Apple Built The Vision Pro To FAIL, And It's GENIUS

Apple Built The Vision Pro To FAIL, And It's GENIUS

Enrico Tartarotti

1 год назад

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Nick G
Nick G - 29.09.2023 03:45

So according to inflation calculator the Lisa cost $29,382.53 in today’s dollars. That is insane.

Mr. G-sez
Mr. G-sez - 28.09.2023 01:22

this is peak consumer technology for everyone! i never was a fan of apple and never bought anything from this company my entire life but this product is different! you really think this will fail?! no way! people are just held back by the price and that will drop significantly after release, many companies will copy this tech/design and produce cheaper products. this is the future, the second to last step before glasses or even contact lenses!

Max007 - 28.09.2023 01:03

I am curious to see what Apple will offers VR and Ar wise in the next 3 years. Meta seems to be way ahead of them in terms of products and users. I think Apple will catch up tho and i believe Meta Vs Apple will be the new '' Android Vs Apple'' for VR headsets. Apple is the only one beside Meta to get the lead position. All other companies wont overtake Meta anymore i believe.

YogiTheBearMan - 27.09.2023 05:31

So implants like the eye phone on Futurama are the end goal huh?

BarKeegan - 24.09.2023 17:41

That’s the ultimate goal, to design like Ironman

Jess S.
Jess S. - 23.09.2023 00:39

Have they confirmed how many they will release ? I heard it was less than 400k

Julz - 18.09.2023 15:01

You're so out of touch

Ygdrassil - 17.09.2023 10:30

it's the apple way.. if it's not worth doing to crazy, it's not worth doing... this is the first generation of the vision pro. of course the next generation will be different as it's redesigned to fix issues and modify technology as it improves, and maybe cheaper.

first last
first last - 15.09.2023 18:19

thumbs down for the masterworks sponsorship.

Stephen Johnston
Stephen Johnston - 15.09.2023 05:55

Great article. Apple also knows great innovations and uses will come out during the early stages via the developers. Apple will in no doubt assist these developers and in doing so cherry pick the best of the best and either buy out or copy these ideas and technologies into their new generations of augmented systems.

Michel Ians
Michel Ians - 14.09.2023 15:40

"Erm actually it's shit on purpose." 😂

drkpaladin777 - 13.09.2023 19:13

You forget that most people can't afford an iphone either, they are put in a multi-year payment plan with some hefty interest and fees. They own the i-phone the day they pay it off and it breaks. And even then, they want to restrict your ability to repair your own phone.

So no, from a business-perspective, they got the financing and customers sorted for any product there is demand for. I don't know if people are demanding augmented reality goggles yet though.

Axu - 13.09.2023 14:26

Google galsses is still the route the whole thing should go. VR and Industrial AR is different. Google glasses for casual consumers is what phones should be. There needs to be more innovation, more smaller formfactors and lighter frames.

Garrus Vakarian
Garrus Vakarian - 13.09.2023 02:06

I've been waiting 30 years for VR. Still not ready. Augmented reality, see you in 30.

My2Drumsticks - 12.09.2023 17:09

Can’t wait to use it until the first update kills it. Or I can’t afford the subscription. Or it needs a new battery. Or it needs to pair up with some new device but mine isn’t supported any more. Or the glass gets scratched, rendering it useless. I think we can all see the “REAL” future here.

TCPUDPATM PORTS - 12.09.2023 16:52

Yep, agree. It’s overpriced, but I appreciate the quality and I plan to get one. Brand new technology is expensive. 10k in 1983 is 32k today. That’s a lot of money for a computer.

Piotr D.
Piotr D. - 12.09.2023 10:15

The problem is different: Kinect, Google Glass and Vision Pro - all wholly ignore PROFESSIONAL MARKETS. First responders, military, education, design.... you name it.

damianmvc - 12.09.2023 00:19

Xreal already sell the sunglasses looking AR which connects to your phone and gives you spacial computing.

You can also use them with your laptop to give you either a huge screen, or multi screens.

Looks like apples $3500 ski mask is miles behind what's been on sale for over a year for 10 times less money.

The Bearded Jedi
The Bearded Jedi - 11.09.2023 22:40

No thanks

Lee Common
Lee Common - 11.09.2023 15:36

Apple, no thanks, the iPhone is garbage, a disposable phone because of terrible battery performance and a connector that doesn't last, the only reasons people have iPhone are that they are hooked into using iOS and people don't like to change and daft people buy into apples cool hype, look at me with my iPhone aren't I cool, no your a fashion victim. Vr in the form of a headset is a toy and at $3500 only for the rich or stupid, especially as going on apple's past form will be replaced every year with a new version and have issues with build in hardware obsolescence. Vr will only become adopted by the masses when either one of two things happen, 1 the hardware becomes dirt cheap or 2 optical or neural implants, probably with an X branding

oid bio
oid bio - 11.09.2023 03:48

On-target commentary about AR and Apple’s business plan which involves a huge initial investment. Musk does this as well.

@GedEmJ - 10.09.2023 17:50

I'm surprised you didn't mention that 3 in one wireless charging station they onced advertised but never released, a sort of another example of them setting a sort of vision that maybe one would look at as ... when you speak of some great things in tech, you should associate Apple with them thus making Apple always relevant and staying big.

And then with the whole theorised stigma that might arise with rocking the Vision Pro headsets, well i beg to differ, i feel like we live in an age where fashion statements and social statuses are at the forefront of what we highly value in life ... owning this and that brand, being different, having something the average general can't afford even if it looks crazy ... we live in that world right now and the world loves it. specs back then were probably mocked because you could argue they became a thing in different times of different un-evolved minds when it comes to .. in short, fashion. Now everything is changed, things aren't going to be judged as they would've been back then. I think if i saw someone rocking them Vision Pros out in my streets right now I'd be like damn wow 🥺 rather than be like thats weird.

or maybe I'll say they're obnoxious with their rich a*% 😂

William Figueroa
William Figueroa - 10.09.2023 05:27

First video. Instant sub. Very well done.

Frederik - 09.09.2023 18:44

your arguments are just as bad as your green screen keying

Frederik - 09.09.2023 18:43

you can't be more wrong

liveUP Club
liveUP Club - 09.09.2023 12:33

i ´m waiting for the vision pro contact lenses 😀

Robert Weekes
Robert Weekes - 09.09.2023 06:08

It’s great the hand & eye tracking works but if they don’t make game controllers this product will be dead in the water.

Joao Carlos
Joao Carlos - 09.09.2023 02:46

Fighter jets have an extremely accurate real position piece of hardware called an INS (inertial navigation system). This was used before GPS. The problem with INS is that while it tracks position as updates of forces applied (inertia) and translates those to movements and rotations, the hardware has inherent calculation and sensing limitations which cause it to drift. In the 70s, when the first aircraft with ground radar showed up, they could mark a position on the ground with the radar and use that, together with the aircraft speed, to measure and correct drift. When GPS came along, they switched to using GPS to correct the INS. Today, the unit is called GPS INS because it uses both.

This system is "sort of" whats used in virtual reality headsets already. If you block out the IR cameras that sense the light houses (or the cameras that track features in your room), the headset continues to update its rotation and movement a little bit, this is a crude INS. Aircraft like the F16, F18, F15 Strike Eagle and A-10 (probably the most advanced old gen aircraft) and the F-35 already have helmets with augmented reality in them that track positions on the real world and are used for navigation and sensor positioning (look out the window at a house, and have the sensor camera point to it with high zoom), exactly like you can do with a radar scan of the ground and position a cursor on a feature.

So in fact, everything needed for this system already exists. The problem is that cheap stuff is not very reliable and drifts too much. You can get a very good gyro+accelarometer+magnometer integrated circuit for very cheap, I know since I have tried making an augmented reality airsoft gun aiming system but the amount of code needed to correct over time (interpolate/integrate) the values was a ton and it was too sensitive to external factors like temperature and bumps. You can fix this with absolute pinpoint accurate calculations provided with external inputs like VR headsets do, but then you need real time image processing (difficult in the real world) or IR lighthouses.

For VR headsets, i'd look at Vario. They are miles ahead of any other VR company but dont have the scale of Apple.

CIHIRIS - 08.09.2023 23:20

Just think how much smarter we would be with sleek glasses or contact lenses with visual AI assistants and informational overlays for whatever we look at or hear or want to do?

DSCO - 08.09.2023 19:05

i feel a lacking of mention to the hollo lens was a miss

Ratsuns - 08.09.2023 18:21

They just need to make AR contact lenses

regnam - 08.09.2023 17:10

Apple Lisa is not the first commercial machine to use a GUI. Xerox Alto was released ten years before it.

Ding Dong
Ding Dong - 08.09.2023 15:10

That Smurf got jaundice.

maxxsee - 08.09.2023 14:05

is it cold in your home?

MomoKami Shin
MomoKami Shin - 08.09.2023 13:07

Didn't anyone notice one thing?
Vision Pro cannot share the same screen with family members!
If your family has 5 members, you must purchase 5 Vision Pros so that they can share the same screen!
A 75-inch TV monitor can be shared by 10 to 20 people to watch videos!
Then, Vision Pro can only be experienced by one person.
As a result, you still need to buy an additional screen to connect.
And still need a Macbook laptop with HDMI for sharing.
This is a lot of extra money wasted.

Eric - 07.09.2023 17:05

tl'dr the Apple Vision is like the 12-inch Macbook.

J L - 07.09.2023 15:36

just get a pico 4 or get 4 to bring the joy to entire family while spending less money, you´ll have insane fun without being Vision scammed. You can sell/gift those after a year or so and get the next one. Let Apple keep selling the crazy expensive cleaning rags

jestin - 07.09.2023 10:16

just buy a decent laptop

victormgv - 07.09.2023 08:06

I have a iPhone 11 Max and no other apple products, but... I'm going to Day 1 this bitch I hear what you are saying, but this is a iPhone moment for me at least and I'm saving my pennies to drop on this bad boi.

Benoit Perrin
Benoit Perrin - 07.09.2023 03:57

Super cool and well produced video! How do you make you background? Is it your actual background or you have a green screen? It looks very nice

Iegendary‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ • 5 years ago
Iegendary‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ • 5 years ago - 07.09.2023 02:26

The price of Vision Pro varies depending on the country. According to the web search results, the starting price of Vision Pro in different countries are as follows:

- United States: $3,499³⁶⁷⁸
- United Kingdom: £2,800 (around $3,900)⁶
- Canada: C$4,500 (around $3,600)⁸
- Japan: ¥380,000 (around $3,400)⁸
- India: ₹2.5 lakh (around $3,400)⁸
- Brazil: R$18,000 (around $3,400)⁸
- Australia: AU$5,300 (around $3,900)⁶
- France: €3,000 (around $3,500)⁸
- Germany: €3,000 (around $3,500)⁸
- Spain: €3,000 (around $3,500)⁸
- Italy: €3,000 (around $3,500)⁸
- South Korea: ₩4 million (around $3,400)⁸

These prices are based on the exchange rates as of September 7, 2023. They may change over time due to currency fluctuations.

Erli de Oliveira Belizario
Erli de Oliveira Belizario - 06.09.2023 23:33

Interessante de mais !!!

moehio - 06.09.2023 18:21

The iPhone launched at $499, not $599. That price was cheaper than the 3 devices it replaced and much cheaper than other smartphones on the market like the Simon PC ($900), Motorola StarTAC ($1000), Nokia 6110 ($900) among others. The mental gymnastics you are going through to justify these stupid Apple-branded heavy goggles is laughable. The "vision of the future" is not this and never will be.

Solarhead - 06.09.2023 16:26

I don't carry my phone in my pocket because of the radiation. I couldn't imagine sticking this to my head. It's as if they want your brain to fry.

Huan son
Huan son - 06.09.2023 12:43

so you're whitewashing apple's failure because it's apple? and everbody else that just did the same is somehow different to this way to long explanation? you know that the algorithm doesn't favor 12 minute videos anymore, right? go do some research on that

Huan son
Huan son - 06.09.2023 10:15

it would be great if you could get to the point...
