NICK54222 MUGEN: Post-Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament II Discussion

NICK54222 MUGEN: Post-Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament II Discussion


55 лет назад

119 Просмотров

Welcome to a video discussing how the Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament II went.

Like with the previous tournament, I take some time to discuss how the tournament went, what was good, and what could be improved.

I did make some changes to registration this time. Only one boss character could be used per team and some characters had different versions from my set "defaults".

So this time, there weren't as many OCVs as there were last time, but there were more 6-7 round matches throughout as well. And despite the havoc the characters caused, some of you kept watching.

But as for problems, I don't think I was clear about boss characters. I let teams with characters Orochi Shermie and Evil Ryu on the same team pass. So next time, I'll make another PDF file for the boss characters, most of which will be from SNK FYI. And I am gonna try to remove OHKO move characters UNLESS they have specific conditions (last resort with full power, not whenever they feel like it).

Now I did say I'd allow you guys to use other versions of characters aside from my defaults. But only if that character is in the roster. And that doesn't mean you can use "silly edits" of characters. True, some characters don't have AI, but I want to make my tournaments fun and challenging.

However, if people tend to get the "good characters" a lot, then it would cause a serious hassle. I want to try to balance the roster so that characters can fight on equal footing. And I am surprised to see that many of you tend to go for certain fighters rather than taking advantage of the variety. But Jazu and Order Sol were the only problem for me at least. Some people took advantage of the variety in their own ways. But I wonder if you guys even care about it. The roster is supposed to be a collection of well-made, unique characters with strong AI, but not too cheap to destroy everyone.

Regardless, I hope that giving you guys the chance to use different versions of characters already in the roster should be beneficial to you. But some characters need to be restricted to one version due to the natures of other versions.

As for other problems, we'll have to use different lifebars for next time due to a character bug. I also don't know how you can use different songs on the same stage in MUGEN without using an alternative source, so the default music I use will be the only one I use. And finally, stages can't be requested because of the divisions and the fact not everyone should assume they'll win all their battles.

But these are my thoughts. Feel free to state your own in the comments below. I'll use them for consideration in the future.

Anyways, another tournament is on the horizon, and it's the Scarlet Devil MUGEN Tournament, a minor tournament. The rules will be different when compared to the major ones, but some of the standard ones still remain precedent. But some characters won't be able to participate due to particular guidelines. Nevertheless, most of the videos in April will be for it, so I hope you come and see it.

This Saturday, I plan to have an update video. I hope you'll watch it as it contains important information.

But yeah, I hope to hear your thoughts as we move forward.

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