Are Catholics and Christians the SAME!? What is the difference?!

Are Catholics and Christians the SAME!? What is the difference?!


2 года назад

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Barbara Wolcott
Barbara Wolcott - 09.11.2023 17:55

Catholics are most definitely Christians!!! We believe in the trinity even though there are differences. You will never find the Eucharist sitting like a snack in someone’s home!

Morgan Drury
Morgan Drury - 09.11.2023 08:21

I love this video so much. It’s concise and so well done. Thank you for just sticking to the facts and getting right to the point. I’ve had a few Catholics come to me asking me questions about, “is this actually biblical?” as it relates to many of the Catholic practices. I explain a bit, and then I send them this video. It’s enlightening!

H. D.
H. D. - 09.11.2023 06:30

Purgatory? What!?

oniBearz_ - 08.11.2023 18:44

As a child I saw the contradictions not only in the church but in my step father who (eventually left) and i led me to a lot of questions but in the end i came to the conclusions i am catholic but I don't agree with giving money to the church to be forgiven for sin, on the other hand I believe that it's a 50/50 with god and that thru faith alone ypu cant be forgiven cause god requires some effort, some willingness. I only pray to God cause it feels wrong to pray to other even if they are deemed saints by the church, mother Teresa always comes to mind.

Ooh-marh Cee
Ooh-marh Cee - 08.11.2023 03:57

The beginning of this video is wrong. Are Catholics and Christians the same? The question is, what is Catholicism and what is Christianity. It was in Antioch that the apostles were first called Christians because they behaved like Christ. So why is there is distinction between Catholics and Christians as if they are not all the same. Catholicism is a denomination of Christian faith, much like Orthodox and Protestant. Just like Sunni and Sunnah Muslims are all Muslims, Catholics and other denominations are all Christians as long as they are Christ-like. So this whole video is wrong and holds no water so I will not go further to agree or disagree with the speaker’s arguments as there’s no argument to counter in the first place.

Doug Campbell
Doug Campbell - 07.11.2023 22:52

Very good video. However, as Christians, we are baptized by Jesus Christ by fire and Spirit as John the Baptist said He would when we believe. This first happens with Cornelius and is the covering of all believers in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that Paul writes throughout his epistles.

Juan Rizo
Juan Rizo - 07.11.2023 08:09

Don’t follow the Vatican 2 religion stick to the old Tradition of the Catholic Latin mass and you will see that Christianity is Traditional Catholicism.

Aslin Rodriguez
Aslin Rodriguez - 06.11.2023 04:36

When making a comparison video there should never be any biases
You explained why Christians believe and practice what they do but you did not explain why Catholics believe and practice what they do.

You didn’t enough research to check Catholics beliefs
You should definitely explain why.

Just a Tip 😊 God Bless

Torry Blate
Torry Blate - 05.11.2023 22:35

Great breakdown!

Random - 05.11.2023 20:55

I'm Catholic myself.... thank you for this video explaining the difference.

At times I don't agree with everything in my religion but I truly believe religion and acceptance is an inner belief.

Take care all 🙏

Moon Yew
Moon Yew - 04.11.2023 09:18

Catholics dont worship saints and mary we pray to them and respect them . Veneration of saints is not idol worship

Joe Zev
Joe Zev - 03.11.2023 15:55

Give & take..

Joe Zev
Joe Zev - 03.11.2023 15:53

In simple word. It must be yin yang. ☯️

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 05:02

The fact that we are talking about God and keeping God at the center of our lives is what unites us and the Christian world believers.

God bless you and this content.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 05:00

Love the content and know this as Catholic we are Christians as Christianity is an important world religion that stems from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus.

Roman Catholicism is the largest of the three major branches of Christianity (eastern, western, & orthodox). Thus, all Roman Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Roman Catholic.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 05:00

Now after immersing myself in other Christian denominations I’ve come to the closest realization of what is truth. Although imperfect the Catholic Church is like a scientist who derives truth by researching from past traditions, documents, and primary and secondary sources that ultimately yield a consistent truth.

Not opinions based my experiences in life that you get mostly from pastors like Joel Olsten who use the Bible to make you feel good or to inspire you.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 05:00

I did exactly what you said in my late teens and early 20’s. Incorporated myself in different Christian denominations and what I learned was this.

From 7th day Adventist, to Calvinist, to evangelical, to baptist among others. The inconsistency of what is and what is not the truth was alarming.

The same scripture or verse in the Bible means differently within each denomination. That’s mind blowing 😮. This brought me back to the point of no return. Like you mentioned I grew up Catholic because of my mother.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 04:59

All Catholic doctrine comes from the Bible and tradition of the faith established by early Christian’s AKA the Apostles.

We are more alike then different. I’ve been on both sides throughout my life. The hard line I draw is what’s closest to the truth.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 04:59

Prayer - is a conversation and form of intercession (to thank, ask, and dialogue). Praying is to converse not only worship 🤦‍♂️.

If this is the case then let no Christian ever ask anyone to pray for them or someone in their life that is ill or going through difficulties. Don’t waste your time doing that just pray directly to God 👍🏼.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 03.11.2023 04:58

Such a biased video. Love how you continually emphasize the “we” when speaking on behalf of Christian’s 🤦‍♂️. We are all Christians and we all believe in Christ as our Lord and savior in three persons of the father, son, & Holy Spirit.

Baptism took place in many homes throughout early Christianity. The apostles did not go House to house and baptize only adults.

They baptized families (including the elder, disabled, sick, children and the like).
