One of my favorite wrestlers in kahoots with Pantera- in the words of Stone Cold- oh HELL YEAH!
ОтветитьBeautiful to see and sad to see at the same time cause this isn't the same world at all during the original run of Pantera.
ОтветитьRVD should have walked out
ОтветитьWow the guy trying to act all bad ass singing with the sucked up arms and muscles and shit voice... just wow
ОтветитьWhy does zack suck so much?His guitar sound is horrible. U can’t even hear him.
ОтветитьNever got to see Pantera live, unfortunately. Saw Down and superjoint ritual. And also got to see Damageplan opening for Shadows fall 3 days before Dimebag got shot. Vinnie and Dimebag came out during shadows fall set, Vinnie with a tray of shots of Yager handing out to people in the crowd and Dimebag was headbanging on stage wearing a Christmas garland on his head simulating Brian's dreadlocks. Great Fcking time! My heart was broken a few days later, when I heard Dime was gone.
ОтветитьPerform this live for RVD's entrance at Wembley
ОтветитьThis sounded really bad
ОтветитьI am 44 years old and have never been in a mosh pit. I doubt I'd ever survive
ОтветитьJericho can walk up and ruin anything i swear i went from headbanging then jericho ruined it 🙄
ОтветитьOne of 2 men (CM Punk if you count WWE World Heavyweight Championship as WCW) to complete the WWE/WCW/AEW/ROH Title superfecta and he still has to restrain himself from fanboying over singing alongside Phillip Anselmo. True legend
ОтветитьPhil looks more alive than ever looks thick and healthy
ОтветитьPhil is getting old in a really bad way.. Even Tony Iommi looks way more energetic and healthy then Phil. Even Angus looks better.. Is this a great representation of his formal band? I don't think so..
ОтветитьThis song still goes hard🔥
ОтветитьVinnie and Dimebag on the bass drum heads ❤️
ОтветитьWhat kind of song Is this ?its simply shouting song 😂😂😂
ОтветитьYes Chris. YEEEEEES
ОтветитьDrink it in, man.....
ОтветитьJericho getting fat lol
ОтветитьJericho looks like a 60 year old woman doing karaoke.
ОтветитьWTF is Y2J doing there?
ОтветитьThen Jericho walks offstage and FDAs Panteras gfs...
ОтветитьFor someone who's a metalhead and a wrestling fan too... priceless moment..❤
ОтветитьIt was nice to see Jericho
ОтветитьThis isn't Pantera!!
ОтветитьI’ve liked Jericho since wcw, Jericho the wrestler, not lead singer.I love heavy shit but he’s no King Diamond
ОтветитьI don't think Jericho's mic was on😅
ОтветитьI wouldn't call it singing but cool...
ОтветитьLove this! ❤
ОтветитьWe should have a version of jericho really singing it
ОтветитьY2J had his own microphone but still wanted to share with Phil <3
ОтветитьThis isnt Pantera, it's a tribute band called Panera......
ОтветитьOnly Zak can manage that guitar in the proprer Dimebag way!
ОтветитьGood to see Phil and Rex the surviving members of Pantera...Still playing, together with Charlie and the genius ruffs of Zakk😂😂
ОтветитьO Yeah 🍻
ОтветитьI just don’t get why so many fans of rock/metal were upset when they decided to get back together. Yes it’s not the original line up, but it gives a chance for the younger people who never got to see them get a chance to see them perform. Got to see them last year at Louder Than Life & they DID NOT disappoint!
ОтветитьAt least 🤡🌎 can't call Anselmo an Anti-Semite
ОтветитьNever would I thought to have Chris Jericho and pantera together
ОтветитьPantera with Fozzy. Never seen that coming bud fnh hell yeah
ОтветитьJericho looks like a kid at a candy store up there with Phil! Gotta love it!
ОтветитьWhat about dimebag
ОтветитьThis was cheesy af I'm sorry
ОтветитьVery old man.
ОтветитьLove how Chris didn't go over the top with the vocals and let Phil do his thing. Much respect.
ОтветитьIt just doesn't get any better than this!