and claimed we were cheating, yet most of us didn't even get into the game, let alone cheat. I returned my collectors edition for a full refund ... week later, bungie admitted to the screw up and unbanned nearly everyone, but the damage was done, and starting a week behind everyone pushed most of us away. What a sh** showmof a company.

@mostlyjovial6177 - 19.06.2024 02:57

The worst part of D2s launch and how bad CoO was, it completely shattered clans and friend groups, mine included.

@davidfield65 - 18.06.2024 21:12

I love destiny 2 it saved my life if I somehow got banned I would sue bungie since I have over 4,000 hours in the game and have spent about $4,000 in game since I’ve played. If I lost my account I’d off myself
