Is PYTHON or VBA better? Which language should you learn?

Is PYTHON or VBA better? Which language should you learn?

Coding Is Fun

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Dev Life
Dev Life - 19.10.2023 14:16

Ohh man, I do need to login for commenting.
You got my subscribed + All Bell + my huge Respect.

I do agree with all what you said in this video. And, I think: Do not ask what programing language we should learn. But ask, Why do I have to learn that programing language.

Python is so so good. But that's not easy for you if you want to create your own commercial application. You need to learn a ton of knowledge for your goal. But, with VBA you can. also commercial application.

Just thing carefully, What you want to be. What will you do. Then start. If not, you'll spend a lot of time for learning but can not achieve your goal.

God Bless. Have a good day.

Harry Riley
Harry Riley - 26.09.2023 19:45

VBA has a steep learning curve

LongParsnip - 19.09.2023 16:13

Another advantage of VBA is that it is almost 100% compatible with VB6, so if you want to compile something to an executable that can run outside of an office application it is fairly trivial. And there are new IDE/compilers like TwinBasic that are dragging the language kicking and screaming into the modern world.

VENUGOPAL S - 15.08.2023 09:57

Thana you very much for this in detail briefing. Love your videos.

Sakthi - 25.07.2023 07:55

I have experience in Advance Excel, i handle VBA which already created if is there any error occurs while running means my team mate (now he left from my company) guided me, so i can debug vba. In my project my company using Excel only. Right now no one know VBA in my team, mostly all our teammates are doing repetitive tasks every day. Now i m planning to learn VBA or Python i m not that much good in coding (i Know basic SQL, PLSQL) could you please any one suggest me which one i need to learn right now.(if i learn VBA is that good future? or directly can i learn python?) I m in confusing stage please help me.

gwenael RIOU
gwenael RIOU - 23.07.2023 13:10

and Office Scripts ? What do you think of it ?

Don Harrold
Don Harrold - 08.07.2023 08:19

It’s hard to find useful information on VBA.

ArM geo
ArM geo - 30.05.2023 03:45

for me, I'd stick with excel... python? no thanks...

confidential303 - 18.03.2023 14:14

This was a nice and clear presentation, though the reason why I really liked VBA is the debugging code Is awesome! I really miss that in python ...and also that stupid intend you use in loops can be really annoying c# , Java and other languages I find that better. Python though can be very cool if you know how to program it ..and I agree the one is not superior over the other they are just there to make your life easier. Though one major point I would at is the execution speed. I think python might be way faster then vba

Peter Wooldridge
Peter Wooldridge - 26.01.2023 01:14

At the end of the day it depends what you're seeking to achieve . Vba within an office environment is fine particularly if you're willing to use Windows API's.
I'd suggest learning C in the first instance

Jonathan Williams
Jonathan Williams - 21.01.2023 23:41


k amani
k amani - 21.01.2023 18:35

Which will be given high package and VBA or phyton and which one is highly demand in MNC companies.

Training - 11.12.2022 21:06

Very helpful. Especially seeing the two codes side by side gives the beginner a sense of the learning threshholds. Thanks!

Brian - 28.11.2022 22:58

Anytime you can avoid a MSFT product you are likely better off.

Rachel Lau
Rachel Lau - 02.11.2022 09:02


Freedom Talk Media
Freedom Talk Media - 23.10.2022 18:46

If Microsoft doesn't plan to continue updating VBA, does that mean they might be phasing it out? That their applications will switch to Python as the primary coding method? That macros will start to record in Python? That people won't need a plug-in to code python in Office, in the future?

Cbb Cbb
Cbb Cbb - 04.10.2022 16:55

What if Microsoft were to open-source VBA. What can Python do that VBA cannot do? What can VBA not do versus what is VBA not allowed to do?

beenay18 - 15.09.2022 09:34

why isn't there any practical books on vba?

Brandon Emerson Márquez Catalán
Brandon Emerson Márquez Catalán - 07.09.2022 04:34

Good work. I worked a little project with VBA, but now I´ll use python instead

FalconFlyer75 - 29.07.2022 04:20

IMO python is windows 10 and vba is windows XP sure there’s plenty u can do on both but windows 10 is cleaner and more efficient also comes with programs that windows xp can’t run

Sergio Barros
Sergio Barros - 18.07.2022 01:28

Awesome explanation!

CASUAL_ GAMER - 14.04.2022 21:07

I'm a python web scraper and I have good grip on python, so, Should I go for VBA or continue with the python to handle excel problems?

ChubbyChub - 08.04.2022 16:01

Bawahaha wtf this isn't even debatable. Python

ِAbdullah Alhathloul
ِAbdullah Alhathloul - 27.03.2022 22:18


Ich brauch mehr Kaffee
Ich brauch mehr Kaffee - 16.02.2022 20:48

The main problem with VBAisn't necessarily the language itself,
but the HIDIOUS annoyingly clunky editor that comes with any programm, that makes use of VBA.

I'm used to VisualStudioCode
My biggest issues with VBE:

- I sometimes like to jump to another line in the code while I'm still coding in another line.
VBE then interrupts my workflow by telling me via msgBox, that the syntax is incorrect
"YES. I KNOW. I'm not done yet. Just highlight that line in red and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE"

- Autocompletion doesn't show unless I hit Ctrl + Space, and if it shows, I specificely have to use TAB instead of Enter to fill that option in,
without jumping to a new line, which often results in a syntax-error, WHICH THEN RESULTS IN THE AFORE-MENTIONED MSG-BOX

- There are no keyboard-shortcuts to quickly move entire code lines up or down in the code (like ALT + up/down in vscode)
or select every instnaces of the currently selected letters (Ctrl + Shift + L in vscode)
or move the entire selcetion one indentation to the left or right

Brian Carpenter
Brian Carpenter - 08.02.2022 04:46

VBA with Excel feels super messy to me, dealing with cell references and all that, but more than anything I just can't stand having to save it with macros! I like that python doesn't ask, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather save this in a way that doesn't work?" Also, it drives me bonkers to keep switching from macro view to regular, and back. Finally, half the time I need to have it interact with legacy software, so Python is the only choice anyway - glad it's the one I prefer! Only downside, like you said, is getting permission for new software, even free.

Jorge Cue
Jorge Cue - 21.01.2022 02:07

Thank you so much for sharing this information!!. I just started learning Python two weeks ago and I have been using VBA for more than 20 years, so it is very important forr me to hear your opinion and as you said: I will try to use the right tool to have the job done.

Sancarn - 22.12.2021 05:30

In fairness I think it's a little unfair using any libraries in the python example. In the end though, in this specific example, I don't think it matters and I think that really goes to show how much effort you've put into providing a balanced argument! Well done :)

Regarding the advantages of VBA there are a few that you missed which I think are pretty big:
* Ability to make macro addins to enhance whole user experience across all workbooks. - This is only paralleled by VSTO addins.
* Ability to interact with Application events system - I think this is critical as you can do many simple things with events which is beyond most people's wildest dreams

Regarding the disadvantages of VBA:
* Restricted to Office Applications is actually not true anymore. TwinBasic is an implementation of VB7 (VBA) which works outside of Office, is fully compatible with Office, but compiles to EXE files. It also has additional features which are missing from traditional VBA/VB6.

So the only thing lacking from this video really, in my view, is VSTO/XLDNA and OfficeScript

OfficeTricks - 19.12.2021 14:53

Clear explanation.. Thanks a lot.

Kamal Elbo
Kamal Elbo - 18.12.2021 14:14

Thanks a lot for this video, it’s very clear and efficient.

Python In Office
Python In Office - 18.12.2021 09:33

Nice job Sven!

That's also how I feel - choose the right tool for the job! That said, I find myself using Python more and more even for small and quick automation things like renaming or moving files.

I also agree that some companies tend to block Python or .exe files. My solution to that was to build some must-have tools for my team, then give everyone training on Python. Now everyone is getting benefit from Python and they can't do some jobs without it 😂

Christian Rauth
Christian Rauth - 18.12.2021 02:12

As always great job, La Máquina!
Would be great to have the canteen menu as .exe 😉
Already looking forward to our TM1 videos 👍🏽

Florian Roeseler
Florian Roeseler - 18.12.2021 02:05

I learned so much from this video! Thank you!

Rafael Santos
Rafael Santos - 18.12.2021 00:48

I totally agree with your ideas in this video. It definitely makes sense to use the right tool for the right job. Thank you, and keeping going with these amazing videos.

Diego Martin
Diego Martin - 17.12.2021 21:56


ermal gashi
ermal gashi - 17.12.2021 21:51

Very well prepared opinion, I love the metaphores used to illustrate.

kuuuyajim - 17.12.2021 21:41

I know a bit of VBA because I did some simple automations and a bit of code debugging on Excel. Now that I'm starting to learn Python, and with the basics that I've learned so far, I think VBA is easier to do without really learning how to code. Python on the other hand can be confusing but once you get to understand how functions work, I think it's actually fun. And with what you discussed, I think I'm on the right path because I'm pursuing a career in data analysis.
