Why Nobody Lives in Venice

Why Nobody Lives in Venice

City Beautiful

1 год назад

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soakupthesunman - 18.09.2023 10:27

Venice is sinking, the Adriatic has chaotic tides, often resembling tidal bores. the oceans are not rising.

Aintnonemore nosiree
Aintnonemore nosiree - 18.09.2023 03:21

Short sighted capitalist greed eroding culture and leading to an unsustainable exploitative economy? I'm shocked to my core.

Chaotic_Pixie - 18.09.2023 02:15

The answer isn't to not have tourists. The answer lies in limiting how tourists interact with any given city. Putting in restrictions/bans on services like AirBnB and VRBO and all the others is a start. Incentivizing businesses to sell local, Italian, & European made items or fair trade items over cheap imports is another important step. That's made all the difference to the city near where I live. Everything sold in town limits must be fair trade, meaning through the entire production ladder, everyone is paid a fair wage, any parts of the whole come from countries with human rights laws, and a handful of other specifications. This impacts the grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, everything. You pay more than if you go to the next town over, but they have no issues packing the restaurants every night of the week (with mostly locals) because people want to know they are supporting quality businesses. This does mean you can't buy most major clothing manufacturers or tech within the town, but that's also meant space for small designers to flourish.

nahmyfriend - 17.09.2023 20:50

fruity voice you

efrrren - 17.09.2023 11:59

Whenever I hear a creator talk about nebula I immediately downvote the video. “iTs aD fReE!!!” No mf it’s not, you are PAYING for a subscription, basically you’re paying for no ads.

BladeTheWatcher - 17.09.2023 11:45

Interesting fact, most of the city center's apartments are actually empty.
During its prime, citizens used every square meter available to its full to house more residents - there are small buildings on top of houses for students or artists otherwise way too small for a family.
Today in many houses only the ground floor and the top floor is used at all. The ground floor is the most accessible and convenient, while the top floor has some sunlight - the rest is just not maintained and has fallen into dust and disrepair.
So Venice, the "old Venice" is no longer a city. It is a tourist attraction. There are way too many tourists - but it is a common feature of all Italy. The whole country is saturated with tourists so much that there is no longer a point to travel there as a tourist - unless you enjoy half-day queues waiting for each and every major attraction, vastly overinflated prices, and thieves hunting for your valuables.

Michael Neumann
Michael Neumann - 17.09.2023 10:29

I think it's pretty normal. Old towns are depopulated everywhere because most people are idiots and think that a life without a car is impossible. The old town of Vienna has half the sice of Venice but, less than a third of it's population.

John K
John K - 16.09.2023 12:39

The video kind of makes it sound like the people living on the mainland parts of Venice are due to people decamping the islands. Like all of the larger cities in N Italy, the majority of these people come from the south and rural towns that were drawn by jobs in the post WWII industrial centers. I live in Turin and over half of the residents are not from historically Piemontese families. If, however, you go to the small towns, it is almost all Piemontese.
We are actually friends with a family from Veneto who fled as a result of the historic flooding of the Po River in the 1950s (the Po is the most important river in Italy and dumps out south of Venice). Veneto is a wealthy region now, but in the 40s and 50s, it was very poor.

Greg Nulik
Greg Nulik - 16.09.2023 04:03

Sounds like the canal city could become a theme park someday.

Frankie Furbag
Frankie Furbag - 15.09.2023 18:45

maybe because it smells bad. It is a tourist destination.

Chris Halpin
Chris Halpin - 15.09.2023 09:45

nebula nebula nebula nebula

Andrew Carlson
Andrew Carlson - 15.09.2023 01:27

Must've be because of floods or hauntings

Caterina Gerbasi
Caterina Gerbasi - 14.09.2023 16:49

so as always. the problem is landlords.

Static Shock Fan
Static Shock Fan - 14.09.2023 09:15

Italian regions are not the same as Canadian provinces or American states. They all have their own languages and cultures before uniting with their neighbours to form Italy. It's close to ethiopian regions and Indian states but not as diverse as them.

Shizuka Akatatsu
Shizuka Akatatsu - 14.09.2023 00:15

I visited Venice back in 2009. It was totally overcrowded and to me wasn't really worth it. Despite the beautiful architecture the city seemed to have lost all it's charm to tourism. Added to that i had a mild concussion from a conflict with one of the more abundant kind of locals: pigeons.🕊 One of them hit my head with its wing when it tried to take off in the middle of a crowd... 🤕There's a lot of force in those small wings... 😂

hq3473 - 13.09.2023 15:48

Just turn Venice center into a theme park. It basically already is.

Fabio Sgaramella
Fabio Sgaramella - 13.09.2023 09:15

If you want to visit Venice hurry up!
In a few years it will be completely underwater

BsBsBock - 12.09.2023 16:14

The old town has many drawbacks, more expensive, old buildings, no cars, long ways by food ….

Nyegosh Dube
Nyegosh Dube - 12.09.2023 00:15

One possible solution to the Venetian housing crisis is to put the housing stock of the city under municipal ownership, with affordable rents set by a citizens council, rather than having rents set by private landlords. Apartment buildings could be managed jointly by their residents. AirBnB-type rentals should be banned. It's also very important to re-diversify the city's economy, and create more non-tourism jobs in various sectors. The target should be to increase the population of the historic city to 100,000 within 20 years. As for tourism, charge a 50-euro fee to enter the city - that will help reduce the overtourism problem. (As for Mestre, does anyone seriously think it will replace the historic island city as a tourist destination, as suggested in this video??!!)

Konsultarvode - 11.09.2023 20:51

"nobody lives in Venice". 69.000 people lives there...

LEGOJoey - 11.09.2023 00:52

Why do all history related channels have at least one LEGO Architecture set

Ingusch - 10.09.2023 10:28

I've always dreamt of going to Venice because one of my favourite book series of all time is set there (historical venice, that is). Finally went last summer and the masses of tourists were definitely shocking, even though my friend and I knew we should expect a lot of people there. Then we went to a Free Walking Tour in Canareggio and it was so much quieter and you saw some actual locals. All in all, we've both really loved our stay, but we purposely tried to avoid the center and went to the other sides of the island, the parks and quieter residential areas, as well as Murano - really beautiful, and I hope sth is done to help Venetians be able to stay in their home town (i.e. controlling land lords unchecked raising of prices etc)

Luigi - 10.09.2023 03:06

Why does the modern architecture look so ugly?

Childishhh Hold up
Childishhh Hold up - 08.09.2023 14:26

venice is not safe, ive been robbed twice

Test - 08.09.2023 10:29

Yeah I can agree, everybody lives in Mestre.

Nino Basset
Nino Basset - 08.09.2023 09:20

As anything, a more state controlled housing market would help with such an issue but is impossible in liberal capitalism, it’s a problem we’re seing in all hugely touristic cities across Europe, original younger generation just moving out for good not because they want to, but because they can’t afford to live in their own city, a vicious cycle.

Vulcan Raven
Vulcan Raven - 06.09.2023 23:18

So the city is so nice that it brought in so many toruists that locals now want to leave. Its funny how that works

Hamzein 🇺🇦
Hamzein 🇺🇦 - 06.09.2023 14:57

Isn't it obvious?

James DellaNeve
James DellaNeve - 06.09.2023 00:46

Climate change. Oh boy, there’s water everywhere.

James DellaNeve
James DellaNeve - 06.09.2023 00:44

I went to Venice 10 years ago. I could see that 2/3 of the real estate was empty. I vowed to come back with a sledge hammer and bash a door down and stay for a month! 😢

Dzonny Blue
Dzonny Blue - 29.08.2023 14:36

Venice or City of Smelling Dirty Water Lol !

SowerValler - 19.08.2023 06:12

I love you Grandpa

Mário Moreira
Mário Moreira - 18.08.2023 15:42

Watching this video and realizing how these vile side effects of tourism are destroying Lisbon in the exact same way that Venice was destroyed is horrifying, drastic measures must be set up as quickly as possible to stop the flood of tourists driving locals out of the places that were their families' homes for generations. It used to be that you visited a country to learn about it and experience it in its natural state, now it feels like the country is the one that has to kowtow to the tourists at the expense of its population's livelihood, as if it's someone with a broom sweeping all of the dust under the rug to make a house as appealing to the visitor as possible

Hellix - 16.08.2023 18:58

i was to venice this week and it was just a big disappointment i dont recomend

Science in Engineering
Science in Engineering - 16.08.2023 13:14

Its a bit to easy to just claim even people want to earn money to make Venice historical core more expensive.

The thing is, the work to make the historical center exist is also becoming more expensive, transports, and just general gods to the area.

With the way transport and logistics work now day, there is not really a simple way to make the historical center affordable.

"raising sealevels"
Showing video of sea levels so low that the boat bottomed out.

Brian Fuller
Brian Fuller - 15.08.2023 15:34

It's sinking , very tourist and insanely expensive to live. Spot on that most of the remaining residents don't live in the centre. That said, Venice is still an amazing place.

Amit T
Amit T - 13.08.2023 09:26

Europe ka Dharavi (Europe's Dharavi slum)
Dharavi slum - Place where Slumdog Millionaire was filmed

Prince of Illyria
Prince of Illyria - 13.08.2023 07:49

1100 was not the height of the republic. Otherwise great video

Jack Filippin
Jack Filippin - 12.08.2023 14:17

Nigga I live there

Benjamin robinson
Benjamin robinson - 08.08.2023 09:34

never sell your city out to tourism. Its not worth it.

Flo Punkt
Flo Punkt - 06.08.2023 22:27

It's becoming a theme park.

Matt Collins
Matt Collins - 05.08.2023 01:34

So government caused this problem by promoting tourism?

S TP - 04.08.2023 09:36

Please, first of all: venetian citizen are forced to live in Mestre and terraferma because rich foreigners have destroyed the real estate market. Even a little old hole in Venice is too expensive to be bought by a common citizen.

Then tourists make it a hard place to live: it's horrific the way they mistreat the city and the inhabitants. If you are in hurry to take the traghetto or to go somewhere, you'll find a bunch of pp occupying the whole calle to take pics anche they will offend you if you'll try to pass. Any venetian will tell you so. That's why we became so rude to anyone: 10k times a day of this, will make you pissed of very soon.

And in the last decade, evereyone who has a small property in the city, will put in on airbnb or booking.

This kind of tourism is killing the real life of the city.

But if you think that a born and raised venetian will go happily in the terraferma, you are totally wrong

GeorgeMonet - 04.08.2023 08:29

Private landlords ruin everything again.

Albert of Tasmania
Albert of Tasmania - 04.08.2023 04:34

To a lesser extent, a similar thing is happening here in Tasmania.

House Station Live . com
House Station Live . com - 04.08.2023 04:30

basically, north of italy is bourgeoise and south is just considerated trash by italian governors. same issue in france, where governors think france = paris and its metropolitan area. recently (august 2023), unesco pointed the fact that italia don't provide enough funds to give a chance of future for venice.
