I NEED HELP with Cakewalk By Bandlab!!!!!

I NEED HELP with Cakewalk By Bandlab!!!!!

True Sound Studios

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@AversuzMusic - 20.10.2022 03:08

It is very strange. I have been working at Cakewalk since 1998. This program had various problems in the past, but recently they have dealt with it. I work with projects sometimes with 100 or 120 tracks, but I didn’t notice those problems that you are talking about either in a studio machine or in a laptop ...
I have i7. - 32GB - Win 10. - MOTU TRAVELER - studio computer
and laptop HP Pavilion I7. - 16GB - Win 10- built-in sound card - sometimes Steinberg UR44

I have a suspicion that these are drivers for some kind of hardware confusing the audio engine

I always install a сакеwalk on a clean system and then download the rest of the add-ons and plugins in sequence - constantly checking the quality working of the entire system. If something starts to confuse me, I roll the system back a step.
When I am convinced that everything works perfectly, I save a backup copy of the system with all plugins and settings.

@georgeabraham4285 - 10.09.2022 23:08

dont start the app with any os performance tuning.. not even high performance.. If you resolved the issue.. what was the problem?

@georgeabraham4285 - 10.09.2022 22:58

review non standard console plugins you might have set as default..

@siddo. - 31.08.2022 08:37

hey guys i have same issue as number 2 but only diffrence is it gets jitter when i play with all tracks, plz help me out hope someone will help, thank you🙏

@agentcalm - 19.08.2022 09:46

Feel your pain bro. Im getting the pops also and constant audio drop out errors. I notice it takes very few plug ins on tracks to cause problems. I'm having to disable plug ins and freeze tracks every time I add a new track and try recording. It's also taking very few plug ins to cause awful latency issues.

@rolosaenz - 14.08.2022 02:44

Weezna did you fix it ?

@samshephard7164 - 12.08.2022 21:17

I have a suspicion that Cakewalk is no longer aimed at professional studios. It is also completely unclear to me personally how cakewalk is financing all of this. Apple support does not exist until today. Probably the biggest no go.
I also changed the DAW. I'm at Studio One now. Whether that was so clever remains to be seen. 😄

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 12.08.2022 05:45

If you fixed the issue or found a work around, you should make a new video!

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 12.08.2022 05:43

Sonar is definitely more polished than Cakewalk. I think Cakewalk programs probably stuffed all the debug code into Cakewalk so they can have users complain about bugs to fix. I know as a programmer there's two versions of software. Debug or Release. If you compile "Debug", then your program will be stuffed with all the debug code and will run slower. If a bug happens, the software will know where it happened. If it's built using release and bugs out... It won't help the programmer very much understand what happened. Release programs run super fast.

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 12.08.2022 05:33

Man.. your Hammerfall card costs twice as much as my FOCUSRITE Scarlett Solo... And I'm recording in 96khz all the time with no audio pop and click. Why are you recording in 48khz?

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 12.08.2022 05:06

I have an i7-6700HQ 2.6ghz (4 sticks of single rank 8gb DDR4 2133mhz RAM for a total of 32gb) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M, 2 TB M.2 SSD, Windows 10 home (latest patch), FOCUSRITE Scarlett Solo (3rd generation) USB Thunderbolt 3. I don't have audio engine problems. If I'm running too many plugins, I'll freeze a track that I'm not immediately working on or I'll archive a track.

Edit: I have found that my system can not handle East West Opus Hollywood Choir plug-in. I've uninstalled it and only use Waves Audio and SpitFire Audio plugins.

@adrianramos6359 - 05.08.2022 20:43

I had the same Issues! I had to go back! ....... Sonar platinum hellow again!!

@josephgoines2106 - 02.08.2022 04:55

BTW, I found that the anti-virus in Windows is sufficient to keep my computer safe from viruses.

@josephgoines2106 - 02.08.2022 04:54

Regarding clicks and pops. I tried for almost two years to solve my crackle and pop issues and by accident I ran it while disconnected from the internet and with my anti-virus unloaded, I did not have any more audio problems! Cakewalk was not the only DAW that had this problem, I was using Studio One, MPC Live, and Reason all with the same results. I think the issues are between my network interface drivers and anti-virus (Zone Alarm).

@kehindea - 30.07.2022 14:15

For your first issue. Turn off plugin load balancing. This will reduce the engine load and the CPU load. Not sure why it is going over 100% load but I am happy to load it into my Cakewalk and see. I do understand if that is an issue.

@JohnGarnerIII - 29.07.2022 06:24

Disable "ALL" plugins and or vst's, virtual instruments.
Print a version of the project to .WAV.
Does it click and pop when there are no vst or synths still?
If no. Go one by one, especially with older and free plugins and see which one makes your DAW stumble.

@JohnFM66 - 22.07.2022 12:37

I had similar problems a while back on a slightly less powerful PC.
I can't remember all the steps I went through but one of the things that made the most difference was not mixing VST2 and VST3 plugins in a project.
For me; all VST2, fine. All VST3, fine. Mix VST2 and VST3, loads of random noises, clicks, instability.

@210psychoholik - 21.07.2022 05:04

I exported my song to mp3 format to send to someone to write to then when we went In to record I then Realized all tracks on the song were locked I can’t mix volume and there are no fx any one have this problem?

@mfoster404 - 28.06.2022 18:37

Having the exact same issues.. The audio drop-outs, The crackle and pops when soloing a track, audio engine peaking up to 200% on 1 project while another project with even more tracks sound fine.... crackle and pops when I export wave file... I am lost... HELP!!!!!!

Using New I7 processor with 16gb ram....various audio interface - same issue

@Rapuk - 27.06.2022 00:39

I need help with vocals, they sound dull

@ntxoovvwjmusicstudio1942 - 25.06.2022 23:42

I got the same problem a while ago,; however now it works just fine. I think the new update could fix the problem.

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 18.06.2022 14:20

I try to run only newer plugins as older plugins VST2 or less will crash Cakewalk by Bandlab.

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 18.06.2022 14:17

You can set it up not to scan for plugins every time you load up.

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 18.06.2022 14:16

I found some plugins from Sonar Producer to crash Cakewalk by Bandlab.

@ElDiabloSongwriter - 18.06.2022 14:11

Do you know how to "Freeze" your tracks? Freezing tracks will reduce workload by allot!

@TimsCabana - 02.06.2022 05:10

I'm thinking one thing you could check that might be related to the loading issues... is the Windows temp folder. This folder (temp) is directly below windows, and windows uses it to temporarily store and open files. These files are supposed to get cleared out of this folder, but files can manage to pile up in there... especially if your PC ever locked up, and you had to restart it. I have fixed several PC issues in the past by deleting all the files in there. The first time I did this to my machine, there were a shitload of files in there, and I was nervous about deleting them. So I created another folder, and moved everything over just in case. Restart the machine after you delete them all. I don't bother copying the files any more... I just delete them. Good luck.

@vexsermusic - 19.05.2022 06:02

I've used Cakewalk Platinum on quite a few machines over the years. One thing I've found is that on some machines there seems to be random hidden load spikes which causes occasional clicks which are very annoying and can ruin recordings. These load spikes don't always appear on performance graphs. They also don't appear when running software to test for DPC latency or other benchmarks. I've spent literally weeks installing and reinstalling from scratch. I suspect that certain hardware has driver issues. The majority of machines that I've installed Cakewalk to are rock solid and have no problems at all. Then there are machines with seemingly very good specs that throw up the intermittent clicks etc. There can also be issues with hard drive access and hardware buffering to the disks. In short, I have a very small subset of PCs which would appear to be very well spec'd but I simply cannot get the software to run reliably. As always, get another disk and re-install a virgin system from scratch to do testing. Always have the absolute bare minimum of things installed and start from there. If a virgin install with minimum software and drivers still fails, then I would start suspecting a hardware thing. And if that's the case, then try a different machine as hardware/driver issues can get very ugly and can be unsolvable.

@rickrockzyootoob - 10.05.2022 08:29

Are you still having issues? If so, can you explain what the deal is with that MADI Input Status box? Why does it say 64 channels? That was the first thing that caught my eye.

@By_haZZa - 09.05.2022 05:34

How to disable the "stop engine on overload":

* Settings
* Configuration file
* Restart Engine after dropout: false
Stop Engine on ASIO panel open: false
Mask Dropout Detection: True

@marksmusicplace3627 - 29.04.2022 18:33

are you using a mac computer with a hack to use windows?

@nodaysback8390 - 29.04.2022 13:28

Dude.. You put out an S.O.S. , get a bunch of suggestions for troubleshooting, get everybody curious of the outcome.. But you'r never seen or heard from again. Why do that?

@chrisoosthuizen5197 - 19.04.2022 21:16

Issue 3. Freeze track. Secondly bounce instrument groups to a grouped output buss. Hope it helps

@davidroberts3262 - 19.04.2022 14:24

Try this: Preferences > Configuration File > ThreadSchedulingModel
Try 2 = Producer or 3 = Aggressive

@joemarortiz130 - 16.04.2022 06:25

Are you not into protools at all ?

@MsFm2000 - 16.04.2022 03:43

I'm a programmer and have also done some IT work.
My recommendation is to start from scratch putting together a computer that will work as a backup for you in the future. It can be an older computer with the minimum specs for music production.
- Install Windows with all necessary updates.
- Write an "Installation Procedure" detailing the software, plugins and drivers you use. I would include Sonar, then Cakewalk by BL.
- Apply that procedure to the backup computer.
- Test the songs your having problems with on this computer. I'm sure this will provide answers for you. It's likely you'll need to clean up your main system.

Most of the performance problems the majority of us have is related to our machines getting cluttered with software over time. I truly don't think it's a Cakewalk issue. At least once a year, it's a good idea to do a clean installation of Windows. It is time consuming, but if you create a procedure it will help speed up the process. Anyways, It's always a good idea to have a backup system.

Wish you luck… and thanks for your videos.

@jim4633 - 15.04.2022 03:56

Used to be a guru at cakewalk. Craig? Not 100 sure if he even uses it anymore. Lost touch with Sonar when my lifetime updates got booted. I stick with reaper now. I sometimes have issues running izotope on my master bus while tracking or mixing. I know, I know. 😂

@DAVE_WHITE - 13.04.2022 16:08

Try reaper issue resolved

@SamuelMantode - 12.04.2022 21:47

Time to upgrade to Studio One my friend 😎

@Spidouz - 12.04.2022 16:56

Maybe you should consider to change your DAW. If you’re willing to switch to Mac, I would recommend Logic Pro without a doubt. If you want to stay to PC (which is also perfectly fine), I would recommend either Cubase Pro, Studio One or Ableton Live. I would recommend Cubase Pro if you’re working like a Composer, having hundreds of tracks with virtual instruments, samplers such Kontakt, Opus, Sine, Synchron, etc… if you’re working with audio, mainly recording band, mixing, etc… I would recommend Studio One. And finally, if you’re mainly working like a looper, if you plan to go on stage, manipulating loops and audio stretching in realtime, I would recommend Ableton Live. Honorable mentions, if you’re mainly a producer, working EDM, Electronic music, etc… I would suggest to check FL Studio and Reason (even thought the last one could be just as heavy to work with as Cakewalk). On a last note, if customization is really important for you, then I would suggest to check Reaper. Each DAW can pretty much do what every other DAW does… they share probably 90% of their features. However, you need to focus on the 10% that make them different from each other and what specificities they’re built on, or built for. Some are better at MIDI editing, others might be better at manipulating and editing audio, or having different audio takes, or quick way to mix, etc… so it really depend to how you’re working, your preferences, your environnement and foremost, what you know already. The best DAW is the DAW we know the best. It’s important to learn a DAW shortcuts, features, etc… so it’s not easy to change DAW, but it’s doable. Cakewalk was always lacking (IMHO) in support and development reactivity. And I doubt it’s gonna change now they’ve been bought. So if I were you, I would switch to a new DAW that is supported by a company that is very reactive to development. Apple Logic is one for Macs… Steinberg Cubase, Presonus Studio One and Ableton Live are the ones I would suggest for PC. YMMV

@voodoohex72 - 12.04.2022 16:06

Ok something is seriously wrong with your setup if you have a 13 track project doing that. Your computer specs are insane. Did you try to put the project in another daw to rule out the daw? I am surprised people still use cakewalk. Are all your units running at the same digital clock speed and clocked properly etc? 44.1?

@marksmusicplace3627 - 12.04.2022 06:05

I have been a cakewalk user since it was cakewalk 3.0 back in 1993 but I am finding less issues with studio one so you might want to take a look at studio one or even reaper. The only real advantage to cakewalk is the ability to use 32 bit plugins and the prochannel but. other than that. other daws have less issues. I still dont understand why my midi controller will not allow to be used as a daw controller in cakewalk but no problems in studio one. I have been growing more and more frustrated with cakewalk.

@marksmusicplace3627 - 12.04.2022 06:00

windows 11 will have more of these issues than windows 10. AS far as VSTs . I eliminated a lot of problems by making sure every single vst was in the same folder in the exact same directory. Installing plugins some times can cause issues because some plugins will be in a cakewalk folder while some will be in the steinburg folder. Some vst2 or vst3 will be in common files under program files will others will be in program files x86. move every single vst including virtual instruments to the exact folder.

@benlina03 - 11.04.2022 15:23

I'm also having the same problem
I'm using Cakewalk (Twelve Tone) since 1991 (MS-DOS)
In 2011 I retired from making songs
At that time I used Cakewalk Sonar, I just forgot the version
In 2021 I will try to start again by using the cakewalk band lab. But I'm struggling with latency and crackling sound
I'm still not satisfied with the result
Many people say Studio One is good
But I'm still thinking, because I often use the "Staff View & Event List" feature on Cakewalk

@brianhaskins7859 - 11.04.2022 03:55

I just I-messaged you

@PyroKalfje - 10.04.2022 22:00

I have also so many problems with bandlab, i hate the software but love the lay-out and workflow

@tommymac2103 - 10.04.2022 21:33

You need to just get RID of Cakewalk! Reaper.

@JayfkProductions876 - 10.04.2022 18:27

I wonder does Ck By Bandlab have a limit in 32Bit mode similar to FLStudio 🤔
