My Top 5 WORST Moments in WoW!

My Top 5 WORST Moments in WoW!

Preach Gaming

3 года назад

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@monsterdragondeluxe - 27.01.2024 09:05

Oh my, I want more!!!! I missed this so much. Thanks Mike and team, best morning this week!

@StormWildSpace - 07.01.2024 06:43

It's been a long time since i hard core raided, i had forgotten how much of the raiding community are lettist asshats. Glad a am a filthy casual now, especially at my age.

@matthewkennedy5177 - 17.11.2023 08:56

you realize u can just all stack up for the small adds and then get a hunter to entrapment them?

@1991shadowheart - 08.10.2023 19:41

Even after all this time, the Gokufan story STILL has me rolling with laughter. ❤️

@MsMoonDragoon - 02.08.2023 11:51

Your story about the ring is why I will never join another guild again. they're all about accruing numbers for raid night now and nothing else. they don't care about anything but the numbers. you can put your all into a guild, show up every run, pull top of the charts but one night you need an organ out and you're laying in a hospital bed so you can't show up and they kick you so fast. You show up to a trial ready to give it your all and they spit in your face and tell you you mean nothing. god I don't want to know how they treat eachother if thats how they treat people they want to join.

@Reyon88 - 04.07.2023 18:28

gokufan the legend

@thomaskruger547 - 19.04.2023 19:13

So wow let you learn things about your friends you better never knew. :D (the vehicle part and "one" trick ponys)

@shaerigir88 - 07.03.2023 09:30

Crazy considering Freya HM is one of the easiest Hardmodes in Ulduar. Times definitely change.

@TheRealCeeJai - 15.02.2023 23:33

My KCL was a guild named Thorns of Serenity on US-Uther. I still remember clearly and have fond memories of so many players that were in that guild.

From Twinbeard, the orc hunter (who gave me the gold to buy my first mount since I was poor as hell as a complete mmo n00b), Trucmachin the troll priest (who would send me gadgets and gizmos all the time he made with engineering, free of charge!), and BiigTuuna, the tauren warrior guild leader, who welcomed me in, and then several weeks later gave me a green shield, and literally talked me - ability-by-ability - through tanking bosses as a 58 orc warrior (it took me FOREVER to reach level cap XD ) in MC.

Because they were short a tank, and BiigTuuna had too much pride to pug one, I feel in love with raiding that night and have since become a Mythic early-clear raider tier and tier again.

Cheers, ToS, you were the best guild a wow n00b could ever have asked for.

@TheWeastBeast - 28.11.2022 20:26

I know a few gokufan, fucking hilarious

@Macbille - 01.11.2022 10:39


@pseudopathicus2524 - 22.10.2022 04:51

There should be an npc named after gokufan

@MaximumCarter - 28.09.2022 03:42

I loathe vehicle combat in WoW, it's so mindless and janky 😬

@michaelyun2407 - 21.08.2022 22:46

That's why I don't like master loot. Peroneal loot is much better for more casual base.

@madcat789 - 19.07.2022 17:40

What is that intro music?

@DagothUrWelcomesYou - 24.06.2022 23:18

For me it was a desperate night trying to farm LFR in MoP for my legendary cloak. Doing General Nazgrim. In LFR. If anyone remembers that then hoo boy. Trying to get an entire group in LFR to stop attacking Nazgrim when he went into defensive stance. I must've been on that fight for an hour at least.

@wilFluffball - 23.06.2022 01:48

How about wintergrasp? The whole thing required them to win?

@wuztron - 12.06.2022 23:25

OH, and my classic experience was marred by the fact that I happened to join a guild that included what I can only guess were borderline sociopaths that didnt reveal the dark portion of their personalities until we were close to cap. What a strange experience.

@wuztron - 12.06.2022 22:57

So many great/horrible memories flashed as I watched this video. They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.

@JuanPLaiun - 13.05.2022 18:39

Hahaha anyway yeah, he was bad but still don't get why noone made an alt for that strat instead of depending on some random dude, in fact 12 random dudes. Strange

@mnap1595 - 11.05.2022 02:13

#4 - My classic WOW experience exactly.

@Saturndrum - 05.05.2022 21:06


@johnknoop42 - 03.05.2022 19:20

I remember when I first started raiding in Cata DS. I was on my DK and all I had to do to win my spot was death grip the sappers.. and guess what, I did it! Not only that but I outdpsed some of their longer time raiders despite my shitty ass frost gear 😂 good times.

@jordanschlansky4093 - 03.05.2022 01:24

Dicks out for our boy Gokufan. He may not have downed Freya, yet managed to go down as a legend.

@lordtudraska1796 - 28.04.2022 23:05

Awe, from an elemental shaman who played during Ulduar... I feel ya Gokufan. I only kited the Lady Vashj with frost shock... I never had the pleasure of being required to use earth bind on Freya HM... maybe that's because I was playing holy paladin at the time though... I still got kicked from a guild going for HM during Ulduar tho, but only because I went for a hike IRL with my girlfriend at the time and we just kept wiping on HM Timbersaw... or I can't remember his name, like ratchet or something... Mimiron... wow was I wrong. Tough fight for a holy pally... so much fun tho, I was super sad when I got gkicked for going on a date with my lady instead of wiping on a fight we weren't going to get that night anyway

@mistermistah3380 - 28.04.2022 18:38

When you went on your tirade about level boosts late in Mist of Pandaria... that shit was soooo funny. You were so salty on that video... it affects my content...

I'm sure you were really upset, but for me it was comical for a streamer/content creator to just lose their shit.

@LTN000 - 26.04.2022 16:36

wonder if gokufan saw this video

@matthewbreen1951 - 24.04.2022 18:04


@kiriuxeosa8716 - 21.04.2022 05:14

Truth is... I AM GOKUFAN!

I was sent in to sabotage you by (insert rival guold name here)

@KS-gf3tv - 20.04.2022 06:44

I had a Gokufan in a group I raided with. He was a moron and couldn't do anything right. I still hate him.

@X_Mayce - 19.04.2022 15:20

Interestingly the most emotional moments are all from back in classic/bc/wrath... says it all :/

@aaronlaurin8839 - 18.04.2022 22:14


@od1401 - 18.04.2022 21:32

Man I remember those torturous nights of wiping over and over again on a farm boss, it hurts. And it's the worst thing for guild morale that can possibly happen apart from a mass exodus/poaching spree, or worse, drama supernova.

@herpslol - 15.04.2022 20:30


@velho6298 - 15.04.2022 20:02

Gokufan got this!!

@Magnishen - 13.04.2022 20:38

the delivery of "GOKU FAN" is the funniest shit ever

@reshypoo9447 - 12.04.2022 05:08

Ouch, that last story is how you end up with abilities solely macro'd to additionally spam whisper a specific person.

@krykry606 - 04.04.2022 02:16


@ToadstedCroaks - 22.12.2021 00:22

Top 5: "Vehicle Fights"

Me sitting here wondering how people could not do the chess event in Karazhan as an entire raid ..when you could solo it most times.
It's like as soon as you have 1 additional person ( which would guarantee victory )...instead you have a bunch of people who just decide to lay down and die.

Imagine being able to take on a bear bare handed yourself ..but you want to include your friend with a hunting rifle to make it a sure thing, and every single time your friend ends up shooting themselves in the face or you in the back. All they have to to is walk up to the bear, as your holding it down, and shoot it ..but instead they find out a way to roll a 1 a double sided coin.

@cameronpack3965 - 12.09.2021 08:23


@TheRexTera - 17.07.2021 18:30

I was expecting the 30 day ban to be number one.

@I_am_a_cat_ - 14.07.2021 13:04

God damn gokufans...

@Halilbel - 28.06.2021 12:34

i hear that music and i know the old video style is back

@elektron2kim666 - 26.06.2021 00:56

The game design isolated people too much for a long time and they fixed that to a degree in the recent expansions.

@ChuuniVT - 25.06.2021 18:45

That Method story made me so sad. I think anyone whose joined up with more hardcore raiding guilds have had at least one or two interactions like those.

@senicon - 23.06.2021 02:26


@aerielvanluesauls5487 - 22.06.2021 00:01

Is this scuba cops from incendiary/netherwind???
