NURSE PRACTITIONER 2.5 YEARS LATER | Regrets, Lessons and Advice for future NP | Fromcnatonp

NURSE PRACTITIONER 2.5 YEARS LATER | Regrets, Lessons and Advice for future NP | Fromcnatonp


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Fromcnatonp - 14.03.2021 22:12

This video is my experience and mine alone, I do want to say I have no issue with online programs! I have issue with fast tract program because I do think they are putting you at a disadvantage of being a good provider for your patient. Take time to nurture your skills as a nurse before becoming a NP!

Danica Harrell
Danica Harrell - 20.10.2023 09:07

I think if the training in NP school was the same modality as PA school and rigorous means of acceptance into the schools, we wouldn’t be having the conversation about needing to have a certain level of clinical experience as a nurse per se. A lot of people that enter the direct entry programs have clinical experiences, not as a nurse though, so they have been exposed to bedside healthcare in some manner. However, the training of PA starts you out from scratch just like you would in medical school, training you to be a provider. However, NP school has a lackadaisical approach and basically throws you out to the wolves. Not everybody wants to wait to have atleast work experience 3+ years of experience before going back to school. If we graduate with our BSN, we want to be able to go straight like literally everybody else can and still become efficient providers. It’s the modality of the NP education that needs to change

many moms
many moms - 08.10.2023 12:49

Did you go to school online ?! This is a weird, stupid question for people to ask you. I think it must be something peculiar to local perceptions and lack of understanding about the role. I'm in the UK so different I guess. I did my masters online it's still a master's from a top uni. So daft people think it's a lesser degree / training

Johnson Williams
Johnson Williams - 02.10.2023 00:12

Something it doesn't matter how hard you study you also need to pray to God for success

Carlos Kelvin
Carlos Kelvin - 02.10.2023 00:08

The AANP test is very difficult to pass i can't believe i failed after studying with so many material

Jenny Clark
Jenny Clark - 30.09.2023 20:55

I just failed the nurse practitioner exam. 😭😭😓 l cannot begin to articulate the level of
embarrassment and heartache I'm feeling. 😢I'm confident that I'll be a good nurse. I just need to get past this, move on and persevere

Jenny Clark
Jenny Clark - 30.09.2023 20:55

I just failed the nurse practitioner exam. 😭😭😓 l cannot begin to articulate the level of
embarrassment and heartache I'm feeling. 😢I'm confident that I'll be a good nurse. I just need to get past this, move on and persevere

Jenny Clark
Jenny Clark - 30.09.2023 20:55

I just failed the nurse practitioner exam. 😭😭😓 l cannot begin to articulate the level of
embarrassment and heartache I'm feeling. 😢I'm confident that I'll be a good nurse. I just need to get past this, move on and persevere

nelly belly
nelly belly - 16.09.2023 04:20

Some people learn different a fast track program might be good for one person and hard for the next in NY the clinical hours for the fast track program are the same as any other school besides fast track programs are packed with what you need to know otherwise people that went to these schools wouldn’t pass the boards let’s be honest here you learn more in the field anyway these programs are just to pass the state exams after that in the real world things are done and taught differently

SC, PCP - 13.09.2023 07:28

I think it really depends where you are located. Nurse practitioners in our area are highly respected and get paid just as much as MDs.

Cat Du
Cat Du - 25.07.2023 16:31

It is so hard to find an in person np school, ive been looking for one here in CO.

FlorBunbury - 21.07.2023 09:46

Thank you for the video🩷

Madame X
Madame X - 17.07.2023 11:29

WHITE & PROUD too!!!! Isn’t it great!!!!!

Christina Andre
Christina Andre - 13.07.2023 05:43

I regret not specializing in pediatrics instead of family medicine. After 2 years as FNP I know I am not just happiest but at my clinical best sitting on the floor using a puzzle toy to interact with an autistic 5 year old during her well child exam. I find adult medicine emotionally exhausting but am having trouble now leaving fsmily to do peds because of my degree and certification

Colt1968 95
Colt1968 95 - 08.07.2023 23:09

I’ve had nothing but the highest respect for N.P.’s if anything I think they made the right choice instead of having no life because your a doctor that’s permanently busy except for a few weeks a year till they retire. N.P.’ are smart in more ways than one 👍👍

FAVOUR SIMS - 05.07.2023 17:55

I listened to everything you said and the reasons you regret being an NP ain’t no reasons at all! You do you and don’t discourage others. If you regret it, stop practicing! I went through the fast track program and I’m an excellent nurse. If you can do the fast track program, do it! Everyone learns differently. Whether online or not, you still have to put in the clinical hours which are definitely not online! Please say something else and bring down this video

Lily - 01.07.2023 21:35

Are you originally from Jamacia . Thanks for the info I had a dream of becoming a nursing praticioner. Still working toward it .

Ginger and Spice😺
Ginger and Spice😺 - 23.06.2023 02:56

I was thinking of going to nightingale college, its online for bsn! I want to specialize in wounds.

Eanonamous - 17.06.2023 20:17

NPs are effectively practicing medicine. Many even want to call themselves doctors. Patients are confused, and it does cause harm. The educated and affluent public can freely make their decisions. The people hurt by the lack of training will be minorities and people in poverty. Even the "superior" NP programs produce "providers" with a fraction of the training of physicians. If you want to practice medicine, go get an MD/DO.

toughsuga2 - 02.06.2023 11:39

I like the informed information you provided

Lalaine Nash
Lalaine Nash - 20.05.2023 08:04

I beg to disagree that becoming an NP is an easier route compare to PA. First, you have to have a Bachelor degree, pass a state board exam/FNP certification (RN/APRN), and have at least two years experience as an RN to become an NP.

Where you go to school doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, it’s all about the individual knowledge, talent, problem solving/communication skills, and most of all attitude that matter. It’s an advice I got from a highly respected ER doctor.

I got my FNP degree online with 27 years under my belt as an ER RN and was able to pass my FNP(BC) certification two months after my graduation. The only difference between me and those who went to Ivy League Schools is that I don’t have 6 figure student loan. LOL ;D

I am also happy and satisfied with my job. Thank you.

Stinkster Rekerinski
Stinkster Rekerinski - 02.05.2023 17:11

You are brown skinned. There is never been a black person in the history of mankind. That's foolish.

Kaykay - 30.04.2023 16:25

I have been a FNP for about 9 years and love it. I knew I didn't want to be in a hospital setting. I prefer working in a clinic, so you must know what you want to do before spending the money. I have NOT experienced the negative vibes associated with being an NP. However, doctors don't respect the role unless you have a DNP, and patients won't respect you if you give them medication that doesn't work. Doctors will not hire you if you have no clinical practice, especially in the restrictive states. This is why many have graduated but can't find a job. This role comes with a higher liability, far more significant than an RN's role. You want to choose a school that will teach you and spend the money to guide you. I went to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and let me tell you, there was NOTHING easy about it. If you don't get the proper education, you will not feel comfortable in the NP role and will eventually go back to bedside nursing. It's not easy money. I work much harder as an NP than I did as an RN, and being an RN was less stressful. So please, do your homework and ensure this is right for you. That's the wonderful thing about nursing, there are so many avenues you can take.

Vee Bliss
Vee Bliss - 08.04.2023 00:45

Idk I would like a clinic setting, better hours , off holidays , more family time and less trauma and drama from cc

Vee Bliss
Vee Bliss - 08.04.2023 00:34

NP job shortage is real our hospital just let them go

Vee Bliss
Vee Bliss - 08.04.2023 00:33

Can’t you just get a certificate for acute care since you already have a masters

R HN - 28.03.2023 11:46

I was told to do FNP and not Peds NP because I'd be more marketable. I didn't listen because I knew my love for peds drives my passion for nursing. I never regretted it, even when I couldn't find a PNP position. Not finding a PNP position, led me to go back to grad school for my PhD. Turned out my passion was in nursing education and research...whodathunk!!

Push Body Push Mind
Push Body Push Mind - 28.03.2023 01:08

Who cares what people think! All nurses at any level are valuable. Let it roll off your shoulders and focus on your purpose to save lives 💪

Hubert Schulz
Hubert Schulz - 26.03.2023 13:04

Obviously AANP exam has been a pain in my ass, but that won't bother me anylonger i have gotten my license already thanks to you Mr James God bless you more cuz you made it possible for me

HSS - 12.03.2023 05:32

What do you hate about FNP? What's the problems?

HSS - 12.03.2023 05:30

Adding a barrier to entry and trying to make it hard to get into Nurse practitioning and DNP'ing is just silly. The fact that you can be approved for a program in a couple hours is a good thing. Do you really think an institution needs more than a week to review you as a candidate? No they do not. It's all just a charade and foolishness. You are either qualified or you are not. Making the wait longer is irrational imo or illogical.

Siara JORGE - 09.03.2023 01:06

You don’t like the negative connotations that’s people have for you as a NO that makes you dislike it 40% ignore those haters and keep it trucking

The New Generation
The New Generation - 03.03.2023 03:00

Honestly I'm trying to see if this job is for me. I'm in nursing school now and I was planning on getting my masters but after hearing everything y'all have to do, I don't if I'm cut out for it. Y'all are basically doctors and I'm having trouble retaining nursing medical knowledge. How did you guys remember everything after graduating and know you were doing it right?

Abra Kadabrah
Abra Kadabrah - 27.02.2023 03:57

Gone are the days where you can trust your life to a nurse.
Don't get sick!!!!
Also many doctors are going to garbage 3rd world countries to get their MDs...
Yep, can't trussss ya docta
All are enamoured with status, money...titanic egos....
And bet that most of the population
They have to solely
Rely on the person
In front of them!!!!

Abra Kadabrah
Abra Kadabrah - 27.02.2023 03:51

If one is not too smart
Nursing home is da place to hide.
A prominent health system has imported
Nurses with masters...
Their incompetent...and the doctor had to do her work
as well as his...
Travel nurses...another specialty where many hide...
And also the midnight shift...

Wisdumb - 22.02.2023 18:16

You’ll learn on the job. MDs do this as well. I myself try not to care too much about outside perspective looking in. I do me.

Jacob Kowski
Jacob Kowski - 13.02.2023 02:33

Is it really difficult to find a job as an NP? I am wondering if it’s worth spending so much time and money to get an NP degree to me

Grace’s Place
Grace’s Place - 10.02.2023 08:16

Nursing makes me want to throw myself down a flight of stairs or do lines after every shift now. I’m ready to quit but idk what other job to do 🤦🏽‍♀️

Blackbeard - 09.02.2023 18:20

NPs have no place but handling the most simple cases in the ED.

Edwin Lobato
Edwin Lobato - 08.02.2023 03:56

I'm getting a BSN and am interested in NP and public health. Will follow you and thanks for sharing!

Fair Beauty
Fair Beauty - 03.02.2023 04:32

Hmm… why TH do you even business what others think??🙄This is literally the most confusing video I have ever watched. I don’t mean to judge, but I take this as you lack serious confidence. You’re so negative on yourself all because of “others”?! I personally would never take any advice from you. You’re lost! TF did I just watch here?! Next time grow a plant

Glacier Diamonds
Glacier Diamonds - 31.01.2023 00:08

Not sure why you feel that way about the online question it could be just as easy to assume they are just interested in the career path that’s possible

Wes - 18.01.2023 20:41

You sound like you have the same attitude as the NP I just had a horrible appointment with. Because of that experience I am never going back to another NP or PA. I think discussing options when you are in the office and hearing a patients feelings are a benefit. The NP I had more or less told me this is the decision they made. Luckily, I had a visit with my cancer doctor the following day. He changed and added some medicine and it has had good result. I am not even saying they were wrong, what the wanted to do probably would have worked. I felt I was not getting a full hearing or listened to and was getting a short term answer to a long term problem

Djimmy M
Djimmy M - 08.01.2023 17:29

I agree with you.
It’s a shame that one can become an NP online… I do not see NPs as a patient because I cannot trust her/his education…

Mathew Ajemba
Mathew Ajemba - 08.01.2023 07:10

You are more than welcome to go back to bedside nursing full-time lol

Mathew Ajemba
Mathew Ajemba - 08.01.2023 07:08

Pure nonsense waste of my 10 minutes that I will not get back. The world does not revolve around you ok

Christina Wright
Christina Wright - 07.01.2023 23:54

Such an inspiration ✨️ im in lpn school now and work as a cna ( which i love) and you totally inspired me to go the full way and get my np. Ill look back to this and definitely big you up! God bless

Brandon Beck
Brandon Beck - 03.01.2023 19:58

I just got my FNP, i got it because it is flexible, but yes if you want to be in acute care working in a hospital it is the wrong degree. I came from a degree mill - chamberlain university. They say they have preceptorship assistance which in reality is them giving you the white pages and saying call around. If the state or federal laws make these programs create relationships with current practitioners to precept students then the enrollment would go way down. From 2nd year to 3rd year at the big get together skill weekends it went from probably 1200 students down to 400. My guess is most people in FNP school don’t get preceptorships. Now if someone asks me if I went to school online the easy answer is “yes, but I started march of 2020. All the college classes went to online at this time for about 2 years.” Unless people graduated pre 2020 many of their classes will have been online. I am currently getting my state licenses and going to apply for dermatology offices. I think the FNP role is a meat grinder otherwise. It will chew you up and spit you out, cog in the wheel. I saw my preceptors being ground to death, no life working their asses off all day and I live in a slow rural environment. I bet in a city they are getting murdered with work in the office. 20 patients a day is busy in a family practice. I have heard of people seeing 35-40. That is insane, you would be doing your documentation at night and every day your off and checking your tasks at night and days off. Screw that I did not work my ass of to get here to then work my ass off non stop for the man. I think as an FNP with some patience you can find a job that fits your lifestyle and doesn’t ruin/ consume your life completely.

Erin Norwood
Erin Norwood - 26.12.2022 01:35

lots of np jobs at Jencare and HCA

Tina2tu - 23.12.2022 01:04

This is so helpful as I begin the process of going back to school! There’s always a good and bad side to everything. Thank you for this❤
