The benefits of sauna | Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman

The benefits of sauna | Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman

Lex Clips

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@LITTLEDANNYFULTON3-de6in - 02.12.2023 18:32

Semper fi

@neopets666 - 30.11.2023 05:37

Lol low key he seems insecure talking about saunas. Just let urself get whacked with leaves don’t overthink it.

@XxBrMagicxX - 29.11.2023 23:57

Pronounce it correctly ffs

@kyle88xavi - 28.11.2023 15:55

Get "The Pressure Cooker" started immediately 😂

@reneeraw6927 - 26.11.2023 21:32

I’ve been considering buying a sauna for my home for a long time. I’m glad I didn’t purchase an infrared sauna after listening to this podcast.

What exact type of sauna is recommended?

@brenhinbranko8614 - 21.11.2023 19:45

Help! I can only afford one of those pop ip sauna tents. They reach only around 50 degrees celcicius.
Is there anything I can do to increase that?
Could I wear a sweat suite suite?

@FireDrillNinja - 21.11.2023 01:10

I have a pet mouse. Will Mr. Butter Beans get the same positive effects from sauna as humans do???

@kaychandler3820 - 12.11.2023 22:04

I do 15-20 mins 4x a week is that good for the body also

@showponie - 12.11.2023 07:20

My eyes always get blood shot and feel dry after my sauna

@notnotjake - 08.11.2023 06:18

Did my first sauna today and I loved it. It’s such a great feeling

@chuckylamb4398 - 07.11.2023 19:40

I get in the sauna twice a week for about 15-20 mins and then get back into the swimming pool after a warm shower to cool off. It is a pleasure not an ordeal! Why does everything good for you have to be unpleasant!!

@jakobhecht5257 - 08.10.2023 23:32

I'm German and go to sauna since 35 years. Since 3 years I go iceswimming. In Germany its prohibited to wear clothing in the sauna

@viking933 - 07.10.2023 19:05

Just americans Go in Sauna with clothes 🤡🤡

@shownoregret9957 - 25.09.2023 18:41

Is it useless below 80 C?

@JayJay-ni4mc - 20.09.2023 03:21

I really dont know why they never ever talk about the wim hof method of cold exposure.

@JayJay-ni4mc - 20.09.2023 03:18

So, if i understand that: you must go to the sauna till you feel dizzy,must spitting and get headaches and then you leave WITHOUT a cold shower and after 10 mins you go back till you feel very very bad again….😅 i can be in a 90 degrees celcius sauna (194Fahrenheit) for about 20-30 mins maximum for 2 times.
But i pause for 20mins and go for a cold shower after.
Sometimes i get headaches from this.
I never met someone who can make more(even if there probably a lot of ppl)
I cant imagine how they did this in this studies.
I hope they get payd very well for this (or they found some really really poor ppl for this)

@jannesuomi1779 - 09.09.2023 21:48

Hi, im from Finland the land of saunas you could say 😄. In here saunas are everywhere, apartments, houses, cottages you name it. The thing is, 100 degree celsius saunas are really really hot, if you are not adapted for heat exposure you should stick to a 80 celsius in the sauna max at the start. You can throw water on the rocks and increase the temperature that way for your own liking if that is not enough.

In Finland everybody does saunas very often, even when we are going out drinking etc, that usually involves a sauna session (healthy drinking i suppose). And i can say, i have never been to a 100+ celsius sauna, 80-90 is the most common here and it is plenty enough with a good bucket of water to throw.

Im not questioning the benefits from 100 celsius saunas, just trying to lay information to someone who is starting to use saunas that i would atleast advice to start very mildly. Anyways, great video and solid information!

@antjmi - 03.09.2023 07:34

I am literally in the sauna 5 times a week after my workout....always passing on Humbermans knowledge when chatting to people lol....Greetings from London

@josephdirnfeld3593 - 22.08.2023 05:10

I hardly believe huberman

@jd3671 - 09.08.2023 06:51


@Calivacation200 - 05.08.2023 17:41

And is that 30 mins at once or can they be in like 3 different sessions?

@Calivacation200 - 05.08.2023 17:39

What about steam room?

@Y_fitness - 30.07.2023 14:27

I remember him saying 20 mins rather than 30 mins

@jimbud4439 - 13.07.2023 16:49

Don’t forget to ice your nuts if you’re a male. Heat will negatively effect testicular health and as a result testosterone.

@ableton909 - 11.07.2023 23:50

Car works as a great free sauna in summer 👍

@Ty-Telco - 09.07.2023 23:25

In the sauna now 👍

@JA-mj9re - 06.07.2023 18:14

Not 30 minutes they say 15-20 minutes.

@nberger6984 - 04.07.2023 07:23

Did he ever explain the third way to use the sauna. I heard the hgh 2 hour protocol and then 30 mins multiple days a week to reduce likelihood of cardio death.

@innosanto - 29.06.2023 13:42

People who do Sauna do other stuff as well with regard to experiment.

@innosanto - 29.06.2023 13:41

2 hours saune exposure with 3 breaks.

@innosanto - 29.06.2023 13:40

The first example is not applicable to usual use.

@bigboiaim1298 - 28.06.2023 09:58

How do you know if you’ve done damage/over did it in the sauna, bc I defo push through wanting to get out and I feel defo exhausted and hot but I don’t feel like sick sick, a little dizzy and feel dehydrated but I rehydrate so. I guess I’m just trying to say is how do you know you’ve done damage and if you have done damage can you fix it?

@alextee2005 - 19.06.2023 17:59

Where I live, its more convenient for a steam room than a sauna. 50°C of steam for 10 mins feels difficult already. How doees 30 mins of sauna in 80-100°C compare?

@artist1303 - 05.06.2023 05:35

Best $2000 sauna?

@bonnie3937 - 02.06.2023 07:39

I love listening to the two of them together. I hope they do a sauna and cold plunge podcast!

@Generallyannoyed2024 - 28.05.2023 07:19

Who the heck has a 176-212 degree Sauna!?

@Klmrc - 17.05.2023 06:52

When is this joint sauna cold plunge gonna happen? We cant wait

@Silvermane - 04.05.2023 14:38

I get in move about, breathe strong breaths, even do war cries just to get me through that cold shock.

@likskirtspleetscreen - 04.05.2023 07:40

Immagine all the people that do sauna, cold exposure, training, yoga, meditation…. And then in the end, they can’t love the people they have around.

@MahmudFahmidHusain - 04.05.2023 05:14


@wrathlurtik - 26.04.2023 23:47

Can't afford a gym with a sauna, close the windows in your car in a sunny day 😎.

@user-rizzwan - 25.04.2023 23:40

Cool but what about the balls

@ShervinShares - 23.04.2023 20:27

when's the Sauna & Cold Plunge podcast coming??

@hillhousetrucking8572 - 20.04.2023 01:14

Ok im confused. If you do jujitsu often and want to recover you should not do saunas often?

@RJ-df2kr - 18.04.2023 15:25

Is it safe to go for a cold swim almost immediately after doing a 15-30 minutes sauna?

@joyliving4542 - 16.04.2023 14:00

IF what your saying is true, that the sauna ultimately increases endorphins then it’s no wonder Finland is the happiest country in the world.

@Pr1y4nk - 15.04.2023 19:05

Great content. Please fix your lighting in the studio.

@ondreaplays - 13.04.2023 16:35

My two fav podcasters <3

@Dan16673 - 29.03.2023 16:29

30 minutes is quite long.
