LOKI Writer CONFIRMS How Variants Exist in Sacred Timeline EXCLUSIVE | MARVEL Explained

LOKI Writer CONFIRMS How Variants Exist in Sacred Timeline EXCLUSIVE | MARVEL Explained


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@ScreenCrush - 29.07.2021 20:53

What other mysteries does Loki need to answer?

@kisore20gp - 26.11.2023 20:59

could explained it in just a minute

@Vega2099x - 04.11.2023 04:21

Watching this after Loki season 2 shows the Temporal Loom, really called it! @screencrush

@PhilipNguyen. - 28.10.2023 03:45

but from No Way Home and M.o.M on when other variants who aren't even derivitive from the "616"/199999. My guess is that every of these universes (838, Sam Raimi, Andrew Garfield) have their own Sacred Timeline with them being separated from one another.

@navaneethvsagar6479 - 26.10.2023 20:46

This particular video actually forecasted some interesting things about Loki Season 2

@titusmushinge8328 - 16.10.2023 16:21

So the sacred timeline is its own multiverse

@therabbit317 - 15.03.2023 17:35

Did Steve going back mean he formed a new branch timeline and if not than did Sharon not know who her uncle was when she was kissing Steve?

@zachwilliams2597 - 19.01.2023 09:19

my brain hurts

@Pepper_JH - 28.12.2022 06:20

If Everything is a loop then the point of every characters confined in time is pointless

@raffaelcapitan4734 - 17.08.2022 22:52

I understand it well now, other universes are jammed up into one big sacred timeline, the tv example you used made it 100% clear, there can be differnt universes with the same “lifestyle” but different versions of it playing at the same time, even in religious books it talks about the after life and how time will be different in the realm we wake up in after death, MY ONLY QUESTION is since sylvie killed “he who remains” how does another reappear if he was the original variant that got killed, because he was controlling the timeline making sure his other variants didnt exist so when he dies how can another one come, just like if loki died how can another one come into plau

@s.kylejohnson7816 - 16.08.2022 00:51

So, the simple version re: variants: The fact of the sacred timeline does not negate the existence of the multiverse. Or, the sacred timeline includes a multiverse.

@davidm9454 - 12.08.2022 01:34

Okay, I’m just gonna pretend I understood that

@indie5723 - 02.08.2022 12:05

Soo, the sacred timeline consists of many universes where Kang doesn't mean harm, it had been operated by He Who Remains and he made sure that events changed in the past don't trigger multiversal war. But how exactly do nexus events work, why would they trigger the multiversal war and how are they linked to the multiverse if they are only tied to the sacred timeline?

@galaxymoossss - 30.07.2022 17:20

Very interesting....like wow, the potentual in human-beings. Mind blowing, complex

@AndrewUchiha4747 - 29.07.2022 10:13

Easier explanation.

Kang’s castle has a beginning and an end. The timeline does not.

@alterph7324 - 06.07.2022 12:14

So its possible that two or more loki from the same universe but different timeline could violate the flow of time right?

@mrsisig7443 - 27.06.2022 02:23

What really grinds my gear is the fact that ever since the explanation of the Ancient One, they repeatedly enforced there is only a single timeline. Which would make Cap’s journey meaningful because Steve wouldn’t go to a different Peggy if he knew he would create a different timeline by going back in time. All these multiple timelines inside a single sacred timeline is just lazy. They should have just kept the literal single timeline in the Endgame film.

@user-qj9ho2xf7u - 04.06.2022 01:00

The real question is.... How the f*ck did he who remains made a SACRED TIMELINE

@hurensohn7605 - 10.05.2022 00:29

so is every timeline its own universe inside the multiverse?

@dennisfung415 - 04.05.2022 01:50

The variant occurs when you go to the future and then go back to moment of creation. You then have a betazoid, then deltaxoid if betazoid is imprisoned

@timprimetal5380 - 19.04.2022 08:41

So here’s where I’m lost.

Marvel essentially says that time does not move. We, instead, move through it, and all moments in time are always existing. Because all of time exists all at once, there is no beginning or end to the timeline. It’s just a ring.


So how is my mans sitting around at the end of time if time has no end

@summertyme5748 - 06.02.2022 21:49

“Variants exist in the sacred timeline”
⬆️ They could prior to the 31st century if the scared timeline is not in fact the original timeline. We still don’t know this.

@ericsaunders5017 - 30.01.2022 19:53

i wonder how many stan lee variants there is i think he has the most

@marcusbarber7525 - 28.01.2022 04:36

So is this the reason “He who remain” offers He-Loki and She-Loki the choice to do his job or kill him because their relationship would ALWAYS screw up the sacred timeline?

@curlitros1617 - 21.01.2022 23:48

okay i understand all that i think?) but what i don't understand is: if the multiverse exists, and that includes all the marvel COMICS universes... is the TVA from the mcu the same TVA as the one from the comics? it should because the TVA is "out" of the multiverse and it's its own thing, but it seems like it isn't

@MrBornUnique - 18.01.2022 03:16

Aiight, so "He who remains" sits inside of a castle that was build on an asteroid and floating in outer space at the end of time itself, which is in the middle of the "Sacred" timeline, then how can he control the infinite timeline loop? He doesn't show how he actually does it in the last episode and how can you build a castle in outer space and don't have oxygen to breathe?🤣 Don't forget that both Loki's were standing of the castle!

@lxax305 - 09.01.2022 00:01

There was always a large amount of different universes, but they were forced to tell the same/similar story so Kang wouldn’t come to power. The different Loki’s come from different universes. All telling the story of the Sacred timeline.
Now give us the Alligator-universe were we can meet AlligatorThor and AlligatorIronman. 🙌🏻

@jassimfarookh6561 - 07.12.2021 14:10

so as per MCU, multiple universes and multiple timelines are the same thing right. Please correct me if I am wrong

@MsJadeyO - 16.11.2021 14:16

I now feel like I need to be an astrophysicist in order to fully understand this. So let me get this right. Let's say TIME started today and ended tomorrow. It would continue to start and end everyday infinitely with small variations that lead to the same outcome. But when a variation is so big that the end of the original timeline changes that would be considered a variant?

@tufflegirl35 - 01.10.2021 12:42

I get it thank you so much I never saw it as one like linear events but as many event strung together to look as one

@David-yp5jf - 30.09.2021 03:35

So basically as long as a multiverse does not derive in the creation of a Kang then is it allowed to exist by the TVA, including for example a universe with an aligator Loki where Kang is not born so it is allowed to exist… I really hope the MCU doesn’t get screwed up with time travel because plot holes and logic failures are around every corner…

@justcesaramiel7750 - 29.09.2021 12:57

Iam still confuse...If loki and slyvie supposed to go to the castle where kang is in,why did it branched out in the 1st place?

@ironwastaken - 13.09.2021 20:29

This timeline theory is more difficult to me than my entire final exam syllabus ;-;

@gogicore - 08.09.2021 03:06

think of the TVA as Wandavision
Ralph Boner plays fake pietro, but Wanda didnt care as long as he stayed in the Pietro script, even if it was a completely different man, she kept him and didnt harm her until he intervened with her plans and tried to destroy the hex.

The TVA doesnt care abut variants, to them is just actors playing the same role eternally for ever, but if someone doesnt do or say whats written in the script (like when Agatha Harkness purposelly messed up her lines in episode 5 to confuse Vision) then the TVA has to intervene, play it back (literally just like wanda would do) until the actor plays his role right.

This only also goes to show how insanely powerful Wanda is (yes im a wanda simp)

@xaldinfash8252 - 07.09.2021 04:18

So confusing...so is one timeline made up of varioud universes? Or is one universe made up of difft timelines? Cuz last ep of WHAT IF had two timelines contained into ONE universe since we had 2 versions of dr strange...yet Loki series seems to tell us the opposite...

@sankai91 - 04.09.2021 16:28

That's not a satisfying explanation to me.

There technically has to be at least two, maybe three different spaces of connected, yet separated timelines.
1) Where the timelines have "variants" (where most stories are taking place in) - basically the "sacred timeline"
2) The TVAs timeline, which has a timeline separated from the sacred timeline, where they decide who is going to fix what variant branch.
3-ish) The castles timeline. (Although I'd say it's connected to the second one)

Why does it need to have this differentiation?
Because if there wasn't, then the TVA would ALWAYS see EVERY variants branches, resulting in an infinite number of TVA agents entering the timeline to fix it, sent from different "times" from the TVA.

What doesn't make sent to me is, that are:
After the one who remains died, there should and has to have a time branch where he rises again and take over everything again - because as he explained, he was a human after all. He was created from the timelines which are breaking off now, so how can there not be a timeline in which he just takes it over again because he got so far?

Anyways, none of them explains why Mobius didn't recognize Loki at the end.

That's why I clearly think that we are still not seeing "all" timelines, but still only a fraction of the timelines, where the one who remains had control over a subset of timelines - maybe because he thought he was supreme or maybe because he made deals with himselfs to define which timelines are under whose controls.
Loki hasn't been sent back to his subset of timelines, but in another one, where stuff happened similarly to what we watched during this show, leaded by another character.

@roseJ96 - 02.09.2021 07:20

This interview cleared up so much for me. And fortunately it’s helping more people realize that Loki and Sylvie are neither related nor the same people. Rewatching scenes in the show, I can see it more clearly. The show is definitely something you have to watch very closely to pick up on all the intricacies of what makes the sacred timeline and the multiverse.

@rhysbobaggins3585 - 23.08.2021 14:17

If you need to go watch a video explaining how the show works, that's failure as a writer. You need to give the audience enough clues to deduce everything on their own. It's disappointing for an audience to be left riddled with questions and confusion to the extent where an explanation video is required; but the only reason this video works is because of that interview. As opposed to a normal explanation video where someone looks deeper into intertextual references and speculates meaning. In this video screencrush resolved the major burning questions in 8 minutes. Out of all the dialogue in this show why couldn't Waldron just articulate an explanation the same way he did in a short interview; or at least in that final monologue. It's especially problematic when you give the audience that huge exposition dump at the start of the show (when Loki's learning about varients) then continue on with the story without elaborating further, so the audience is basing everything they see for the rest of the show on this surface level exposition on the set rules of this show/ universe. The proof is in the pudding; you're all here questioning this burning plothole. In conclusion I am heavily criticising Waldron's lack of consideration for dramatic meaning in his writing for Loki. However I completely acknowledge how outstanding the writing was in other aspects of the show.

@paolocontest3610 - 20.08.2021 16:53

So is the sacred timeline an infinite number tv screens?

@williamchang2947 - 20.08.2021 05:34

TLDR: There is no Freewill in the MCU, as time is framed in a deterministic way.

His explanation lead me to believe that there is no free will in the mcu universe. This does not mean that the characters can't "experience" free will , it means that an external observer of time will see every instance of time at once, both future and past. Using his example, by the time he decides what to say in the interview, his future self has already said the same thing, and his past self WILL say the same thing. All of this can be observed at once. Yet, parallel timelines can also be observed, but they shouldn't interact with one another. In a sense that, if one timeline is identical to the other, that doesn't mean they are the same, and if, in a particular point in time, a slight difference is observed from one timeline to another , they are not actually "branching", as they have been parallel timellines from the very start, they just happened to be identical until that point. Again, using his example, in the timeline that he """""decides"""" to say "f* you", he was supooesed to do so, he was expected to do so, as his future self has already done it, and this timeline has nothing to do with the one he says "hey nice to meet you" . What you guys think?

@daylanjudebernaldez3628 - 15.08.2021 13:10

Is the TVA bias to loki's? Most variants that are pruned are loki's? I think kang is up to something, i think there's a possibility that the one who can stop kang is a loki variant, that's why he takes all loki variants to stop it from happening!? Just my theory tho! What u think?

@nlm9587 - 10.08.2021 19:22

God want the answer and he wouldn't just give it. Shut up and tell it pls. Just trying to make the video longer. You talked about this in your videos already fuck

@stefanvandersandt3956 - 10.08.2021 13:20

The way I see it, there is already a multiverse. If you look at the blue glowy line that is the visual representation of time in the final episode, youll see it is actually made of millions of little glowy lines (as pointed by the video). This is implies that there actually are an infinite number of timelines and universes (since each timeline is its own universe), but they all follow a specific flow, the Sacred Flow of Time, if you would call it that. This is why I think the writers kinda messed up the naming of the whole premise. They shouldnt have called it the Sacred Timeline, they shouldve called it The Sacred Flow of Time.
Infinite number of timelines, infinte number of universes, but they all follow a relatively similar flow of time, and small variations which allows for different appearances of characters are okay, but no big enough variations to alter the entire timeline for that specific branch.

This also still allows for the Sorcerers of the Mystic Arts to still be useful and not be contradicted, as their main purpose as said in the first Doctor Strange movie, is to protect the earth Multiversal and Multidimensional threats. But you know, how could they, if there isnt a multiverse?

TLDR, there is already a multiverse, but every universe in the multiverse follows the same flow of time, the Sacred Time Flow (thats what Im calling it now)

@DiegoSanchez-gt1hu - 09.08.2021 22:41

What’s the difference between the multiverse and the timeline, like is there a bunch of multiverses right now and there were also there before, with their own timelines?

@branflake3171 - 07.08.2021 19:00

So an analogy for this would be, He Who Remains is sitting on a couch (The castle outside of time) watching several TV's simultaneously (The sacred timeline, which should be called the sacred timelines) and whenever a show he doesn't like comes on (a timeline resulting in a He Who Remains/Kang variant), he files a complaint about the show getting it canceled (orders the TVA via Time Keepers to prune the timeline). Only thing I don't get is the purpose of arresting variants

@EpicMickeyFanOfficial - 06.08.2021 21:08

This made so much sense. Thanks for making this video!

@Keep.it_a.hunnit - 05.08.2021 22:37

I'm such a huge fan of Alan Watts I was so happy to see them use a clip of him in the show

@ShadowtheRonin - 05.08.2021 09:48

It's like watching a million tvs all showing the same TV series but the details are slightly different. If one series goes off the rails and the plot changes, you call the studio and have it cancelled.

@foodiejourneyadventures - 05.08.2021 04:59

Is there a difference between timelines, realities, and universes in the MCU?
