Collecting Video Games :: Introduction

Collecting Video Games :: Introduction

Britta Food4Dogs

2 года назад

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@thrillhouse4151 - 14.08.2022 15:15

I always cringe when I think about how many games I neglected or sold as a child. That’s one of the first things I bought when I started my first job, I bought a copy of Tomba! for the PlayStation, a game I had previously only rented. (I should’ve picked up Tomba 2 while I was at it)

@matthewmiller9575 - 14.08.2022 20:59

I really regret, my stupid decision, to rid myself of my collection I had every system available in the U.K. since the Atari 2600. I’m left with vita, an original ps4 and PS5. I did this before collecting for investment was a thing, so I received peanuts. It’s not the money that gets me it’s the emotional connection that I had with this items now lost forever. Hope you’re on the mend no thanks for another enjoyable video

@kittyfrog0 - 14.08.2022 21:25

You are an inspiration to me! I hope I never lose my love of video gaming.

@TheLyreLiar - 15.08.2022 05:40

is that radiata stories in the bottom left? I own that game but never finished it

@gildardorodriguez4356 - 15.08.2022 06:39

I have all my old games from the nes and N64. Nowadays I play a game and resale it to finance new games.

@timothypipkin386 - 15.08.2022 17:46

Just found your videos! Love watching these so wholesome and cool to see if from your perspective. Just curious if your planning on getting a PS5 or any other video game console?

@AlohaGamester - 15.08.2022 20:21

I was so happy to see you cover this topic Greta! Great video!!

Take good care

@Plasmacat1 - 16.08.2022 06:48

I finally have money to buy more stuff but I have less space than growing up, kinda ironic. I really miss Blockbuster and other rental places, they had killer deals for used games in good condition or for old stock collectors editions. Stay well and healthy.

@PyromancerRift - 16.08.2022 07:41

I collect games on steam. The neverending story.

@BillySpenc - 17.08.2022 16:06

I think that's what I will do is to focus on one series!

@pldanis7968 - 18.08.2022 16:21

The Siri statue is pretty nice.

@regulator18E - 18.08.2022 23:48

I wish you were my mom.

@Rukagames0801 - 19.08.2022 15:32

Love the Ciri Figure in the picuture, I have the same in my Living Room. ^^

@theultimaterush - 19.08.2022 21:49

Love your collection, I've fell in love with a few niche series by watching you're videos!

@justinkitton5492 - 20.08.2022 00:34

Sorry to hear about your eyes, hopefully you get better soon

@darwoodgaming - 20.08.2022 16:50

Great advice you have given… I was wondering how many Pokémon games you have? My girlfriend loves Pokémon 😃😃

@slickcubano - 21.08.2022 19:20

This was fantastic! Thanks so much.👋🏽😊

@chrispybacon3 - 24.08.2022 10:35

Well said, Britta! I remember my joy when I tracked down a copy of Metroid Prime: Trilogy for the Wii at a reasonable price. “Beach combing” was a beautiful way to put it 🤗 🐚

@poisoncobra7 - 25.08.2022 02:46

Can't describe how cool it is to see someone who's from an older generation be into gaming, collecting and electronics. My grandparents can barely figure out how to take a picture with their phones. This is great, keep it up

@xerosolar307 - 26.08.2022 09:53

I'd love to collect soundtracks one day, I LOVE videogame music, but I feel physical editions will only become more and more rare (for both videogames and soundtracks) so I wish you all a happy hunting for any and all the things you want to collect

@OzymandiasWasRight - 27.08.2022 02:13

Really like this topic. Although I'd probably enjoy "how to watch paint dry" if it was from this channel.

@poomthonggg - 30.08.2022 10:45

That ciri figure looks absolutely outstanding.

@CaptainNamikaze - 31.08.2022 00:33

I always tremendously enjoy your videos, especially the ones about collecting! I mainly collect Xbox games/merch as well as all things Star Trek related but I also still have all of my old Nintendo consoles and games from my childhood. Collecting in general is a great hobby, I definitely enjoy all of my stuff. 😄
Also, I debate with friends all the time about the pros of physical copies, I have one particular friend that doesn’t except that I buy games on disc when available, she’s hellbent on digital content and Ubisoft’s recent moves to remove whole games from stores have proven me right. If you get a physical copy you actually own it, it’s not infallible of course but still superior in many ways I think. I use the game pass a lot on both pc and Xbox but that’s a subscription service, so that’s different but I think if you buy 60€ for a game digitally and there’s a chance it will be completely unplayable one day, that’s really bad.

@Lukas-ho2yb - 05.09.2022 23:22

Impressive collection^^

@SulkyKarris - 07.09.2022 17:29

I always come back to your videos. Apart from being interesting and really well made, I find them very comforting for some reason. Thank you for uploading!

@adampierce7468 - 08.09.2022 03:35

I got scared when I looked for Food4dogs and couldn't find the channel until found out I needed to look in the B section of my subscriptions.

@nidoqueen106 - 08.09.2022 20:53

This is a very detailed concise & wise summation of game collecting. It actually reinvigorates my collector spirit

@disakland4714 - 18.09.2022 11:31

Amazing introduction! I’m a bit late to it (been on a true crime binge). Definitely have come close to the fomo as well, it’s certainly a thing that heightens with social media.

@tio_kitsune - 20.09.2022 02:16

I hope your eyes get better soon so you can keep enjoying games. By the way, have you played RIME by Tequila games? In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful games ever, it even moved me to tears while playing it on a stream, I highly recommend it

@darklytailored5429 - 29.09.2022 22:11

I love the FFXIII music in the background. What is your favorite FF game?

@hexmaniacmarie5654 - 30.09.2022 00:03

Recently I've really wanted to start collecting for the Nintendo DS/3DS and PS2. I think what halts me in my tracks is that I don't know where to start. I still have my collection from when I was a teenager/young adult and the games I've been able to find that always interested me and I couldn't get my hands on at the time (like Corpse Party and Fatal Frame games), so I have my "favorites" for the most part. Anything I'd be collecting moving forward I would also be experiencing for the first time, which makes choosing a starting point difficult, especially with a system like the (3)DS that has so many titles I find it hard to research. This video really helped me get some confidence!

I think collecting my genre is a very good tactic. I am a big horror fan but also love cute casual games like Cooking Mama. And of course since I've started following you, I've gotten interested in JRPGs in a way I haven't been since FF10. Also I ADORE strategy guides and might start keeping an eye out for those, as well.

In the future of this series I would really love to hear suggestions for websites that are good for researching games, which it sounds like you are already planning to get to. Obviously you can find list after list on wikipedia, but scrolling through a ton of titles where a big portion are not so great "shovel-ware" like the (3)DS had can make one feel like their eyes will glaze over, and sometimes I feel like I might be missing some great gems because the title doesn't conjure an idea of what the game may be. I know I got to this video a bit late (I've been in the process of moving for the last month) but I'm so excited to watch these videos! <3 Thank you for producing such wonderful content.

@darkhalf9134 - 08.10.2022 15:12

Buy what you want and shut the hell up no one cares jackass.

@DominicanStud101 - 11.10.2022 01:03

I can’t wait for the next video in this series. What’s stopping me from collecting more is space. But I have a bit of a collection from just buying games as a hobby.

@callmebender - 28.10.2022 01:05

Happy Gaming!!

@AMARIIILO - 29.10.2022 07:41

I just stumbled upon your videos on a whim, and I am so glad I decided to watch. You are such an eloquent speaker, you have a beautifully structured way of speaking that’s very soothing.

You’re an amazing lady and a bright spot on an otherwise oversaturated website. Wish you nothing but the absolute best!

(Also, Owlboy is a beautifully crafted game, glad it was a platformer that caught your attention.)

@BartCoz - 05.11.2022 07:04

Awesome ff12 soundtrack!!

@johnbailey2933 - 03.12.2022 16:19

Just recently discovered your channel, and very glad I did. I would consider myself a gamer collector. As a member of this category, I am at times uncomfortable opening and playing the games! From a collection value stand point, retaining a game in a pristine, unopened condition is at odds with my gamer side to play it. Any thoughts on that?? (I contrast that with the 'investment' collector who probably looks for games in best condition and keeps them as such)

@Whyyy_Kayy... - 28.01.2023 17:02

Oh u turned the comments on! Love your videos I’ve been watching you for years u remind me of my grandma. I was going through a rough time and I would listen to your videos while I slept at night because your voice brought me comfort

@laurencelikeit459 - 26.02.2023 09:09

Good on you for not givnig up and just doing what you can with what you have. I do wish you are/were a PC gamer though. 😁as I am strictly a PC gamer.

@miiaoi879 - 21.04.2023 03:40

for game collection you only need your passion for games and to buy games you like, not everyone can be a completionist, so people just need to focus in a genre/franchise/company that THEY LIKE, also to don't get frustrated if they can't afford all the games, specially if they arrived "late" to the generation of a game that is already too rare so it's resold for ridiculous prices.
There is people that in a point stop enjoying the games and just turn into more resellers that not collect, but just acumulate games, and this just affects the hobby for others because speculation.

People need first to make sure they still can understand that this is first to feel enjoyment for gaming that is what made this hobby a thing, then just try their best to get the games they can, second hand games come and go, values varies a lot some times and you can just have luck looking for them, so until you have real passion for the hobby that would keep you going for more and your collection is gonna grow regardless if the games are rare or not when you grab them, just be patient and buy what you like and you can.

This is also a thing for figures, I collect them too but I'm runnig out of space again, but I'm happy and got a lot of figures, betwen some that can be perceived as rare or common, but all is of characters I love from games and anime, and for me is fine if they are worth 50 cents or hundreds or even thousands because of speculation at eyes of other people, because they make me happy to have them and the comercial value means nothing for me once I got them

@singalongwithninja - 19.05.2023 06:26

I am so thankful to have found your channel. I have rekindled my gaming hobby looking for solace through trauma and hearing your story really resonates with me. On top of that your content is very good.

@amandaidange4981 - 25.06.2023 00:50

Btw. I found a science article about a non surgical intervention for the curling fingers thibg that has promisibg results.

- 26.06.2023 00:21

Due to low budget I started my collection with my favourite series: Pokemon, nearly 6 years ago. I've usually bought used copies, sometimes just cardridges, cause I love these games so much I just wanted to play everything which appeared on the main series. But I just could afford a game from time to time, if my paycheck allowed me to. Now I'm older, I have better job, more consoles and my collection is growing, but still these cardriges in little special box are my most beloved treasures 😊

@thevgdb - 28.07.2023 07:43

GREAT VIDEO!!! I just found your channel now, and I am finding myself just nodding over and over again as I am watching your great videos!! Thank you for sharing!! --Nick

@simeon9506 - 06.08.2023 04:47

I think art books could be another great thing to collect. I’m not likely to revisit a game I have already completed, however, I could see myself picking up an art book from the shelf and flipping through it.

@krexun - 23.11.2023 21:30

I prefer to millions of times watch your channel than an exuberant girl who doesn't know anything about games. She's a real gamer who enjoys experiences ❤ you deserve more attention and more subscribers

@stinkystealthysloth - 04.08.2024 17:00

As soon as the video started and i saw Devil Survivor in front of you I knew you were serious haha

@threeswordssama - 20.08.2024 22:53

Love the way you've summarized collecting video games in this video. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

@Food4Dogs - 07.08.2022 10:42

This video was shot a month ago (!) - it's taken me this long to edit/process it due to my eye situation (referred to in video), which also explains the somewhat rough video editing. Thank you for your patience.
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