Taking PMP exam online or at a test center: Which is a better option?

Taking PMP exam online or at a test center: Which is a better option?


2 года назад

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@feminhodiniz - 25.09.2023 12:11

I always take Microsoft exams at home but hey are like 60 to 90 min exams. Last time I did not putted the charger of my notebook correctly and it was about to shut down. I had to answer the last 5 questions in like 10 to 20 seconds and press "send" without revise the past questions. The PMP is long, many things may happens (energy loss, internet ecc). I'll do it in a center for sure

@qaisermehmood2435 - 22.06.2021 17:50

Good information

@rafiqkhan5083 - 22.06.2021 09:56

Good sir
