Create Gallery App in Android using Recyclerview (Multiple Images Selection)

Create Gallery App in Android using Recyclerview (Multiple Images Selection)

Android with Haroon

6 лет назад

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ABC - 05.09.2022 06:43

I am developing a gallery app. I can't add delete function. How can i add delete function. Advance thanks.

Rayan Crasta
Rayan Crasta - 20.10.2020 18:57

Sir can how to open a specific image

Wissam delmi bouras
Wissam delmi bouras - 26.07.2020 20:06

thanks, please i want to select one or more image in an activity saved locally

ATTA Mustafa
ATTA Mustafa - 12.07.2019 14:52

hello , i have a question . if i take the module of multiple image section . and then i use my app commercially . is it create issue for me?

Lets learn computer programming
Lets learn computer programming - 03.06.2019 10:47

Query query = imageList.orderByChild("menuId").equalTo(categoryId);
FirebaseRecyclerOptions options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<Gallery>()
.setQuery(query, Gallery.class).build();
query.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {

public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for(DataSnapshot postSnapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
String galleryImage = postSnapshot.child("galleryImage").getValue(String.class);
Gallery galleryList = new Gallery();

Log.e("Hello", String.valueOf(mvalues.size()));

image has 3 in database .It is count mvaluesSize 6

Kj Briyan
Kj Briyan - 01.08.2018 15:50

sir i have question , im download your sourcecode and im runing, but can't show image from galery, you have solution?

Ankit Gupta
Ankit Gupta - 26.02.2018 07:41

Can we build project without these library API

Adil Jütt
Adil Jütt - 22.02.2018 22:51

Sir I have a question please answer me sir how can we upload image with time to show limited time user set in firebase time finished image remove from firebase
