ОтветитьThis myths reminds me when as a teenager some one will came up with a weird think about a video game "Did you know you can make Shao Khan perform a fatality mid round?", where did kids come up with those? Where does devs come up with this?
ОтветитьHow do you profile a release build?
Ответитьwhy are fragments so slow?
ОтветитьWas expecting to hear about Enums vs Static Constants.
ОтветитьDon't think it was mentioned what min SDK was used for the multidex performance tests. My understanding is that legacy multidex (minSdk < 21) is much worse than ART's multidex, so would be interesting to see how this compares.
ОтветитьIs there a white paper about those experiments? What are the percentiles and setup of those experiments?
ОтветитьIf you have more than 400k LOC in Kotlin, then you will have more than 200% of compile time.
ОтветитьI m good the talk.... combination of u both s super good....
ОтветитьI like these guys presenting style, real chill
ОтветитьWhy do you say there is not performance difference when the Kotlin version of Drive takes 0,002ms more to start up?
ОтветитьBusted :DDD