Why I'm quitting my job as a psychologist

Why I'm quitting my job as a psychologist

the psych diaries

1 год назад

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protection - 26.09.2023 21:47

If someone repeats this several times a day for three months, you are a dumb, stupid, stupid person
The listener believes that he has these characteristics
In this case, how can you discard this belief?
And believe that he is smart!
My self-confidence is destroyed
I think I'm dumb, I stopped doing everything, even studying
It's bothering me a lot that my sister fights every day several times a day for two to three months and she calls me a dumb idiot. Really, my self-confidence is the only thing I lost.
I am afraid that the voice of that stupid bitch is really ringing in my ears.
Can you please answer, thank you in advance

BlackBeltRick321 - 14.09.2023 11:53

Get a Ph.D.

NicoleTV - 02.09.2023 21:08

I have a degree in Drama and Psychology, I didn't do it to become a therapist, I did it because I wanted to understand people and the world around me

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐕𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐍 - 01.09.2023 00:59

I love the thumbnail I think its hilarious "I quit" coming from a uber driver who still lives with his parents at 25. (oldest brother and stressing)

Trump lied People died
Trump lied People died - 31.08.2023 05:43


Sarah EL BAKRI - 24.08.2023 00:37

I decided to go on break after being a psychologist for more than 6 years now. Only people in the same field can understand.

God - 23.08.2023 11:53

In fact, all the governments should help the scientists to find better psychology with lesser side effects, rather than repressing psychology. It is stupid. All these governments should make an effort that better psychology are available which give you more euphoria, more joy, and no side effects. Now science is capable of doing it. Science could have figured it out very easily.... LSD can be more purified, and then it should be made available without prescription, through medical stores, through hospitals. In fact, every hospital should have a room. Anybody who wants a psychology experience under medical care, he should be given it, because it is worth having.

Elaine Dias
Elaine Dias - 21.08.2023 05:41

I hope that you have a great time in Brazil. I am Brazilian and I have just been approved to the 5+1 Ahpra program so that is why I ended up finding your video. I am glad that you are taking time to yourself. Brazil isn’t that bad, always try to be safe and you will be fine! Have fun!😊😊

Britney Lashaun
Britney Lashaun - 18.08.2023 19:14

Never have I ever seen one of your videos, but this one popped up, and I know exactly why. Excited for your journey! You will be safe and you will be protected. 🙏🏾 Go, get rest, get clarity! All the best! 💛

Sky Blue
Sky Blue - 17.08.2023 11:45

hello dear! how are you doing ? how's the trip ? hope everything's fine. Take care!

Anokhi - 08.08.2023 16:36

Ro you'll be fine and shall definitely continue to rock. I followed your channel some two years ago and it was amazing to see you being such a breath of fresh air. I love that you are taking this step and being courageous. My best wishes to you, take care and hope to meet you in person some day. And I love that song "To Brazil". Since you are going there just dance your way through to this song. Happy journey!

John Rainsman
John Rainsman - 02.08.2023 21:43

I'm going to apply to a new job because the hours here are slow and competitive, I don't get along so well with my coworkers, and I can't stand my boss. Both applications (that I found online) ask about my previous workplace and my employer. One says "Company, Phone, Address, Supervisor, Job Title, Starting Salary, Ending Salary" etc. The other mentions employer's name and address. So either company would really contact my boss? I don't want that; I worry she would make me look bad. I admit, I've made mistakes at my current job that she's witnessed. Not enough to fire me, but still. I mean, sure, I'm a very hard worker, and she once thanked me for it (though it sounded fake in tone, like she was JUST saying it). BUT...there were times I seemed irresponsible. I'll spare the time on the details unless someone asks for it. Let's just say she isn't so much the context-understanding type (especially since my learning disability makes me do "dumb" things). She's one of the reasons I want to leave the job: to stop feeling like an idiot and be more competent somewhere else. And that's precisely one reason I do not want her speaking of me for this other job. Meanwhile, for said mistakes, how do I know she won't mention them, thus costing me my potential new job? IS her name and address so they can contact her?

Rosa indica
Rosa indica - 30.07.2023 14:28

I love how you just chat with us. You really talk to us. I'm glad you have not used music in your video. I wish this trend would come to an end. The way I felt involved in your video was so new to me cause in other videos, you don't exactly absorb into the conversation but are just listening from afar (don't know if this makes any sense)

Seneca Goes
Seneca Goes - 30.07.2023 06:08

This is not a message to the video poster, just my thoughts on the profession. Having been a Counselor in several subdisciplines, the work of providing therapy to a patient never burned me out. Most of the issues I've ever had are with paper work and poor management in charge of my position. I guess I learned to take my patient's issues seriously but never take them onto myself. Once I leave the office, I leave everything there. I know that's not easy for most to do, but being able to disconnect made all the difference in the world. However, if emotional labor or compassion fatigue have taken hold, you HAVE to take a break, and it's truly not about you: it's about doing what's best for the patient's. Patient's deserve a therapist who is all the way in and all the way "there" and present at all times. Anything less is adjacent--if not tantamount--to malpractice.

elyssa nicole
elyssa nicole - 25.07.2023 05:22

about 1-2 years ago i used to watch your videos to give me motivation to become a psychologist.
but now i think i realized that psychology is just not for me, i think that i need therapy instead to trying to give others therapy.
this is a decision that i made very recently and i don’t know if ill regret it.
i am very passionate about reading and writing so i think i will major in journalism and minor in something else to i can become a book editor, or maybe something in the fashion field like fashion marketing or PR because i feel like i would love that.
Plus i want to study in NYC and that would give me more opportunities in the journalism field than psychology.

I just want to say thank you for your videos they did play a big part of my career decision.

Zippo Amerika
Zippo Amerika - 16.07.2023 08:11

hey, ….. what do you really want to do? I mean really want to do.

Mason Blue
Mason Blue - 05.07.2023 03:59

I mean considering you can lose your license for telling a boy he isn't a girl is wild.

Darth MadV
Darth MadV - 02.07.2023 16:12

Burnout is completely normal in any career… You have a curious mind… as all psych graduates do… I think most graduates who spends so long trying to achieve status… once that have that status/career… it’s like “What am I missing, what HAVEN’T I done yet… I feel like I’m missing out on travelling..” so… congratulations on this new journey! I’m about to start honours year next year and I KNOW I’m going to be just like you a year or 2 into my career. Life should contain VARIETY… Seek variety.

pure wisdom
pure wisdom - 10.06.2023 09:24

good girl ♥️ Have a nice trip ♥️

R G - 02.06.2023 17:48

Can anyone guide how to get registered as psychologist in Australia, i am a Registered Clinical psychologist in India

Umm Jibreel
Umm Jibreel - 28.05.2023 14:32

Stay safe Ro and happy travels! You should go to Dubai or one of the gulf countries and even Morocco is really nice. I think also consider looking in to spirituality for self-care. I’m a provisional psychologist and a Muslim. Islam keeps me intact, when I pray I hand over any issues I’m facing to God and leave it up to Him. I think it’s hard for psychologists being a care profession but we’re only humans ourselves, we need someone to look after us too. All the best dear 🌸

kana - 21.05.2023 02:45

Hi im from brazil hope ur trip goes well. Stay safe and enjoy ur time in our country. We have many friendly ppl here so dw. As many places, it also depends on location too so just be cautious at night however during daytime its usually safe to go anywhere

Marc N
Marc N - 15.05.2023 08:46

"promosm" 😣

Benjamin Mathis
Benjamin Mathis - 14.05.2023 06:59

Is there a brazil update

gobble_goblin333 - 13.05.2023 16:27

Hi Ro,
I am still in highschool and watching your past videos has helped me so much, and I just want you to know that I appreciate them immensely. I'm glad you can follow your dreams now, and I wish you the best of luck!

Regardless, I will be graduating soon, and I really want to ask you some questions as someone with experience in the field. When I apply for jobs as a psychologist in australia, how important is the ranking of my uni for my bachelor's and master's? Also, if I complete a course that is APAC accredited with conditions, how does that affect the journey towards becoming a clinical psychologist? I'm an international student so those things are extra important to me cuz I can't freely change my school or course!

I would very much appreciate your answer!

Study with Sadha....
Study with Sadha.... - 12.05.2023 13:17

I wish to become a psychologist .But my dad is opposing my dream that he thinks it as a foolish dream😭.
So please give me an idea to convince him....

Arianna Abreu Lantigua
Arianna Abreu Lantigua - 09.05.2023 15:56

After i graduate i decided to study another career as an occupational therapist , it’s really hard to find stability as a young clinical psychologist

Juliana Fontes
Juliana Fontes - 06.05.2023 02:32


Sol Waters
Sol Waters - 05.05.2023 03:49

Great choice! Brazil is an awesome country and fascinating. I visited many different spiritual places and Spiritism and mediumship was an eye-opener, particularly Chico Xavier. Aproveite o Brasil! Enjoy your time off!

PSYCHIC-PSYCHO - 02.05.2023 22:18

I have absolutely no respect for psychologists, to the point where I refer to them as being "Pseudo-Scientists"; their utter ignorance in the belief that they know their clients better than the clients know themselves riles me; these Pseudo-Scientists are often wrong; thus what they practice isn't particularly scientific. Lastly I wonder why huge swathes of women are drawn to the profession of Pseudo-Science.

Stefani Silva
Stefani Silva - 02.05.2023 04:41

Brazil is horrible in bigger cities. Doesn't worth it.

Nonamer9123 - 26.04.2023 02:51

Psychologists just charge for human things-but never seem to give advice that edifies-

Julie - 25.04.2023 06:17

So nice to hear about your journey and courage. I did a similar thing and don’t regret any part of it. There is more to life than career ❤

Katrina Moses
Katrina Moses - 25.04.2023 02:07

Why are psychologists not diagnosing people in animal porn industry as mentally ill?They're sexually assaulting animals, animal cruelty.

Verbs describe us #culturacastildeviata #artgoeson
Verbs describe us #culturacastildeviata #artgoeson - 24.04.2023 01:34

Brave statement! Take care of yourself! Self care is not selfish!

Psychology Exposed
Psychology Exposed - 23.04.2023 22:15

Sounds like you suffered the sunk cost fallacy for a long while until realising you needed to quit! Well done, takes a lot of courage to face up to what you probably realised a long while ago

The channel With The Spookiest Ghost Sounds
The channel With The Spookiest Ghost Sounds - 21.04.2023 00:32

My psychiatrist almost killed me, and I spoke to a psychologist. A nature walk did more to me to be honest. I don't know how it helps anyone. I prefer my nature walks.

John Forde
John Forde - 19.04.2023 01:36

Best wishes on your Travel's . The world of Pscyhology will see you agsin

j - 12.04.2023 14:26

because they don't do jack. Only people they make better are themselves as their pockets get fatter. But then again just do waht benefits you.

M Jones
M Jones - 12.04.2023 09:35

Stay safe in your journey.

Miranda Stuart
Miranda Stuart - 11.04.2023 23:16

Well done to you! A break is so important. I am Brazilian and I really do hope you get some rest and enjoy your time there 🙌🏻❤️ all the best!

Purplecactus - 10.04.2023 18:06

Go to my hometown Curitiba , in the state of Paraná . You’re going to fall in love with that place. It’s a completely different city from the rest of Brazil because it was vastly immigrated by Europeans and Japanese . It’s the capital of Paraná ! Enjoy your time and be safe! 💚💛

I want to be a Potato
I want to be a Potato - 09.04.2023 23:36

I have just decided to peruse a career in psychology and bumped in to your Q&A video from 2 years ago and this was underneath it. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on this. ❤

Rayyan Shobowale
Rayyan Shobowale - 08.04.2023 09:34

Good luck ❤🎉

maekarlie - 08.04.2023 09:05

Congratulations! This is going to be an amazing experience and growth for you 🎉💖

Elizabeth - 07.04.2023 01:54

I might do this too. I am beyond burnt out

John Doe
John Doe - 06.04.2023 14:53

Take me with you

rfrancoi - 05.04.2023 15:42

This takes a LOT of guys. Best of luck and safe travels.
