Scientists Reveal That Canada Is Not What We're Beeing Told

Scientists Reveal That Canada Is Not What We're Beeing Told

Future Byte

1 год назад

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Here's a map showing Canada, a vast and diverse country located in the northern part of North America. It shares borders with the United States and is the second-largest country in the world by land area. Canada is home to over 37 million people, with a rich history and culture that spans back thousands of years to its Indigenous peoples.
Canada is a land of incredible natural beauty, with vast forests, majestic mountains, and pristine lakes and rivers. It is also a land of modern cities and innovative technology coexisting alongside traditional communities and Indigenous reserves. The country is rich in natural resources such as oil, natural gas, and minerals, and is a major producer of lumber and maple syrup.However, Canada is also a country full of surprises that are often kept hidden from the public eye. Scientists have uncovered shocking information about Canada that will make you question everything you thought you knew about the country. Scientists have been conducting research and collecting data that reveals Canada is not what we're being told. People often have positive views of Canada, particularly in terms of its natural beauty, multiculturalism, and reputation for being a safe and welcoming country. Being the largest country in the Western Hemisphere, and the second largest in the whole world after Russia, Canada is also known for its friendly and polite people, with a reputation for being polite and helpful to others. The country's close relationship with the United States and its role as a global peacekeeper is also widely recognized. However, there’re many shocking truths about Canada that you won't hear from the mainstream media. So, get ready to have your mind blown as we delve into the shocking untold stories of this fascinating nation. So, buckle up, as we reveal 15 of the most fascinating discoveries that have emerged from the depths of Canada's past and present and let us show you that Canada is not what we're being told
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@nogarlicplease - 27.12.2023 22:12

There has been no concrete PROOF of graves with children's corpses. Gov scam

@blaneleary5200 - 25.12.2023 04:29

Sorry about your clickbait but no bodies were ever found in kamloops This is liberal political lie

@TheFlyingCody - 18.12.2023 23:56

Wow right off the top bring on the bs. Do a little research.

@Mountain_Woman1 - 12.12.2023 20:57

Kamloops is not correct story because no bodies have been found .

@michelbrown1060 - 12.12.2023 07:41

Sterelisation is wide spreaded all over the planet. . Not just here. . serials killers ? ? ? all over the world too. . About the Viking settlement,, Vikings came in canada all the way up the St-Laurence river and up St-François river all the way to actual Coaticook city where in the 1990's a farmer foud a crackesd small boulder that had cueniform writings on it, ,

@hitest8925 - 10.12.2023 06:49

Thank the Catholic nuns and priests for the residential schools.

@Injudiciously - 30.11.2023 13:27


@user-lp1ym7gy5e - 28.11.2023 19:16

B/S with your global warming theories

@gavinchurch6109 - 28.11.2023 05:41

We did send our kids to schools but un like the USA during the wars with the Indians you just killed them all

@gavinchurch6109 - 28.11.2023 05:40

The only reason it’s still pristine in the f ckin Americas don’t own it

@48krisgo - 27.11.2023 09:04

No kids found. Do your research

@heathenannblackcloud737 - 27.11.2023 03:40

thank you for including Carla with Banardo! Although she was allowed to go free, she is SO GUILTY.....HER OWN SISTER!!!!!

@robinparker6178 - 25.11.2023 14:36

The narrator forgot to mention Sasquatch, the Shag Harbour UFO, the items found imbedded in coal from a mine in Cape Breton which went under the Atlantic ocean, and most importantly, our reputation for being a kind people is well deserved. Yes, in our past as well as many other countries we have our skeletons but if you are in trouble and need help, strangers will help you without reservation. Maybe not so much in large cities but outside it is extremely common. Also, don't take our kindness for weakness, just because we choose peace doesn't mean that we take shit from anyone

@jimyardon5262 - 23.11.2023 02:17

Canada is all Indigenous people L A N D the Resources too

@roberthuet4549 - 23.11.2023 01:34

Canada is not a country but a British Dominion. Genocide is a habit in the Dominion of Canada.

@c490cuK - 20.11.2023 17:09

Also in certain part of ontario there are circular holes drilled or so you would think in rocks wish I could remember where but that was years ago because where they were found no drilling rig could get there they average in size of 30 to 10 feet deep. you would think they were done by laser or something other then a drill rig. I think in the Kawartha lakes area, but that was years ago that I was shown this area.

@bradpenner8001 - 16.11.2023 21:49

The Indian children ,i know what was done was severe and totally wrong, but where and how can they tell that all those graves are children of the native Canadians there has been no digging of those 300 graves or DNA testing. And yes and horrible but lets find those graves and take them home to be buried with dignity. Are we the only ones who did these heinous crimes?? Serial killers maybe 6 or 7 in 50 years hey USA got any??? Ship wrecks who cares they took a chance and died sad yes but thats what adventurers did back then. Sink holes boy you need new material ,hey florida got any?? When you have multiple currents it happens OOO scarry Canada .
Smoking hills hey Pennsylvania have any ,you do. Craters hey Moon got any. Newfoundland found first, sorry Chris in 1492. Hey Siberia want to buy some winter coats and gas masks . See that frigging hole they dug for oil freaking sad for Canadians. OK im just teasing what about the great friendly people who live here all are welcome to visit and enjoy our country have fun go fishing, do all kinds of fin exciting things. We are true north strong and free. We a our very proud of our Country im just having some fun . COME UP AND VISIT YOUR ALL WELCOME>>>>>

@ScotLowrie-ws1mh - 16.11.2023 21:43

What waste of time. Everything mentioned is common knowledge.

@Jamesburtondoll42 - 10.11.2023 20:37

Man this shit happens everywhere like what a waste of time , you think Canada has a lot of serial killers look at the us or I’m sure Russia has more like wtf are you talking about

@chrisrose1443 - 05.11.2023 10:20

10 natural phenomena are worse than the government’s treatment of indigenous. What exactly was the point of that of this video? Who are the scientists? Im at a loss here. Make better content.

@christinanavarre8389 - 04.11.2023 08:19

Very interesting.....sharing a border with Canada hete in Michigan. These facts about this country are ones I would not have expected. History of each country shows discoveries of many hidden gems.

@HaklGuru - 04.11.2023 07:28

Not saying, there shouldn’t be justice for indigenous people however, they have not dug up one body yet!

Ask yourself WHY?

Should there not be physical proof before pushing a unproven narrative, making Canadians turn against Canadians …?

@everettadams3171 - 02.11.2023 02:25

#15 has yet to find any bodies of children buried there. Not saying that they won't find some but so far, nothing.

@jschap712 - 01.11.2023 10:44

Besides the fact that these "secrets" are well known, and mostly reflect things found all over the world, the "reporting" here is very alarmist, with your intro's implication that Canada's positive nature is a false facade. To address a couple: The residential schools were a well-intentioned travesty (we all know what the road to Hell is paved with), but most of the graves are from deaths due to plagues like TB, with claims regarding numbers highly inflated with the use of such inflammatory words like "mass graves". The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation for example never used the term "mass graves". Many of these burial sites continued to be used as gravesites by the indigenous themselves long after the residential schools were closed, with locals saying there's nothing secret about them. And bodies detected by radar have turned out to be things like old pipes. Alberta and BC were the only provinces to practice non-consensual sterilization, supposedly only of the mentally ill (an idea created by the eugenics movement in the UK). Of course, the indigenous were more likely to be determined "mentally ill". Sterlization occured in far greater numbers in coutries like the US. Serial killers? Name a country without them. Murder rates in Canada remain low. I find your later inclusion of the Viking village as ironic since they were killed or run off by the indigenous. Given your intro, one would think you're suggesting the indigenous are both victim and menace in deep dark hidden Canada.

@patriciaslider1636 - 29.10.2023 15:45

I think this is something that you should know about our neighbor Canada and it's very interesting to learn about other countries

@craigbrown8812 - 29.10.2023 10:01

Newfoundland has secrets too. But it is very beautiful and probably the safest place in Canada.

@samaipata4756 - 28.10.2023 22:38

The story of the indigenous children graves is an absolute and outrageous lie! Not a single dead body has ever been located! THIS IS FAKE NEWS AT ITS WORST! THis VIDEO NEEDS TO BE REMOVED ASAP‼️

@denisdesormeaux4093 - 25.10.2023 07:22

first dont accuse canada my country for the astrocity that the roman catholic church did.i am algonquin and i love my land

@carl6352 - 23.10.2023 16:58

We did it also, in the name of religion!-

@Pineconepicker1 - 22.10.2023 16:52

During the cold war the Canadian government relocated thousands of Inuit people to the farthest reaches of Canada with the promise of return to their homes after 1 year. This was one of the many lies they were told during that time. It also promoted TB as they were stuffed into small homes unsuitable for human habitation. The sick were removed, never to be seen again and often used for experiments. This is Canada. See " Broken Promises"

@winstonsmith935 - 21.10.2023 19:22

Some races are winners some are losers, it’s the history of Humanity.

@winstonsmith935 - 21.10.2023 19:20

Safer than the Middle East.

@Paper-Parrot - 19.10.2023 20:55

The tone in the intro is so... weird and unnecessary. You make it sound like Canada is a secretive/conspirative nation that lies about itself, to sell some kind of false image that has fooled the whole world. The stuff in this video is fairly common knowledge among Canadians - and most of it isn't exclusive to Canada, either! And what kind of scientists are doing these "revelations"? Canadiologists? Please. If anything, it's on you for making assumptions about Canada as a country before doing basic research.

Of course, the government of Canada has a lot to do to even attempt to make up for the atrocities of its past. But EVERY country has its past mistakes. Canada is not particularly more sinister than anyone else.

@jameslacey858 - 19.10.2023 16:57

The residential schools were not as described in this video, lies been published to propagate a narrative 😅

@Utubeisassho - 19.10.2023 07:15


@Utubeisassho - 19.10.2023 07:14

Show me the body count...ill buy a grave marker

@theresalayton9286 - 18.10.2023 21:37


@trevorbenson3488 - 18.10.2023 20:20

The mass Graves has been debunked . They dug up 14 locations and not one body found

@neilhoward3750 - 18.10.2023 19:55

Every country is guilty of mutilation, serial killers, sink holes etc etc and your dressing it up as it's the end of the world

@timkitchen692 - 18.10.2023 16:20

Well that is a great start. To lead with a complete and proven hoax. There is no evidence at all of the Mass graves claim. Every so called site that these graves were claimed to be that has actually been excavated has turned out to have 0 evidence to support the claim. The fact that there was no real attempt at the start of the claims to actually do any excavations proved the claims were not what media said.

@primejim1 - 18.10.2023 07:51

You should have waited for the investigations to finish. Many areas of many locations were excavated. Large rocks, tree stumps etc were found. Zero bodies. The overall horrific story of abuse is true.

@BlueLineSwineExposer - 18.10.2023 05:59

Don't look for USA to have any sympathy for the murder od 1000''s of indigenous children and the 10's of 1000's incarcerated in those schools and stolen from their families . Many indigenous families also have loved ones murdered and missing and police refuse to investigate . The residential murders were covered up by the RCMP for over 100 years . USA murdered vast numbers of indigenous people too as to steal their lands too ! RACISTS OF PAST

@leecarragher3183 - 18.10.2023 04:42

So far, despite claims of over 1,000 unmarked graves of children not even one body has been found... not one. The radar found tree roots, disturbed soil and even one actual graveyard.. that belonged to a local town. It is actually surprising that at least a few buried children were not found as childhood diseases were common place back then. This was and still is a crock of crap made up by Trudeau for a photo opp., nothing more. You should check your facts before publishing such crap.

@bridecolbourne1305 - 17.10.2023 21:43

What this reporter is doing is describing every countries yang and yang ,however Canada is definitely a Country that has hidden its dark side,but like every land on this little blue Perl ,it has its dark with the light .It’s time to actually face our darkness in order to build a new 🌅🙏🏼

@jax2428 - 17.10.2023 18:57

Residential school mass graves was a bullshit story. The mass graves dont exist.

@katiea.584 - 17.10.2023 17:49

How many of the serial unalivers partied with the police that later 'investigated' their case...?
1 on the list mentioned.
Do you know which one?

@katiea.584 - 17.10.2023 17:46

TRUTH before Reconciliation.

@kto_66 - 17.10.2023 16:12

Let's take the truth and stretch it by a billion for clicks. Please research properly before you make videos
