165hz vs 144hz monitor?

165hz vs 144hz monitor?


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@xELIMINATORx - 28.06.2024 06:58

From 60hz to 120/144/165hz is indeed a HUGE difference, but between 120/144/165hz there is close to none. Tho, if you switch from 120/144/165hz to lets say 240/360hz than there would be a noticable difference. But remember that you need a pc that can output that many frames. There is frame generation tech as an option but it still isn't quite there yet, but close.

@louisjoseph007 - 28.06.2024 08:22

did bro forget we can turn down refresh rates on our monitors

@jackoberto01 - 28.06.2024 13:11

It's definitely placebo or something else that is different with the monitors. My monitor has a overclock feature to go from 144 to 165 but I notice little to no difference. However I can notice difference between a TN, VA, IPS or OLED where TN and OLED feel more responsive and less ghosting at the same refresh rate

@itsblahblah2155 - 28.06.2024 15:49

me on 1440p and 240 fps

@Nathan15038 - 29.06.2024 00:10

Me playing on my 32in 1080P HD monitor that’s only 60Hz:👀👀👀😭

@ddain_ - 29.06.2024 08:51

Bro, I was a console 60hz, and then I switched to pc 165hz, and i tried 60hz again, it felt like 20hz 💀

@Carrington1961 - 29.06.2024 16:13


@CommentGuard717 - 30.06.2024 08:44

I've used a 165 hz but after seeing 4K I actually traded it for a 4K monitor

It was definitely a good deal for me cuz my graphics card can't even run 400 HZ on 1080P. But I can run 120hz on 4K

And the monitor just looks so much better. I mean sure it's not smooth but the colors are better and the resolution makes it look so much sharper I don't play very many competitive games so the refresh rate doesn't matter to me

@Energyze - 30.06.2024 10:35

you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between 165 and 144.

@accuratemrstuff3842 - 30.06.2024 13:11

i also did this. i got a 33 inch 165 hz monitor that was 1440p and realized it was way too freaking big and it also had terrible ghosting for some reason. so i returned it and i got a 27 inch 1440p 144hz. i didn’t notice a difference tbh (in the refresh rate), although i think i liked this one WAY more because the ghosting isn’t so god awful

@Guntar-v8r - 01.07.2024 12:49

What is yor 165 monitor brand

@Russell_Westbrick - 02.07.2024 23:01

You could compare with scrolling and, moving the cursor quickly

@Nobody-r1d - 04.07.2024 19:15

I play valorant on 120fps 60hrz and 110 ping. I am immortal 😑

@KingKaibax - 06.07.2024 06:31

I didn’t know about refresh rates when I got my monitor so, I’m balling in 1440p but only have 75hz

@arkimpossible - 16.07.2024 13:36

placebo, I couldn't tell the difference from 60hz to 75hz and viceversa

@BakehoeProductions - 17.07.2024 00:45

Do the tab test

@TacticalForce445 - 17.08.2024 23:21

Idk if I should change I have a 1.6K gaming pc capable of 120-400fps and play on a 60hz 1080p and still destroy kids in csgo and warzone? Ahouls I still upgrade to a 144hz-240hz?

@GeorgewhoisGreat - 01.09.2024 02:11

My G tweaking over a 20 fps difference 😭

@BurakOruk05 - 01.09.2024 17:09

Me with 60hz but l Just can get 40 fps

@jj.2350 - 03.09.2024 09:37

just get a 390hz acer monitor its smaller and better

@B.B.C.Big.man558 - 07.09.2024 17:38

I play fn on a 165 hz monitor and if i cap my frames at 144 i can barley tell a difference 😂

@mitchoulina4324 - 08.09.2024 01:41

I upgraded from 720p 60hz to 1440p 180hz, and i cant get over how good the image looks, but i cant rly tell the diffirence between 180hz and 60hz, i prob have some driver issue or smth

@sinister_lando6592 - 11.09.2024 10:48

I just recently switched from 60 hertz all the way to 244

@andreicosa2651 - 12.09.2024 13:12

I switched from a 60 to 75 and I felt the difference pretty much.

@Zinotheone13 - 14.09.2024 21:09

Your eyse need therapist

@MightyCarFan - 16.09.2024 17:04

I have a 144 hz monitor and a 165 hz monitor and there’s many differences

@Sparta670 - 18.09.2024 12:43

144 is the perfect HZ my personal monitor is oled 240hz ultra wide 1440p but for competitive games a 1080p 144Hz monitor would be perfect

@suspiciousoranges - 18.09.2024 17:51

It’s hard to tell between 144 and 240 it’s just placebo

@tlanmoialelhchhun2885 - 20.09.2024 07:20

I can see the difference between 144hz to 165hz but not much noticeable..if u can go for 165hz or above..

@ΧάράλάμπόςΤρόύλλίνός - 21.09.2024 02:15

What why would you do that

@gamingodyssey4328 - 21.09.2024 15:23

me with 240hz monitor with gtx 1060

@yeZee. - 06.10.2024 14:07

Well physically speaking there is a difference …. Therefore i would say yea😂

@ItsQuanlu - 07.10.2024 22:30

overclock the monitor

@2xAcey - 21.10.2024 01:34

I play on a 144hz monitor but I still get 240 in fort

@joseijosei - 10.11.2024 11:56

Bro, you are seeing 21 fps less, of course there's a different, but 144hz is great still. Everything over 90 fps feels great. 60 fps is enough to play some single players games, or even 2D fighting games, but if you have drops from there you're trolling. I'm not going to play on that. Not even with G-Sync.

@genericsidecharacter8915 - 25.11.2024 12:03

I play on an old 60hz 1080p monitor at like 30fps. I’m abt to move up to a 155hz 4k. I’m scared because I know it’ll fry my brain and I’ll never be able to go back

@itz.dan4o - 04.12.2024 22:58

i switched from 60hz to 144hz and the difference is BIG

@itsmemckun2996 - 09.12.2024 15:49

my 60hz monitor crying right now.

@nevio-hack - 22.12.2024 14:26

My 165hz monitor broke, now i'm stuck on my 45hz TV 😭

@Unlocked985 - 23.01.2025 08:24

Why are we so fixated on the gear? Getting good at games isn’t about gear it’s about skill

@Thrax-m4t - 27.01.2025 18:29

I have a 165 hz monitor

@Moneyfnr - 30.01.2025 23:54

whats your white monitor called?

@retro1631 - 04.02.2025 10:36

Still chillin with a 1080p 100hz monitor 😅

@brick-1907 - 06.02.2025 20:49

me with my CRT tv:

@TanCheeSeng-mb7sv - 11.02.2025 14:18

High fps matters for high hz too

@TanCheeSeng-mb7sv - 11.02.2025 14:19

Also, high hz and motion blur will be seen essily.

@3bood6667 - 21.02.2025 10:08

Bull, 165 vs 144 has very little difference. I switched from 144 to 240 and the difference isn’t even that big.

@HayetMetmati-g7h - 26.02.2025 11:52

Are u gay ?

@vexun11 - 14.03.2025 06:18

I’ve been thinking of upgrading my 165hz 1440p display to 240hz would I notice a difference ? Or would a response time upgrade be more noticeable?

@nemmy8568 - 15.03.2025 01:17

Even going from 60fps to 30fps was bad for me back then, now I have 165hz 😂
