Guardians of the Amazon (Full Documentary)

Guardians of the Amazon (Full Documentary)

ABC News

4 года назад

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@bobf1290 - 10.01.2024 07:25

I love how trump gets pulled into something that has nothing to do with him , the far left is what's destroying societies around the world not trump

@johngluck6938 - 10.01.2024 00:17

Coal companies in East KY killed land owners to build their company housing on in the early 1900s. Appalachian people are very similar to these tribes. Many of us just want to live how we have lived for centuries here and dont' trust outsiders. Appalachian people were poor, not well educated and exploited for cheap labor.

@afro142 - 01.01.2024 12:58

Now thats a real life superhero. Thankyou for protecting the planet💪

@ZapRowsdower47 - 19.12.2023 06:23

Creator please protect our relatives in the forest, from your relatives far noth on the Reservations in USA & Canada

@chucknoris3529 - 24.11.2023 09:46

The Insanity of this will be our ultimate failure as a civilization. We all play a part in which we create a debt that one day We will be repaid by sacrificing our future. Those who will repay this debt will look back at us with anger and rage wondering why no Human stopped this and yet We only have to look in the mirror to find the one responsible. These people are warriors because they are paying their debts so their children can hopefully live free.

@meatluffy6642 - 12.11.2023 08:02

This should at least be a message to everyone to not invade others territory especially if it will caused nothing but destruction and harm to every people in that area and to the nature itself.

@alvarhanso5351 - 04.11.2023 16:11

True warriors and heroes to their people and land.

@jasonlewis1926 - 25.10.2023 17:03

Nice try on the “Trump-like” reference, ABC. Spewing more misinformation. It’s expected.🤡🤡🤡

@poppetrurazvan3900 - 25.10.2023 10:43

Hi. I think that you could use sonar fish finders to allert you on puranha fish. My very best regards.

@doublegbassin7215 - 22.10.2023 22:33

I wonder if this tribe is still okay and if the leader is alive or if there way of life is still the same. I hope and pray they are all okay today

@jungleharry - 20.10.2023 05:13

For every 🌳 cut in the Amazon, 200 🌳 are planted. So please tell me you silly cows - how are we exactly destroying the Amazon 😂😂😂 Please let Brazil 🇧🇷 develop. When America 🇺🇸 was developing and destroying the Northern wilderness you lot didn't say a damn thing 🙄

@chbuletshatma8358 - 05.10.2023 14:48

Pliz come in North Eastern Indian state of Manipur

@easylessonteaching2641 - 01.10.2023 00:31

man they should make a call of duty game based on this

@magdasanchez11 - 17.07.2023 01:13

¿Y las compañías que comprar estos productos? ¿Son multadas? ¿Dónde está la cabeza de estas organizaciones? Que bueno que se esté haciendo algo, pero estas personas son solo trabajadores, y seguirá sucediendo hasta que no se eliminen las cabezas de todo este negocio.

@geomad8964 - 03.07.2023 14:37

The man has a point. People accepting bribes are just recieving peanut in exchange for the entire ecosystem that provides everything for them.

@henrysantos121 - 19.06.2023 08:01


@Kykympsu - 23.11.2022 23:38

Spare Amazon! atleast this piece of true nature🌿 feels- when they know it's wrong but all for the (white b*$) i tell yo
fello indigenous tribal, Konyak .

@donny9078 - 26.10.2022 04:25

The tribes of the Amazon have a historical right to the land, they have occupied the land a lot longer than Brazil has been a country,. Although they shouldn't need to, it would help if a few rich individuals set them up with lawyers to have their ownership of the land legally binding, and therefore out of Brazils jusrisdiction.

@archandaohojai - 06.10.2022 16:21

Government should provide them weapons and salary to protect the Forrest

@sharegreats2157 - 04.07.2022 19:17

There is but one solution to this: Get the people out of the Amazon. 1950 there lived around 1 million people there and most of them were concentrated in bigger cities like Manaus and Belem. But today the Amazon area has more than 30 million inhabitants, a number that is growing daily. It is clear to me that those people want their developments, their farm, their animals, cows, pigs, chicken etc. instead of snakes, leopards, spiders and monkeys. Thus everybody can calculate easily himself what is going to happen to the Amazon during the upcoming years. The deforestation will exponentially grow.

@aguinaldomirandaguajajara7269 - 01.07.2022 01:22

Boa noite ,, esse operação do vídeo é de dois mil 2014 até 2019
Eu sou da terra indígena Araribóia
Foi nesse ano

@sunnycriti9809 - 17.05.2022 14:50


@rl4416 - 22.04.2022 07:34

I just watched this and wow.

@theaouch4749 - 09.02.2022 06:18

We support yall Amazon's warriors of indigenous people.

@snipershot3577 - 24.01.2022 09:05

I think a military presence should be there protecting the area with the warriors

@fredricful - 23.01.2022 11:54

Bare og skyte driten der dere finner mensker så råtner nøkka opp der dere dreper dritten.

@la_void9750 - 23.01.2022 04:18

That right my indigenous brothers keep fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Save our ancestors sacred lands from the invaders. Fight those people who are corrupters, greedness and neglectful. Fight them. The spirits and your land are on your side. Unleash that warrior inside of your blood and fight.

@markypshoots - 30.12.2021 20:45

So pretty much what Europeans did with Native Americans land in the US

@sootaa_aaa - 30.10.2021 09:54

We are 99%. all of us must appreciate them and join this battle for saving human rights and climate crisis.

@samanthav8728 - 20.10.2021 07:44

What is a "Warrior"?
Definition - (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter
Wikipedia says "A warrior is a person specializing in combat or warfare as an institutionalized or professionalized career, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based warrior culture society that recognizes a separate warrior aristocracies, class, or caste."
Yep, that's these brave men called "The Guardian"!

@Tomich250 - 22.08.2021 04:04


@jayb4243 - 11.08.2021 13:02

R.I.P to Paulinho I dont know him personally but I got big respect for people who fight for what's rightfully theirs. R.I.P WARRIOR

@costinbaloiu - 23.07.2021 12:50

All of this in time when in Brazil carteles are at the highest... What the president does? He charge on the poor people on their on f.cking home... 😡😡😡😡
🖕 Bolsonaro and whole political class

@edongashi9489 - 27.06.2021 21:57

Sooner or logaras will be shot on sight in the amazonian Forest the president has assassins a price on his head soon he will die is this fucking idiots want war they will get it a soldier's which are preparing to be deployed in the Amazon rainforest specialise in gorilla tactics they are very well equipped very stealthy weaponry camouflage clothing the best night vision a extended knowledge of booby trap poison and torture methods including venomous snakes insects and plants which give so much pain to the human body without killing it shortly they're like wolves I will stock you learn from you I remember your faces and then they will kill you a slow painful and terrifying death but I doubt anybody will know about this alone about their deployment in a dark Web the side was there only for half a hour as a Declaration Of War it doesn't matter if the Brazilian military goes in you'll be a slaughter for them the Soldiers love jungle environments I've seen the training footage it is brutal there more casualties and deaths during the training and actual combat their eyes almost not human I'm not like they have no soul some would say like a pervert looking at his prey I doubt even the Seal marines or any any military can be the equals when it comes to war killing and the art of the battlefield I checked that side in a dark Web everyday play Sally one message investor is mass genocide or Amazon deforestation and Fire can have a reversible affect have orders only watch and prepare I truly hope but stupid president changes his mind about all of this Connolly 400 ordinary people watching the website in the dark Web in this website discord was talking about how karma is a Bich and this karma for these people is going to prove fatal the website give us a smiley face emoji say What You Give You Take an eye for an Eye blood for blood Evel for evil currently things are getting very interesting Oliver's 400 people who are watching this website is there been an announcement entire activity will be recorded the firefight centre executions of any mercenary lagers and military personnel women and children will be spared for your entertainment we give you permission to watch ass perform all of us are very excited for the upcoming announcement off deployment

@mltndeal5120 - 26.06.2021 04:17

Brave Amazonian indegonus warriors! In America we Native Americans were invaded by settlers they claimed our lands just as this documentary depics our ancestors fought for their land. Unfortunately the US government gave all of American lands to frontiers. Now we are on Reservations many American tribes have small reservations. We Navajos are fortunate to have the largest reservation in America. Deforestation is a serious issue. Our earth depends on the Amazon forest. If deforestation continues then our Earth's climate change will worsen. In 2021 global warming is evident. Species of trees and plants are being destroyed forever. And wiping out many species of animals and insects. We need to help these indigenous people to stop illegal logging. We ought to arm the indegonus warriors with AR-15s to defend their land. This is an ecolygical catastrophy the world needs to do something about it. The forest is being devoured at a fast rate.

@izzzzzz6 - 22.06.2021 03:27

These guys are going to be labeled terrorists by people such as Bolsonaro like all the other indigenous people in the world who try to speak out they will be repressed. Most of the population of the planet should be fighting this war as hard as these guys are. Ours as well as their future depends on it. It's disgusting how little virgin forest there is left on this planet!

@moshudtareque8819 - 10.06.2021 10:26

If the government really care about them they would help them, work with them give them equipment. Respect

@tasha1924 - 02.06.2021 14:48

We need a go fund me

@manojs2410 - 26.04.2021 23:11

Firstly, my sincere respects to the warriors.
Secondly, my sincere curses on all the corrupt people involved in destroying Amazon forests. I curse the corrupt people and their families enjoying the fruits of corrupt money, to live a miserable life and die an extremely long duration of many years of dying!
Corrupt people across the globe should go thru such misery in the same life!
All gods of the world, do you guys just sit and watch all this. How I wish atleast one of you gods were real to punish the corrupt instantly!!!

@diggerbickthanyou2268 - 26.03.2021 13:54


@GrabbySmurf - 24.03.2021 04:45

Hope all the advertisement money you just made goes to support the cause

@kalegana - 23.03.2021 00:36

they need some good guns. i wish some one can smuggle them some.

@johnyap3984 - 22.03.2021 15:44

Thank you so much for the upload 💗💗💗

@maikemengao02 - 20.03.2021 07:17

"ELES NÃO QUEREM SALVAR A AMAZÔNIA, ELES QUEREM A AMAZÔNIA." Aqui eles podem até antrar, mas jamais vão sair. 🐆🗡🇧🇷

@sadaqataljariya - 16.03.2021 15:22

They need to plant trees also

@MoRv1n014 - 12.03.2021 22:48

This is why you don't record crimes! AND this is why you shouldn't do logging in the first place! They are destroying the land and they got caught because they recorded it 😒😒

@beans1629 - 04.03.2021 13:06


@worldcitizeng6507 - 01.03.2021 23:35

I remember the trees planting during the Brazil Olympics ceremony. It's sad that their don't care😭 UN needs to set up campaign to educate their society on how important their forest is to their future generations 😢

@Ashallmusica - 25.02.2021 18:57

😔 I'm crying over what we have done so badly to Ecosystem ,

@huttahbountyful6377 - 17.12.2020 05:20

Honestly i do feel bad for the men tied up they literally are just tryna survive...
