Getting started with ESP32 development using the TTGO T-DISPLAY

Getting started with ESP32 development using the TTGO T-DISPLAY

Retro Tech & Electronics

4 года назад

111,080 Просмотров

Having been asked by many people with type ESP32 platform would be the best one to use to get into ESP32 development I researched this and decided upon the TTGO T-display having used it for a web based rocket launcher project.

Most people starting out will be using the Arduino IDE. I will go through all of the tasks required to get everything for this device up and running so that development can begin. I invite you to explore the example code provided for the resulting installed, as well as included libraries, once this project is finished.

I intend to use this as a springboard for more specific smaller project videos in the future.

Links from today's work

ESP32 TTGO T-Display

ESP32 Board Manager URL:

USB Serial Drivers:

Data uploader add-on for Arduino IDE

#esp32 #iot #arduino #maker


#ttgo ##ttgo #ttgo_t1 #ttgo_lora #ttgo_test #ttgo_t-beam #ttgo_esp32 #ttgo_tcall #arduino #ttgo_32_oled #ttgo_review ##ttgo_t-call #ttgo_lora_test #gsm_ttgo_t_call #ttgo_t-beam_test #ttgo_t_call_india #ttgo-t_display #ttgo_esp32_camera #ttgo_t-beam_review #lora #ttgo_t-call_project #sim800l_ttgo_t_call #ttgo_lora32_review #ttgo_tm_music_albums #ttgo_t_display_board #ttgo_t_call_projects #ttgo_t_call_blynk_app #esp32 #bangood #howto #project #st7789 #st7789v #lcd
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Brian Moreira
Brian Moreira - 16.08.2023 05:45

I don't have "Sketch DATA Upload" when I reopen the Arduino IDE
I made the folder named 'tools' in the aAduino Folder (mine only has "libraries") and pasted the cut folder 'ESP32FS' with the .jar file in there. But I don't have the 'Sketch DATA Upload' option under the "Tool" Menu.
Can't see if I missed anything.

Everything else went perfectly, all the way up to this part.
Can ya help me out here?
Thanks, and great instructions by the way!!

JustGeorgiaxD - 30.04.2023 16:47

Thankyou for such an in-depth and easy to follow video!

Mario Ucán
Mario Ucán - 27.03.2023 13:11

Thanks for the video, you help me understanding this topic perfectly

qduy nguyen
qduy nguyen - 16.02.2023 20:14

Would you mind share where I can start to look to get into your rocket launch project? Interestingly, I was thinking about learning about this to work with my nephew also.

Tech-Relief - 31.12.2022 06:12

Tools do not seem to work any longer on Arduino version 2 ide. I wonder if there is a different way to get data onto the ESP32 board?

Stacey Clark
Stacey Clark - 09.12.2022 22:49

Love the VW at the end! I liked the video a great deal. I "bricked" my Lillygo T-Display trying the code, probably should have used the same board lol. .

summer fun
summer fun - 04.12.2022 05:59

Hi, great work!

Littlebigfred - 26.11.2022 19:27

I know nothing about electronics.

The TTGO has no on/off switch for the battery.

What compact switch could I use, so that I don't have to plug/unplug the JST cable each time?

Thank you.

Don Botting
Don Botting - 18.11.2022 20:13

Excellent tutorial! Thank you for creating it!

Simon Says Home Assistant
Simon Says Home Assistant - 27.10.2022 19:41

Hi there thanks for such a detailed explanation. I am trying to setup the new ttgo S3 board, would I use the same selection in the user setup select file?

Cooking Crafts
Cooking Crafts - 27.10.2022 03:49


Woolfy - 20.09.2022 11:20

Very cool setup. Just wondering if you have a general guide / or tutorial for creating the webserver and having it use the relay? ty

Tom Hermans
Tom Hermans - 05.07.2022 22:53

great video. gives me much more confidence to start fiddling with it.

The Crow Shooter
The Crow Shooter - 29.05.2022 10:08

Thanks for your video but unfortunately i still can't get my mac M1 to recognise my device even after following your detailed instructions

djokinac - 11.04.2022 22:51

i have one problem a little weird

this ttgo module works exclusively with this factory sketch
with those 4 cubes in ttgo color

when I install another sketch that previously worked on this module
it doesn't work anymore
for example a sketch of a weather station downloading data from a server
the data is visible on the serial monitor but on the display itself nothing
all black

and that happened to me when I installed an oscilloscope sketch

since then, only the factory sketch has been done

can you help me
is there any bin fail to reset to factory setting
and otherwise any other sketch to record it all works properly but the display does not
except with the factory one

thanks in advance

there are definitely bugs because i use google translator

Chris W
Chris W - 08.04.2022 18:17

So a year later, I come back to my TTGO T-Display, and the LoRa32-OLED option doesn't work. I had to choose ESP32 Development Board to make it work. Something changed, just don't know what!

hobopelican - 07.03.2022 21:19

Dang! I've spent a couple of days trying to get everything setup on this little thing. This was just amazingly helpful. Thanks , man.

Robert Schulz
Robert Schulz - 01.03.2022 03:05

I followed all your direction on setting up the tiger sketch. When I run it I don't get any errors but all the display shows is a white screen.
