Worst Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux (GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) | How to Reduce Symptoms

Worst Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux (GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) | How to Reduce Symptoms

JJ Medicine

3 года назад

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@ntxoovvwjmusicstudio1942 - 19.12.2023 17:15

No no for Apple and pear😮 make me flare up

@mikeallen8557 - 17.12.2023 00:49

He put as examples lemons under acidic which is false it's alkaline when consumed.

@Dehvonne - 16.12.2023 14:27

Hey thanks yo!
Nicely put together 👍

@kohaku7431 - 13.12.2023 09:56

Just don't eat chocolate and cheetos it will go away. Believe me, just lessen sugar and chips

@Dee-Dee566 - 12.12.2023 00:54


@vaskoobscura_ - 29.11.2023 20:30

I have suffered with acid reflex for a while now and avoided most of the foods you mention in this video but now I can eat them all without acid reflux. I read an interesting article talking about how acid reflux is not caused by too much acid but rather not enough acid. Generalizing here it said that when your stomach acid is low your stomach isn't triggered to close the valve thus leading to heartburn. The trick is to feed your body things it can use to build up your stomach acid levels again so that the system can function normally. Apple cider vinegar, any vinegar really, lemon juice, turmeric, cinnamon etc. I've been eating those foods and my acid reflux has pretty much gone away after a month. Try and find information on this and share it with your audience. Building up your stomach acid levels is the key to beating heart burn. I'm walking proof of that.

@lawniecontois95 - 29.11.2023 08:29

Yes, I have Gerd and Gastroparesis, I'm screwed.

@justbargelle - 26.11.2023 10:25

Lipton Green Tea. I know many people who have read my comments everywhere didn’t believe me. But for me I have no more acid reflux attack for 3 yrs since I regularly drink Lipton Green Tea... But ofcourse I testified that I asked GOD for deliverance from it and Wisdom what to drink or eat in order for me to get rid of that terrible feeling and disease out of my stomach. And Praise God, JESUS HEALED ME.
I suggested this to my friends who complained the same symptoms i used to experience.

@Andreas-oc5yj - 25.11.2023 19:45

But notjing happend to my poop and my stomach and i wasnt hungry

@Mendozamosca - 24.11.2023 00:26

Carrots it is, from now on, only carrots!

@carlennabrattin7731 - 17.11.2023 23:10

I just found out I have that,

@barbaradean6424 - 13.11.2023 13:48

Wouldn't it be better to tell us what we can eat !

@America_lo_bujji1021 - 11.11.2023 20:03

Coffee or over eating causes it.

@yonikab8066 - 04.11.2023 13:20

Wow I loved those food before 😢now I’m f up 😂😂😂

@soniaorrantia4269 - 03.11.2023 21:42

My goodness so what can we eat!

@prasadduggina7688 - 02.11.2023 23:12

Nice job thanks

@betelgeuse6057 - 29.10.2023 20:38

I disagree completely .... I found out myself decades ago that Lemonjuice and Applecider vinagre helps very much to stopp GERD .... important is, that we keep our stomach as acidic as possibel ... GERD is mostly a sign of a too HIGH pH in the stomach .... SUGAR is one of the real problems as well, as very hot coffee, alcohol, very hot soup .... I suffered for a long time of GERD ... today (64) NO problem with GERD at all anymore .... even salt - i eat a lot of it - has NO bad effect .... that is my experience and I told a lot of people to drink dilluted ACV ... the feedback was always the same: it HELPS very much ... but this is just my opinion - do your own research and find out yourself what makes sense ... ;-) ... my best advice : stay away from SUGAR (CARBS) as much as possible .... (good) fat and proteine is what we need the most ... plus D3 (50-100ng/ml), plenty of Mg, K2, Zink, Potassium, Iodine, B12, Omega 3 (triglyceride based) and Vitamine C !!

@spacecatboy2962 - 29.10.2023 19:42

you should have said, just dont eat anything, ever

@tonyu349 - 27.10.2023 13:12

This is a great video. But man, what can I eat/drink? I'd have to overall just about everything (toothpaste, foods, etc.)

@kristinpothast - 24.10.2023 17:12

In summary: All the delicious foods.

@stevenjackson5106 - 21.10.2023 13:59

I have gastroesophageal reflux disease. I have been suffering from this for many years. The worst symptom of all is foul smell constantly comes from my mouth. I 100% sure this is not oral issue.. people around me think that I don't brush my teeth, but I do all the time... I have health teeth... 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😢😭. I sometimes think about committing suicide due to the smell.. I avoid people as hard as I can. But I not an animal to live far from people... No one likes me.... I don;t know what to do.... I am exhausted....Help!

@bayurocky1326 - 21.10.2023 08:08

In Indonesia, GERD is treated by consuming turmeric juice and pure honey

@AbuQaysAlmadani - 19.10.2023 12:31

Why is this video is the perfect opposite of what dr. Berg ,dr mendel etc said? They said Acv and lemon are essentials to bring your stomach acid in good condition so your les will close outomaticaly.

@patti280 - 18.10.2023 06:01

Air is good. Its cheap, low in calories and doesn’t constipate you. I only see the upside to an air diet.😅

@muhammadkhan-gn1mx - 14.10.2023 18:48

Don't use cooking oil all r refined and uht treated use only olive oil , mustard oil ,butter all r natural.

@MMDAD - 13.10.2023 03:34

very helptful. your a g

@crand20033 - 08.10.2023 05:16

Guys, guys, Thinking yoiu can avoid all that is just nonenslcal. You will never be able to do it. You can't avoid those foods because they are so good for you. Just take some meds for A.R. and eat whatever you want.

@bfast10 - 07.10.2023 18:40

Water for Health, for Healing, for Life 📖 (You are not Sick, You are Thirsty). Dehydration is the cause of Acid Reflux, heartburn, asthma, dementia, depression, hiatal hernia etc.

Our body comprises average 60% 💧 (between 45 to 75%. Brain 80 to 85%) Drink around 10 cups of plain 💧 or slightly more & 1/2 teaspoon of salt a day to hydrate the body (salt to replace the salt loss in the urine due to additional 💧 intake). Caffeine dehydrates the body.

Drink 2 cups of 💧 upon waking up. Drink 1 cup of 💧 before each meal . Drink one cup of 💧 2 1/2 hrs after each meal (dehydrated) when thirsty & before exercise.

If any pain, breathless or discomfort ,drink 2 cups of 💧.

@Alouha0407 - 06.10.2023 04:20

We cannot eat no more 😢😢😢

@alabamajenny8751 - 05.10.2023 03:57

I’ve had this since I was a kid. As an adult, the gap of fast food is narrowing quickly.
I ate Taco Bell today around 130. By 4-5 I fell asleep in recliner, woke up with a choking cough, the typical splash up, up-chuck in my throat. Good Lord. Wrecked my evening. It is now almost 8 PM and I am still nauseous.

I took Nexium for better part of ten years. Now I take Prevacid daily. Sometimes 15 Mg- 30 Mg daily with few problems.

But like today, when I was un a hurry. I grabbed a chalupa and a pack of cinnamon twists.
Well it’s no wonder my stomach was upset when I got home.
No more Yaco Bell for me.

Can you touch on study where people taking PPIs possibly causing dementia in 30% of the study. I will take my chances. Quality of life is everything.

We are left with cereal, PBJs and rabbit food minus onion. No salt and water but not too much bc it sloshes back up, too.

@khelfanouha9162 - 03.10.2023 07:15


@cindyjohnson1025 - 01.10.2023 12:36

You must go carnivore. No fruits, veggies, grains, coffee, tea, soda, alcohol. High fat dairy and meat only. We are not designed for plants which have built in poisons that are causing inflammation and chronic illnesses. It works. 80% of people in the western world have a chronic disease. The average American has 5. I have 3, with acid reflux being one of them. This diet works on all autoimmune diseases because of the fact that plants are the culprit of most illnesses. TRUTH!

@MacBjorn - 29.09.2023 23:18

Tomato sauce is my trigger. Start taking Betaine HCl to increase the stomach acid. Do not take antacids

@watchman11000 - 29.09.2023 12:31

So basically you can eat nothing good and have no caffeine, great. Guess I'm eating bugs with only water from now on. That cuts majorly down on the grocery bill.

@borg386 - 28.09.2023 03:56

Right on everything except fat. Yeah, vegetable fat ( bad fat) is terrible for you. But animal fat is perfectly good for you,and can't be put in the same category.

@suchetamitra9453 - 25.09.2023 22:49

I started getting breathing issue because of GERD .. please pray for me and guide me

@Satsimran9 - 25.09.2023 01:39

thanks so much sir
i recently did Endoscopy. it was normal, the doctor told me that just the lock spincter does not close properly and Acid comes back up.
I lost 10 kg in two months. I eat normal but do not absorb and feel week but
just a another question sir, when i take Magnesium biglysinate with food It makes feel strong and very relaxed. I have tried alot other stuff but nothing gives me energy like Magnesium. why is that ? I will check my weight again in two weeks to check the progress and see if it has helped.
I was afraid to take acv beacuse i think it will cause alot of heart burn and chest pain

@pseudo_chaa_wala2967 - 23.09.2023 20:04

If you leave all these things what fun is left in life? I am already depressed and miserable and have GERD if I leave food which is the only pleasure in my life what is left? What do I look forward to ?

@Kimber123 - 20.09.2023 08:47

In short, please don't eat anything that may taste good or that you like.

@BartosR - 16.09.2023 21:39

And then what is left for us to eat if everything is forbidden?

@fatimangara4538 - 14.09.2023 12:20

Thanks..cz l was suspecting onions and tomatoes and cabbage

@theteachers1 - 13.09.2023 17:33

My man basically listing my entire diet

@umavoruganti8820 - 04.09.2023 14:39

Ihave burning sensation in stomach. Throat and whole track and blisters on tongue . Throat is red and painful.even the ears eyes and head burns. What does it mean.

@vonsabido2281 - 01.09.2023 03:51

Holy crap I eat all this food on a daily :( ....

@swedishkev - 01.09.2023 02:12

So ,no point living with almost all foods you can not eat. WTF.

@poloone1000 - 30.08.2023 18:21

All Lies

@MaineUSA - 28.08.2023 00:04

Thank you
