CI/CD for Azure Functions: Automating Deployment with Bicep and ARM

CI/CD for Azure Functions: Automating Deployment with Bicep and ARM

Andrew Connell

2 года назад

5,108 Просмотров

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@jurjanbrust - 10.05.2022 19:27

Great videos, really nice to see and learn more about Azure this way. Love to see all of your best practices such as the emoji usage. One suggestion about the bicep video is to lower the keyboard clicking sounds. It is a bit distracting.

@lachlanjames123 - 07.06.2022 01:57

Thanks for sharing I found this very useful!

@spearbravetowers - 23.06.2022 15:43

Hey Andrew. This video and the one you did just before on bicep couldn't have come at a better time for me. I was trying to do a lot of the same things but didn't feel I had the guidance I needed to optimize my own implementation. I had my IaC working but it didn't feel right and sure enough, there you were to help me fix it! You've done a great job and glad I found your work.

One thing I wanted to take a min to point out to ensure I'm not missing anything. The owner role allows you to manage auth and role assignment while the contributor role gives you full access to management to pretty much everything else, right? Could you assign the contributor role to your SP instead of the owner role and as a principle of least privilege would it be better to do so?

To qualify a bit, I'm assigning the contrib role to my SP (at the subscription level because I'm creating the RG in the deploy step too), and haven't seen any need for anything more in my testing over the last few weeks.


@spearbravetowers - 23.06.2022 23:11

How did you get those emojis to show up in your workflow? I'm trying :wrench: for example, with no luck.

@awdhaan - 30.07.2022 11:01

Awesome, simply awesome

@TheBradleyHobbs - 12.09.2022 02:22

Is this in a public repo somewhere?

@sivaramagupta - 03.01.2023 21:05

Hi Andrew, it was well explained, have you tried the logic app or API management using the bicep script...?

@jraguilar78 - 08.05.2024 06:44

Hi Andrew, thanks for breakin' it down so well. Though I've always had this doubt, once the infra has been provisioned in Azure, it isn't kind of a waste to deploy the bicep template again and again in every commit of the source code when the app is in continuous development?
I'll appreciate your thoughts on this!
